Pharmacology Flashcards
Nine rights
o right person
o right dose
o right time
o right route
o right drug
o right action
o right form
o right response
o right documentation
What are agonists
- binds to receptor and causes cellular response
What are antagonist
blocks agonists
Side effects of antibiotics
o nausea
o vomiting
o diarrhea
o loss of appetite
o stomach cramping
o thrush.
must do for standing orders
- carried out by nurse and doctor must write out order
must do for controlled drugs
must be counted for and signed by 2x nurses
what is Hypokalaemia and causes
low potassium
- vomiting
- diarrhoea
- diuretics
symptoms of hypokalaemia
Think “Low Energy”:
- Muscle weakness
- fatigue,
-leg cramps
Hyperkalaemia and causes
- high potassium
- renal disease
- diabetes
- chemotherapy
- major trauma
symptoms of hyperkalaemia
Think “Heart Alert”:
- Muscle weakness
- irregular heartbeat
Muscle weakness
Urine abnormalities (e.g., oliguria, anuria)
Respiratory distress
Decreased cardiac contractility
EKG changes (peaked T waves)
Reflexes (hyperreflexia or areflexia)
Hyponatremia: What is it and causes
- low sodium levels
Caused by: - fluid overload
- oedema
- diuretics
- burns/ wounds
Symptoms of hyponatremia
Hyponatremia (Low Sodium)
Think “Swelling Brain”:
- Headache
- confusion
- nausea
- muscle weakness
Hypernatremia: What is it and causes
high sodium levels
Caused by:
- dehydration
- increased salt intake
Symptoms of hypernatremia
Think “Dehydration”
- Thirst
- confusion
- muscle twitching
Hyponatremia: Treatment
IV fluids with sodium.
Hypernatremia: Treatment
monitoring sodium intake
administering diuretics
monitoring daily weights.
Hyperkalaemia Treatment
decreasing potassium in the diet
polystyrene which decreases potassium in the blood.
Hypokalaemia treatment
administering oral potassium and IVF with potassium.
Hypomagnesemia: What is it and causes
- low magnesium
caused by: - Alcoholism
- vomiting
- medications
- poor nutrition
symptoms of hypomagnesemia
Low magnesium = Twitchy symptoms
- Twitching
- Tetany (muscle spasms)
- Tremors (shaking)
Hypomagnesemia treatment
administration of magnesium sulphate IV
Hypermagnesemia: What is it and causes
- high magnesium
caused by: - too much Mg in diet
- renal failure
symptoms of hypermagnesemia
S - slow refleces
L - low HR and BP
O - Out of energy/fatigue
W - weakness
Treatment of Hypomagnesemia:
administering calcium gluconate IV
monitor patients level of consciousness
monitor for confusion.
Hypocalcaemia: What is it and causes
- low calcium levels
causes: - thyroid disorder
- renal failure
- chemotherapy
Hypocalcaemia treatment
administering calcium and vitamin D.
Hypercalcemia: What is it and causes
- high calcium
caused by: - overactive thyroid
- cancer
- diuretics.
Symptoms of hypercalcemia
Think “Stones and Bones”:
- Nausea
- constipation
- confusion
Hypercalcemia treatment
loop diuretics
What is isotonic solutions and example of name
- burns
- surgery
- dehydration
- 0.9% sodium chloride
- Lactated ringer’s solution
What are hypotonic solutions used for and example
- increase fluid volume in body
- Used for acute infections
- for hydration
-0.455 normal saline - 5% dextrose
When to use Hypertonic solutions and example of name
- hyponatremia
- metabloc alkalosis
- hypovolemia
- fluid maintenance
- Dextrose 5% in 0.45% normal saline
- Dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer’s
IV complications
- air embolism
- infiltration (iv fluid leaks into surrounding tissue)
- infection
- fluid overload
- Phlebitis
- Hematoma (collection of blood in tissue)
Hypocalcemia S+S
Hypocalcemia (Low Calcium)
Think “Twitchy”:
- Tingling in fingers
- muscle cramps
- facial twitching (Chvostek’s sign)