Questions from previous tests Flashcards
When was Pablo Escobar Killed?
How much Did president Bush increase the war on drugs?
How many Principles of Leadership are there are what are they?
11 Principles
Know yourself and seek self improvement
Keep your subordinates informed
Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
Ensure the task is understood, supervised, accomplished.
Make sound and timely decisions.
Set the example
Build the team
Know your soldiers and look out for their well being.
Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities
What is a T-3?
It is a wire tap, requires a Judge to issue.
What Federal Code covers Counterdrug?
Title 32 USC 112
What is the GRD Mission?
It is a tactical element organized on a permanent basis for reconnaissance and training support to law enforcement counter drug activities
What is the GRD End State?
GRD will be able to provide rapid and effective reconnaissance/observation and training support to law enforcement agencies statewide by safely and effectively deploying completely autonomous teams composed of highly trained professional operators
What are GRD Operational issues?
Support must be Drug/Narco Terrorism related
GRD can only observe case specific persons, places, and things
Must have LEA in close contact/proximity
Always consider risk of a COA verse the gain
OPSEC is not optional
What is the GRD Role in Counterdrug support?
LP/OP Support They don’t have the training Equipment Personnel Time And they don’t like to do it/have the discipline
What are the 5 phases of GRD Operations?
Planning Preparation and Coordination Execution Assessing Post Mission
What does the GRD package consist of?
Training, Operation and intelligence product.
Logistical support?
Observations teams with photo/video.
Surveillance/Poto/Flir Recon
Emergency Aerial Medical Evacuation support
Mobile Training Teams
What is image projection
Appearance should fit the area 50% rule.
What type of support does GRD provide
Urban & Rural Mobile Surveillance Remote Video Surveillance Reconnaissance and Tracking Expertise Air to Ground Down link Surveillance Coordination Pre-warrant Surveillance
What goes into recording activity on a Surveillance Log
Date, time, Description, Activity.
What are the GRD Values?
Courage, Candor, Commitment
What are the GRD Professional Ethics?
Loyalty, Duty, Selfless Service, Integrity
What are the PA Principles
Security Accuracy Policy Propriety
What are the three steps of drawing a handgun?
- Gain access to handgun
- Firmly grasp grip
- Pull handgun clearly out of holster
- Rotate muzzle to target
- Obtain 2 hand grip if possible
- Extend towards target if possible
What are the four hand gun carries?
- appendix
- hip
- 5 or 7 o clock
- bag/pack