OPORD Flashcards
is a directive issued by the leader to his subordinate leaders in order to effect the coordinated execution of a specific operations
- Five paragraph format used to organized the briefing, ensure completeness, and help subordinates leaders understand and follow the order
- Use a terrain model or sketch to help explain the order
- Relays necessary info to subordinates to carry out an operation
is used to issue supplemental instructions or changes to the current OPORD
- Provides timely changes to existing orders
- Only what is changed is sent
- Follows 5 paragraph format
Supplements to OPORDS
Should amplify or clarify the OPORD
- Overlays
- Concept Sketch
- Terrain Model
- Execution Matrix
- Fire Support Matrix
- Annexes
he heading of the plan or order includes a list of maps, charts, datum, or other related documents the unit will need to understand the order.
Time Zoned Used Throughout Order
is the time zone applicable to the operation. Operations across several time zones use ZULU time
Task Organization
describes the allocation of forces to support the commander’s concept, which is shown in the preceding paragraph one, or in the annex.
- Observations and fields of fire
- Cover and Concealment
- Obstacles
- Key Terrain
- Avenues of Approach
- describe the effects on friendly and enemy forces*
Paragraph 1 Situation
a. Enemy forces: enemy order of battle, Capabilities, COA, weaknesses
1. Composition:
2. Disposition: What you currently know about the enemy (general intent, timings, and capabilities
3. Strength: Vehicles, troops, and systems be impacted by battle loss or enemy adjustment to the situation at the time you will fight
4. Most Probable COA: include actions that the enemy will likely take and reactions by friendlies
5. Most Dangerous COA: actions that the enemy can reasonably take that will have the most negative impact.
Friendly Forces
- Higher unit: Verbatim statement of the commander’s mission, intent, and CONOP and one and two levels up.
- Left unit: Mission essential task and purpose to the unit to the immediate left during operation whose task and purpose will have a direct planned impact on your operation
- Right unit: Same as above (right)
- Forward unit: Same as above (forward)
- Unit Reserve/to the rear: Same as above (reserve/rear)
- Units in Support/Reinforcing. List the CS units, which are in support or are reinforcing the higher HQ.
Attachments and Detachments
Do not repat information available in Task org.
- Paragraph 2 Mission
- This is a clear, concise statement of the mission essential task(s) to be accomplished by the unit and the purpose to be achieved. Who, What (the task), When (the critical time), Where (usually a grid coordinate) and Why (the purpose the unit must achieve)
- Paragraph 3 Execution
- Intent: is the “bridge” between the unit’s purpose and the specific COA (concept), which the commander has selected.
- Intent consist of the following:
- Purpose, key task in relation to terrain, enemy and desired end state for the operation (3-5 sentences max)
- Intent statement is mandatory for all OPORDS
- Key Task: these tasks: that must be performed by the force, or conditions that must be met in order for the unit achieve the stated purpose
- They are not tied to a specific COA, they identify the things that are fundamental to the unit’s success
- Key Task: keeps subordinates focused on the unit’s purpose when significant opportunities present themselves, or when a selected course of action is no longer applicable.
Concept of the operation
written with specific purpose and task for each maneuver element)
- Annex C (Operation Overlay, or Appendix (Concept Sketch) to Annex. C.
- Explains in general terms how the unit as a whole will accomplish the mission
- The concept statement includes the following:
- The form of maneuver or defensive technique
- The decisive point/effects to be achieved at the decisive point
- Task and Purpose for each player
- A description of how the force as a whole will accomplish the mission
- Brief description of the plan/concept of fire support
- Brief descriptions of the integration of any other combat support systems
- Articulate the concept-specific end-state for the operations
- a concept sketch, including the actions of subordinate elements at the decisive point*
- Maneuver:
addresses in detail the mechanics of the operations.
- Addresses all major subordinate maneuver units by name
- includes the mission essential task and purpose (mission statement) for each maneuver unit achieve
- Designates main effort
- Consistent with maneuver graphics.
- Maneuver sub-paragraph provides a clear, concise narrative of the scheme of maneuver form the beginning to the end of the operation
- Fires
- Task
- Purpose
- Method
- Effects
Task to maneuver units
clearly state the missions or task for each maneuver unit that reports directly to the headquarters issuing the order
– Place tactical task that affect two or more units in sub-para 3d
Task to combat support units
Use sub-paras only as necessary
Coordinating instructions
- List only instructions applicable to two or more units and not routinely covered in units SOPs
1. Time Schedule
a. PIR
c. FFIR (information the commander needs about friendly forces in the operation)
- Risk reduction control measures:
Unique measures to the operation and include mission-oriented protective posture, operation exposure guidance, vehicle recognition signals, and fratricide prevention
- Environmental considerations
- Force Protection
- Movement Plan
- Order of movement, formation, and movement techniques
- Actions on halts
- Routes
- Departure and re-entry of friendly lines
- Actions at danger areas.
- Paragraph 4 Service and Support
- Address service support in the areas shown below as needed to clarify the service support concept
a. General: Reference the SOPs that govern sustainment of the unit. Provide current and proposed train locations, casualty, and damage equipment collection points and routs to and from.
b. Material and Services
1. Supply
a. Class I - Rations
b. Class V – Ammo
c. Class VII – Major end Items (weapons_
d. Class VIII – Medical
e. Class IX – repair parts
f. Distribution methods
2. Transportation
3. Services
4. Maintenance
5. Medical Evacuation and Hospitalization
c. Personnel.
e. Misc.
- Paragraph 5 Command & Signal
a. Command
b. Signal
c. Special instructions to RTOs