PSYCH 104 Midterm 2 (Genetics and testing) Flashcards
Polygenetic transmission
Polygenetic transmission:
- when a single phenotype is controlled by more than one pair of genes
Epigenetics: basically that genetic development occurs due to environment
Knockout procedure:
Knockout procedure:
- Its rarely ever just one gene that gets knocked out
- Behavior is often a construct of multiple things not just one gene
- the extent to which the variation of a particular trait across individuals of a particular population occur
- it is estimated using the heritability coefficient
- The passing of traits from parents to offspring by way of genetics
- The likelihood that two people share the same characteristics
Designs in behavioral genetics - Family studies
Designs in behavioral genetics
- Family studies
○ Analysis of how characteristics run in intact families
○ Useful for estimating risk of a disorder among the relatives of members afflicted with the disorder
○ Problems:
§ Relatives share similar environment and genes (cant separate genes and environment)
Designs in behavioral genetics
- Twin studies
- Twin studies
○ Twins can be of two types
§ Identical
□ Come from a single zygote that split
□ Chare 100% of genes
§ Fraternal
□ Come from two separate zygotes
□ Share 50% of genes
○ Logic: if MZ twins show more similarity on a particular trait than the DZ twins, this is assumed to be reflective of genetic factors
§ Within both types of twins, environment is assumed to be controlled:
□ Both types of twins grow up in the same, at the same time, have similar neighbors, education etc.
Designs in behavioral genetics
- Adoption studies
- Adoption studies
○ An analysis of how traits vary in individuals raised apart from their biological relatives
○ Adopted person
§ Shares genes and not environment with biological parents
○ Selective placement confound
§ Adoption agencies try and place children in homes similar to that of their biological parents
Adoption studies assume that placement of the child in a home that is similar to their biological parent
Reaction range:
Reaction range:
- The genetically influenced limits within which environmental factors can exert their effects on an organism
- 15 - 20 IQ points is the normal range for deviation of someone due to environment
Evolutionary psychology (What is it?)
- Evolutionary psychology
○ A disipline that applies Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection to human and non human animal behavior
○ Criticisms
§ Many claims of evolutionary psych are not testable and or falsifiable
§ Relies on many assumptions about early humans which we know very little about
§ Multiple “evolutionary” explanations are often possible and can conform to any finding we like