KIN 100 Final (Lecture 12 - 13) Flashcards
How has our skull shape evolved?
- Over the years our cranium has become larger and our jaw has become smaller
How many bones are in the skull?
- face: 14
- cranium: 8
- associated bones: 6
Lacrimal fossa (what does it do?)
- It holds the tear glands
What is special about the sphenoid bone?
- It connects with all other bones in the skull
Posterior cranial fossa
- It holds the cerebellum
What are our 4 sinuses?
- frontal sinus
- ethmoid air cells
- sphenoidal sinus
- maxillary sinus
Paranasal sinuses (what are they for?)
- Reduce skull weight
- produce mucus
- allow air to resonate for voice production
Afferent division (what is it?)
- to the CNS
- somatic and visceral sensory receptors
Efferent division (what is it?)
- from the CNS
- somatic nervous system
- autonomic nervous system
- rest and digest
- Fight or flight
- Support neurons structurally and functionally
- Outnumber neurons 1-5
Pseudounipolar neuron (what is it?)
- for peripheral senses
- cell body is just off the center of the axon
Astrocytes (what are they?)
- most abundant
- maintain blood brain barrier
- guide development
- work in repair
- improve conductivity
- Pick up pathogens
Ependymal cells
- Help form hollow space
Satellite cells
- Surround cell bodies
- control gas and nutrient exchange
- control neurotransmitters
Schwann cells
- increase conductivity
- assists in repair
Spinal cord (how far does it go?)
- From the foramen magnum to L1
Where does the CSF stay between?
- it stays between the arachnoid matter and the pia matter
Epineurium (what does it cover?)
- It covers the spinal nerves
Perineurium (what does it cover?)
- Around fascicle
Endoneurium (What does it cover?)
- covers axons
The brain (facts)
- Accounts for approximately 2% of the body weight
- Needs 20% of cardiac output
- Extensively vascularized
- Sensitive to toxins
Diencephalon (what is it composed of?)
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Cerebrum (facts)
- 80% of the brains mass
Corpora Quadrigemina
- Four bumps on the mesencephalon
- For visual and auditory reflexes
Red nucleus
- Motor coordination
- Maintain posture
Pons (What are its tracts?)
- Transverse tract (to connect cerebellum)
- Longitudinal tract (medulla oblongata to midbrain)
How many nerves does the brain stem have?
- it has 12 nerves
Dura matter (what is it comprised of?)
- 2 layers of dense connective tissue
- Endosteal layer
- Meningeal layer
Dura matter (Falx cerebri)
- Separates the two hemispheres
Dura matter (Flax Cerebelli)
- Separates left and right cerebellum
Dura matter (Diaphragma salle)
- Separates the pituitary from the brain
Cerebrospinal fluid (where is it produced?)
- in the coracoid plexus
- recycles 8 times a day