What is the DAS-D
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
State Change of Command for GRD
Texas Constitution->Texas Adjutant General (TAG) ->JCDTF Counter Drug Coordinator/TX JCDTF->JCDTF Ground Reconnaissance Detachment OIC/GRD SOP
Title 32 Section 112 United States Code (allows interdiction and counter-drug activities):
- Funding Assistance
- Use of Personnel Performing Full-Time National Guard Duty
- Plan Requirements. State Plans
- Examination of Plan
- End Strength Plan
- Annual Report
Drug interdiction and counter-drug activities
means the use of NG personnel in drug interdiction and counter-drug law enforcements activities, including drug demand reduction activities, authorized by the law of the State and requested by the Governor of the State
Governor of a State
the Commanding General of the National Guard of the District of Columbia
means each of the several States, The District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a territory or possession of the United States.
What federal statute allows for and governs the CD program?
Title 32 Section 112
What CD activites does Title 32 USC Section 112 authorize?
None, or all. Title 32 Section 112 does not define what activities are authorized. Only that the Secretary of Defense must approve the activities.
Which entities must approve the State Plan each year?
The CDC of the State, The TAG of the State, the State Attorney General (or equivalent) of the State, The Governor of the State, and the Secretary of Defense or delegate.
Title 32 USC explicitly prohibits National Guardsmen from Arrest, Search, and Seizure?
What is the key factor in determining Federal vs. State?
Command and Control
TAB A – Authorized Counterdrug Activities
- Program Management
- Linguist/Transcription Services (will not participate in real-time intercepts or interviews)
- Analyst Support
- Communications Support
- Engineer Support
- Diver Support
- Transportation Support
- Training
- Drug Demand Reduction Civil Ops
- Reconnaissance and Observation
TAB B – NGB Guidance
Defines the roles and responsibilities of the NGB as it relates to the CD program
TAB C – State Plans Guidance
Provides guidance from the Secretary of Defense to the States on the Development and submission of their State Plan.
TAB D – National Guard Counterdrug Schools Guidance.
Provides guidance on the to any State operating a NGCS. It provides guidance on curriculum and program structure.
This section defines our GR activities and provides constraints from the DoD
TAB A-10. Reconnaissance and Observation
What is GR allowed to conduct reconnaissance and observation on ?
Buildings, vehicles, vessels, or persons, objects, and areas
How does a LEO or LEA formally request support from GRD?
MOU or LoR
If you are tasked to find the State Plans guidance, what Tab would that be found on?
What requirements does GRD have to meet when conducting reconnaissance or observation operations?
Direct contact with LEO, LEO developed target, operate at the direction of the LEO, remain outside of the chain of custody, no direct contact with suspects or the general public, and will not store gathered information on NG databases.
2003 DoD Support to Domestic Law Enforcement Agencies Performing Counter-narcotics Activites
This MEMO was released in response to restricting (NORTHCOM) and the Stress that GWOT placed upon units.
Define Military Unique Skills
Unique skills and capabilities possessed by Department personnel that domestic law enforcement lacks or cannot practically replicate with a similar level of expertise.
What CD provided training is prohibited by the MEMO
Advanced Military Training, MOUT, CQB/CQC, Sniper, and Advanced Marksmanship.
State Plan Requirements
- Certification by the Governor of the State or a civilian law enforcement official of the State designated by the Governor that any activities include in the State Plan to be carried out in conjunction with Federal LEAs serve a State law enforcement purpose (certification cannot be waived).
Who must approve the program rules for the use of force?
State AG, designated representatives, or U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, as required
What is the threshold amount for purchases that require inclusion in the State Plan? How do we get around it?
$5000, by using asset forfeiture
How long can CD personnel support a non-CD missions such as an emergency?
72 hours
The CNGB-I dictates that programs can only implement activities that satisfy what four criteria?
Activities that employ skills unique to the military, alight with DoD priorities, support DoD readiness requirements, prioritize the use of DoD resources and capabilities to satisfy capability gaps that LEAs cannot replicate.
Explain the primary differences between GR mission in the CNGB-I and the DAS-D guidance.
DAS-D guidance has two categories: recon and observation, the DAS-D guidance explicitly states authorized activities whereas the CNGB-I only mentions reconnoitering optically.
What additions are made to the GR authorized activity in the NGB implementatioin guidance from the DAS-D guidance?
A paragraph that discusses authorizations for the activity, guidance on LoRs and MOUs, guidance on archiving the request.
What does NGB say about LEO training?
To maximum extent possible it should be conducted at an NGB schoolhouse
The use of a face social media account in authorized when requested by the LEA supervising the case?
At present, what is the only authorized activity that may require a service qualification?
The analyst activity
When does TX-JCD owe NGB a State Plan draft for the following FY?
Feb of the current FY
What are the Appendices to the Texas State Plan?
Flight hours, Supported Agencies, Over 5k purchases, Training
What are the primary items within the Texas State Plan?
O&M Purchases and Facility Forecast, Activities, State Strategy, State CD Priorities, Drug Threats, Intent and Purpose
Identify three Texas CD priorities.
Border support, DDR/Civ Ops, disrupt unconventional distribution and online sales infrastructure, interrupt illicit financial activities.
What are the three objectives of the Texas CD strategy?
Reduce availability, production and distributioin of illicit narcotics, intensify DDR/Civ ops to reduce the size of the drug using population, enhance LEA capabilities through authorized activities.
What are the two types of CD doctrinal training? Where can those requirements be found?
Initial and Annual, Ch 7. Doctrinal Training
How far from your HoR must your Mday unit be in order to receive TDY pay for drill?
50 miles
How long do you have from the end date of travel to submit a DTS voucher?
5 days
What annex can you find your job description in ?
Annex A.2.
What is the policy for sick days?
24hrs handled within, over 24-72 doctors note, over 72 requires another doctors visit and note