KIN 101 Final (15 & 17) Flashcards
Blood Vessels (3 types and charactaristics)
- act as a pressure reservoir
- Thick muscle layers of vascular smooth muscles
- Lots of elastic and fibrous connective tissue
- Site of variable resistance
- Part of the microcirculation
- Less elastic and more muscular
- Branches of arterioles
- Partial smooth muscle layer
- Precapillary sphincters open and close to direct blood flow to capilaries or venous circulation
How much blood is in the male and female body?
Males have 5L of blood in the body
Females have 4L of blood in the body
At rest it takes about 1 minute to circulate the entire body capacity of blood
Angiogenesis (what is it?)
Angiogenesis is development of new blood vessels
- Necessary for normal development
- Enhances heart and skeletal muscle blood flow
Venules/Veins (what are each of them?)
- Receive blood from capilaries
- Thin exchange
- Little connective tissue
- Convergent pattern of flow
Veins take blood back to the heart
- They are one way
- They are more numerous
- Lie closer to the body surface
What three factors affect resistance of a blood vessel?
- Viscosity of the blood
- Radius of the tube
- Length of the tube
Mean arterial pressure (what is it determined by?)
- Blood volume
- Effectiveness of the heart as a pump
- Resistance of system to bloodflow
- Relative distribution of blood between venous and arterial blood vessels
Flow Equation
Q = ^P / R
- P is pressure
- R is resistance
- Q is flow
Sheer stress (what does it mean?)
- It is a term we use to describe the resistance of the blood
What is MAP measured by?
- It is measured as the pressure of blood against the walls of the vessel
- MAP = Cardiac output x Resistance
Diastolic and Systolic
Diastolic: the lowest pressure measured during contraction
Systolic: the highest pressure measured during contraction
How can we measure MAP?
MAP = Diastolic + (1/3)pulse pressure
- (Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures)
Cardiac output (Q) formula
Q = Heart rate x stroke volume
Stroke volume (SV) equation
SV = end diastolic volume - end systolic volume
Hyperemia: is increased blood flow
- can be anything such as exercise
Myogenic autoregulation (What is it?)
Myogenic autoregulation (a fuse in the system)
- Contracts to resist stretching
Alpha 1 receptors
- Alpha ones
○ Sympathetic tone
○ It words off the beat of norepinephrine (more makes smaller, less makes bigger)
Beta 1 receptors
Beta 1 receptors
- Respond equally to epinephrine and norepinephrine
Beta 2 receptors
Beta 2 receptors work with arterioles that work with muscle
- They are sympathetic
- (the effects of stimulation produce opposite outcomes in beta2 and alpha1 receptors)
- are more sensitive to epinephrine
What happens to cerebral bloodflow when we exercise?
- It stays relatively constant as we need it to survive.
The respiratory system functions
The respiratory system
- Flow takes place from regions of higher pressure to lower pressure
- A muscular pump creates pressure gradients
- Resistance to airflow is influenced primarily by the diamiter of the tubes through which air is flowing
What influences airway resistance?
What influences airway resistance?
- Airway diamiter
○ Wider airways have less resistance
○ R = Ln/r^4
- Bronchoconstriction
○ Increases resistance
○ Parasympathetic
- Bronchodilation
○ Decreases resistance
○ Sympathetic
§ Beta2 receptors on smooth muscles relax in response to epinepherine
What are the two divisions of the respiratory system?
There are two divisions to the respiratory system
- Upper respiratory system
○ Pharynx
○ Vocal cords
○ Esophagus
○ Larynx
○ Trachea
○ Tongue
○ Nasal cavity
- Lower respiratory system
○ Right lung and bronchus
○ Left lung and bronchus (HAS SPACE FOR THE HEART TOO)
○ Diaphragm
The thoracic cavity (what is within it?)
The thoracic cavity (lungs within)
- Pleural sacs enclose the lungs
- (heart is in the center)
- Esophagus connects the two lungs
- Left pleural cavity
- Right pleural cavity
What happens to our muscles when we breathe?
When we breathe the muscles of the neck abdomen and thorax create force to move air through us while breathing
The pleural sac (what is it?)
The pleural sac (fluid filled)
- Like a fluid filled balloon around our lungs
- It has a very small volume of fluid
External respiration (Exchange l)
External respiration
- Exchange l
○ Carbon dioxide out and oxygen in through the mouth and into the lungs
External respiration (Exchange ll)
- Exchange ll
○ Ventilation occurs thanks to the alveoli
○ It occurs next to blood vessels so oxygen and carbon dioxide can diffuse between blood vessels
○ Pulmonary circulation is what occurs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the lungs
External respiration (Exchange lll)
Internal respiration
- Exchange lll
○ Cellular respiration occurs in the blood cells that intakes oxygen and excretes carbon dioxide
○ This happens in systemic circulation tubes
The lungs anatomy (what is it made up of?)
The lungs anatomy:
- Branching of airways creates about 80million bronchioles
- The trachea branches into two sections (left and right lung)
- The primary bronchus divides 22 more times terminating in a cluster of alveoli
- Each cluster of alveoli is surrounded by elastic fibers and a network of capillaries
What branch of the lungs goes into what?
Trachea divides by two into primary left and right bronchiole -> bronchioles then divide into alveoli
Types of alveolar cells (what are the two?)
Types of alveolar cells
- Type l alveolar cells (majority)
○ Gas exchange
- Type ll alveolar cells
○ Produce surfactant
Types of connective tissue within the lungs
(what are the two types?)
Types of connective tissue within the lungs
- Elastin
- Collagen
Blood flow in the body (what order does it occur?)
Blood flows from
1. Right ventricle
2. Pulmonary trunk
3. Pulmonary arteries
4. Lungs
5. Pulmonary veins
6. Left atrium
Gas exchange at the alveolar level (what occurs?)
Exchange surface of alveoli
1. First passes through alveolar air space
2. Comes into contact with surfactant
3. Passes through the fused membranes of the capillary and alveolus
4. Passes through endothelium
5. Enters blood plasma
6. Binds to red blood cell
Surfactant (what is it?)
- allow lungs to keep their shape
- Surface active agents reduces surface tension
○ Disrupt cohesive force of water
○ Mixture containing proteins and phospholipids
○ More concentrated in smaller alveoli
Compliance (what is it?)
Compliance: the ability to stretch
- High compliance
○ Stretches easily
- Low compliance
○ Requires more force
○ Restrictive lung disease
§ Fibrotic lung disease (fibrosis)
§ Inadequate surfactant production (NRDS)
Law of LaPlace (what is it?)
Law of LaPlace:
- Surfactant reduces surface tension (EXAM QUESTION)
- More surfactant is present in smaller alveoli to equalize pressure between alveoli
Surfactant (what happens in premature babies?)
(in premature babies)
- There is inadequate surfactant concentrations
- Newborn respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS)
Elastance: the ability to return to resting volume when stretching force is released
How much alveoli surface area do we have?
You have a football field worth of alveoli surface area
Airways size order
Airways size order
- Trachea
○ Primary bronchi
§ Smaller bronchi
□ Bronchioles
® Respiratory bronchioles
◊ Alveoli
3 main structures of respiratory system (Conducting system)
Conducting system
- Upper respiratory tract
○ Mouth, basal cavity, pharynx, larynx
- Lower respiratory tract
○ Trachea, 2 primary bronchi, their branches, lungs
3 main structures of respiratory system (Alveoli)
Alveoli (singular alveolus)
- Site of gas exchange
3 main structures of respiratory system (Thoracic cage)
Thoracic cage: bones and muscle of thorax and abdomen
- Bones and muscles of thorax surround the lungs
- Spine and rib cage
- Diaphragm, intercostal muscles, sternocleidomastoids, scalenes
- Pleural sacs each surround a lung
What do our airways do before gas exchange?
The airways warm, humidify, and filter inspired air
1. Warming air to body temperature
2. Adding water vapour
3. Filtering out foreign material
Daltons law (What does it state?)
- Daltons law (Pgas)
○ Total pressure equals sum of all partial pressures
Boyles law (What does it state?)
Boyles law P1V1 = P2V2
○ Describes pressure volume relationship
- the first half is inhale the other is exhale
How much water vapor is in fully saturated air?
Fully saturated air in the human body is about 47 mm Hg water vapor
Daltons law (Equation)
Pgas inhumid air = (Patm - PH2O)x% of gas
- oxygen percentage in air = 21%
- carbon dioxide percentage in air = 0.3%
- Patm = 760
- PH2O = 47
Lung capacity (male vs female)
Male: 5800mL
Female: 4200mL
Measuring lung volumes (Tidal volume Vt)
- Tidal volume (Vt)
- Volume that moves durring a respiratory cycle
- The difference in top and bottom of normal breathing waves
Measuring lung volumes (inspiratory reserve volume IRV)
- Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
- Additional volume above tidal volume
- Distance between top of tidal and how much more we can suck in after the top
Measuring lung volumes (Expiratory reserve volume ERV)
- Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
- Forcefully exhaled after the end of a normal respiration
- distance from bottom of tidal to the most you can blow out
Measuring lung volumes (Residual volume RV)
- Residual volume (RV)
- Volume of air in the respiratory system after maximal exhalation
- distance from 0 (lung collapse) to the bottom of your ERV
Formulas for lung volumes (Vital capacity VC)
Vital capacity (VC) = Vt + IRV + ERV
Formulas for lung volumes (Total lung capacity TLC)
Total lung capacity (TLC) = VC + RV
Formulas for lung volumes (Inspiratory capacity IC)
Inspiratory capacity (IC) = Vt + IRV
Formulas for lung volumes (Functional residual capacity FRC)
Functional residual capacity (FRC) = RV + ERV
Inspiration (what is it?)
Inspiration: occurs when alveolar pressure decreases
- Time: 0 seconds
○ When pressures are equal there is no air flow
- Time 0-2 seconds: inspiration
Expiration (what is it?)
Expiration: occurs when alveolar pressure increases
- Time 2-4 seconds: expiration
- Time 4 seconds:
○ Passive (resting) vs active (exercise) expiration
How much air do we usually intake under normal breathing?
We usually only intake about 500mL oxygen when resting breathing
Interpleural sac pressure (whats its number)
Subatmospheric intrapleural pressure
- Normally -3mm Hg
Normal ventilation values
Normal ventilation values
- Total pulmonary ventilation per minute: 6L
- Total alveolar ventilation per minute: 4.2L
- Maximum voluntary ventilation per minute: 125-170L
Respiratory rate breaths per minute: 12 to 20
Total pulmonary & alveolar ventilation per minute
- Total pulmonary ventilation 6000mL/minute
- Alveolar ventilation 4200ml/minute