QUIZ 2 - Chapter 12 - Part 2 (Pgs 199B-211A) Flashcards
These types of injuries involve damage to muscles, nerves, skin, and/or connective tissue and include contusions, crush injuries, dislocations, and sprains.
Soft tissue injuries
This is an injury that does not disrupt the integrity of the skin and is charaterized by swelling, discoloration, and pain.
A break in the external surface of the bone caused by severe force applied against tissues (eg: finger caught in door)
crush wound or injury
displacement of a bone from its normal articulation at a joint
traumatic injury to the tendons, muscles, or ligaments around a joint and is characterized by pain, swelling, and discoloration.
Sprains are most frequently seen in the ______ and _____.
ankles and wrists
These are breaks, ruptures, or cracks in bone or cartilage.
Two types of fractures
closed and open
This type of fracture has no open wounds from the broken bone penetrating the skin.
Closed fracture
This type of fracture involves an open wound, where complications are more common.
Open fracture
Children with orthopedic conditions may exhibit difficulty with most ___________.
areas of occupation
OT practitioners help children who have orthopedic conditions in
areas of occupation
genetic information
Each chromosome is made of of tiny sections called _____.
Personal characteristics/physical expression
One of the more common types of muscular dystrophy is _________.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
What happens with people with Duchenne MD?
Muscle mass breaks down and is replaced by fat and scar tissue.
T/F - Duchenne MD is seen only in boys.
Usual cause of death for people with Duchenne MD and what age?
Most live until their 20s and most die of heart & lung complications that lead to pneumonia
When do most parents suspect their child of Duchenne MD?
When they start to walk on their toes (1 year of age)
What is it called when the spine bends sideways
what is the increased forward curve of the lower back?
One of 2000 infants born to women who are less than 40 and 1 of 40 infants born to women who are 40+ have ______.
Down Syndrome
T/F - Intervention should start for kids with down syndrome as early as 4th grade.
F - as early as possible - infancy
What is a huge factor contributing to reduction in developmental delays for infants with Down Syndrome.
This is a rare genetic condition cased by the absence of part of chromosome 5.
Cri du chat syndrome
The big characteristics of cri du chat syndrome
weak, mewing cry
failure to thrive is common
intellectual and developmental delays
Physical characteristics of Down Syndrome
can be found on P. 205 in box 12-8 - It’s a freebie. And I don’t want to type all of it.
This condition affects boys more than girls, limited brain development, abnormal skull, joints and feet structures. Elongated faces, flat feet, etc. etc.
Fragile X syndrome
3 big characteristics of Prader-Willi syndrome - think Channel 9 weather guy (he doesn’t apply to everyone)
overeating and self-mutiliation (picking sores), intellectual deficits
What will OT Practitioners do with Fragile X or Prader Willi patients?
provide strategies to help children function to full potential
Children with Down Syndrome tend to have ____ muscle tone
This system includes the nervous system and muscles of the human body
Nervous System can be divided to:
A condition in which one or more of the vertebrae are not formed properly…most common type of congenital spinal abnormality
spina bifida
3 types of spina bifida
Most severe of the three spina bifidas
Spina bifida occurs in 1 of ______ births
The cause of spina bifida may be genetic or it may result from high maternal ________ or insufficent ______.
body temp, folic acid
80 percent of infants with spina bifida also have ________ caused by excessive cerebrospinal fluid
Scoliosis or ________ may be present at birth or may develop later.
small head
This is absence or poor development of the central part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres
agenesis of the corpus collosum
This type of spina bifida can be diagnosed only by X-ray and often goes undetected
spina bifida occulta
This type of spina bifida has a bony defect in which meninges fill with spinal fluid and protrude thorugh an opening int he vertebral column
This type of spina bifida has a bony defect in which meninges fill with spinal fluid and a portion of the spinal cord with its nerves protrude through an opening in the vertebral column. This can be detected at birth.
This is a serious injury to the brain
TBI - traumatic brain injury - can also be called HI head injury or CHI closed head injury
TBI - The trauma to the brain typically results in these 3 changes
3 possible motor deficits
changes in muscle tone
and quadriplegia
Where is the list of Neurologic Disorders?
Box 12-10 P 209 - feel free to mark it if you want but it’s at least worth looking at. Then check blue for knowing it all!
There are 3 General intervention considerations for kids with TBIs
Preparatory activities
Enabling activities
Purposeful activities and occupations
Infants who are violently shaken by adults sustain serious brain damage
Shaken baby syndrom
Adult men who are violently shaken by their parental figures sustain neck and head injuries:
shaken manchild syndrom
T/F - a large percentage of children younger than 2 make a full recovery after shaken baby.
F. a very small percentage
Children with ________ are more likely to be abused or neglected.
SHAKEN BABY: __________ is the total or partial loss of vision in a normal-appearing eye caused by damage to the brain’s occipital cortex
cortical blindness
The child may have ____ caused by the brain damage sustained while shaken
cerebral palsy
During birth, stretching or tearing of the peripheral nerves that supply the arm and shoulder can cause _____________.
Erb’s palsy.
Which types of infants are more likely to get Erb’s palsy?
Infants who are born feet first or are too large for birth canal
T/F - you usually cannot tell if a child has erb’s palsy until later infancy
F - it can be diagnosed within 24 hours after birth
Fabricating an __________ may help the child support the extremity and regain function with Erb’s palsy.
Same word for both blanks: OT Practitioners working with infants and toddlers who have Erb’s palsy begin by examining the infant’s movement of the ______ and teaching parents how to support the _________.
What percentage of the general population experience seizures?
Does epilepsy occur more often in children or adults?1
Do children ever outgrow seizures?
many do
What types of things can trigger seizures?
spinning movements
flashing lights
spinning visual stimuli
What should an OT practitioner do if one of their clients has a seizure?
document child’s behavior during the seizure, the duration, and the child’s behavior before and after the seizure
T/F: Some children have frequent unprovoked seizures