QUIZ 1-CH 7 - REFLEXES Flashcards
Stimulus: Light touch on side of face near mouth.
Positive Response: Opens mouth and turns head in direction of touch
Stimulus: Light touch on oral cavity
Positive Response: closes mouth, sucks, and swallows
Sucking / Swallowing
S: Dropping head, more than 30 degrees extended
PR: arms extend and hands open; then arms flex and hands close; infant usually cries
S: Pressure on ulnar surface of palm
PR: Fingers flex
Palmar Grasp
S: Firm pressure on ball of foot
PR: Toes grasp (flexion)
Plantar Grasp
S: Being bounced several times on soles of feet (proprioceptive stimulus)
PR: LE extensor tone increases, and plantar flexion is present. Some hip and knee flexion or genu recurvatum (hyperextension of the knee) may occur.
Neonatal positive support - primary standing
S: Head turned to one side
PR: Arm and leg on face side extend; arm and leg on skull side flex (or experience increased flexor tone)
ATNR (Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex)
S: 1. Flexed head 2. extended head
PR: 1. Arms flex and legs extend (tone increases)2. Arms extend and legs flex (tone increases)
STNR (Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex)
S: Position (laying on floor); being moved into flexion or extension
PR: 1. Extensor tone of neck UE, and LE increases when moved into flexion. 2. Flexor tone of neck UE, and LE increases when moved into extension.
TLR (Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex)
S: Suspension (usually), also active or passive dorsiflexion of head.
PR: Hips and legs extend; UE extends and abducts. Elbows can flex. (typically used to determine overall development)
S: Suspension by ankles and pelvis and sudden movement of head toward floor
S: Child pushed: 1. Forward 2. Left, right 3. Backward
PR: Shoulders flex and elbow and wrist extend (arms extend forward) to protect head; infant catches self in directions pushed: 1. Shoulder flexes and abducts; elbow and wrist extend (arms extend forward).2. Shoulder abducts, elbow and wrist extend (arms extend to the side).3. Shoulders, elbows, and wrists extend (arms extend backward) to protect head.
Protective Extension (forward parachute, sideways parachute, backward parachute, downward parachute)
S: Hand pulled to one side or shoulder pushed
PR: Head righting: non-weight bearing side – trunk flexes; UE and LE abduct and internally rotate; and elbow, wrist, and fingers extendHead righting: weight bearing side – Trunk elongates; UE and LE externally rotate; and elbow, wrist, and fingers abduct and extend.
Equilibrium - sitting