Pregnancy Flashcards
signs of pregnancy:
o absent period
o fatigue
o enlarged breasts
o sore breasts
o nausea.
circulation changes due to pregnancy
o Heart enlarged HR
o Increased blood flow to uterus to provide nutrients and growth.
o Increased blood flow to skin and mucous membranes.
respiratory changes to pregnant person
o increased O2
- increased depth of breathing
Supplements needed for pregnant women and why
- folic acid - first 12 weeks
- iodine = helps baby grow - during pregnancy and breast feeding
- vitamin D = strong bones and muscle
Morning sickness prevention (pregnancy)
- drink water before/after meals
- nap
- avoid spicy foods
alcohol effects on fetus
- premature
- developmental and physical changes (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder)
What is Pre-eclampsia
- high blood pressure in pregnancy
Risks for developing pre-eclampsia
o chronic hypertension
o pre-existing diabetes
o renal disease
o autoimmune diseases
o family history
o overweight
o multiple first pregnancies
o being young (<18) or old (>35).
Symptoms of pre-eclampsia
o high BP
o protein in urine
o headache
o Changes in vision
o Epigastric spasm
o Sudden new swelling in face, hands, eyes
tests for pre-eclampsia
o BP measure
o urinalysis.
Treatment for pre-eclampsia
o antihypertensives
o rest/laying on L) side
o magnesium sulphate to prevent seizures during/after labor
o protein-rich diet.
complications from pre-eclampsia
o damage to kidneys/liver
o increased risk of stroke and blood clots,
o placental abruption
o eclampsia (seizures)
o increased risk of premature birth/still birth
o poor growth of baby.
What is gestational diabetes.
o Diabetes that develops during pregnancy
risks for developing gestational diabetes
o previous GDM
o multiple pregnancies
o older women
o Ethnicity
o BMI >35, family history.
how to diagnose gestational diabetes
o HbA1c (>50mmol/L) is lower in pregnancy
o Fasting glucose >5.5mmol/L or two hours post food >9mmol/L.
treatment for gestational diabetes
o self-monitoring (BGL daily).
complications of gestational diabetes
o increased risk of still birth
o miscarriage
o hypertension
o Jaundice
o sepsis.
effects of gestational diabetes on fetus
o increased fetal growth/fat storage
o birth trauma
o shoulder dystocia
o nerve pulses
o fractures
o respiratory disease.
Risks for becoming anemia
o two pregnancies close together
o multiple pregnancies
o vomiting frequently
o decreased iron
o heavy pre-pregnancy menstrual flow
o vege/vegan
o celiac or crohns disease.
Symptoms of anemia
o fatigue
o progressive paleness of skin
o rapid HR
o trouble concentrating.
anemia diagnosis
o antenatal bloods (hemoglobin/hematocrit) – treated with iron supplements
post-partum hemorrhage volumes
o blood loss >500ml
o major if >1000ml
risks of hemorrhage before birth and after
- multiple pregnancy
- previous PPH
- Anemia \
- c - section
- induced labour
- long labour
- large baby
- fever
risks of preterm labor (before 37 weeks)
o hx of premature birth
o multiple pregnancy
o infection (STI/UTI)
o smoking/drinking/illicit drug use
o underweight/overweight
o poor dental hygiene
o diabetes
signs of preterm labour
o gush of fluid (break of water)
o bleeding
o contractions (regular/stronger)
o abdominal pain
o low back ache
o nausea
o diarrhea.
risks of depression during/after birth
o previous mood disorder
o stressful life events
o unemployment
o marital conflict
o lack of support from friends/family.
Risks of developing Post-partum psychosis:
previous history/family history of psychosis.
Post-partum psychosis: treatment
o antidepressants
o mood stabilizers
o antipsychotics
o ECT.
benefits of breast feeding
o Psychological
o Physiological
o nutritional health
o protects infant from SIDs
o decreases asthma/eczema,
o provides immunological protection
o improves vision
o decreases obesity.
Issues with breastfeeding
o Flat/inverted nipples
o Sore/burning nipples
o Plugged milk ducts
o Mastitis (painful infection of breast tissue caused by blocked milk duct or bacteria entering the breast).
o Poor latching
o Poor milk supply
Cervical screening causes
o almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV, this virus is spread through sexual activity.
who gets cervical screening
o Women aged 25-69 who have ever been sexually active
How often do women get cervical screening
o Every 3 years, people who have abnormal tests may need screening more often.
What are Chadwicks sign
- A bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia
- often seen in early pregnancy due to increased blood flow.
What are Goodells sign
Softening of the cervix, which is an early sign of pregnancy, typically appearing around 4-6 weeks gestation.
Homans sign
- A test for deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- pain in the calf may indicate the presence of DVT
Frequency of micturition
increased frequency of urination
What is Apgar used for and scoring system
- health of a newborn immediately after birth
A - appareance (skin colour)
0: Blue or pale all over
1: Body pink, but hands and feet blue
2: Completely pink
P - Pulse
0: Absent
1: Less than 100 beats per minute
2: 100 beats per minute or more
G - grimace
0: No response
1: Grimace or frown when stimulated
2: Grimace and pulls away, sneezes, or coughs
A - activity
0: Limp
1: Some flexion of arms and legs
2: Active motion
R- respiration
0: Absent
1: Weak cry; may be slow or irregular
2: Good, strong cry
What is gestational proteinuria hypertension
- high blood pressure with protein in urine during pregnancy
What do the following mean
- Hydrops fetalis
- Placenta praevia
- Ictirus neonatorum
- abnormal accumulation of fluid in the fetus
- placenta is located low in the uterus and covers the cervix
- neonatal jaundice
What is retrolental fibroplasias/retinopathy of prematurity
- premature infants mainly
= abnormal growth of retinal blood vessels, which can lead to scarring and vision impairment
What is Persistent red lochia
vaginal discharge that occurs after childbirth
What is Chorionic villus sampling:
checks cells from the placenta to see if they have a chromosomal abnormality (such as Down syndrome)
two main reasons for post-partum haemorrhage are:
- uterine atony: uterus doesn’t contract after the placenta separates
- trauma: