Pre-req Reading Quiz Flashcards
How did people first arrive in America?
Glaciers lowered the sea level at the Bering Sea allowing a bridge to form between Siberia and Alaska
Who were the first people in America?
Nomadic Asian hunters
Tribe in Peru
Tribe in Central America
Tribe in Mexico
What crop supported native american civilizations?
Pueblos by Rio Grande
Cultivation of corn supported them
American tribe
Who discovered America around 1000
They abandoned their settlements
Marco Polo
Indirectly discovered the New World because he put ideas of Asian treasures into European’s minds
Coast of West Africa
Portugese set up trading posts for the purchase of gold and slaves along the coast of Africa
Slaves were already traded between Arabs and Africans
Vasco de Gama
Sailed around Africa and reached India
Italian and persuaded by Spanish
Sighted the Bahamas first, thought he was in India
Food in the New World
3/5 of world’s food supply comes from the Americas
New World food fed Africans leading to a population boom, which was later used for slaves
Sugar revolution in European diet
What did Europeans introduce to Americas?
Horses, wheat, sugar, coffee, disease
Old World Diseases
Yellow fever
What disease did the Natives give the Europeans?
Treaty of Tordesillas
Claimed Columbus’s discovery as Spain’s
Brazil went to Portugal
Vasco Nunez Balboa
Found pacific ocean
Spanish conquistador
Ferdinand Megellan
His vessel was the first circumnavigation of the globe because he died
Spanish conquistador
Juan Ponce de Leon
Explored florida
Wanted gold not Fountain of Youth
Spanish conquistador
Hernando de Soto
Crossed the Mississippi River
Spanish conquistador
Allowed the government to command the Indians in return for the promise to try to Christianize them
Conquest for Mexico
Hernán Cortés got an Aztec translator and approached Tenochtitlan
Moctezuma allowed Cortes in the city
Noche Triste: Aztecs attacked and drove Spanish out of the city, but disease killed the Aztecs
Aztec translator for Cortes
Mixed peoples
Giovanni Caboto
Sailed for the ENGLISH into America
St. Augustine, Flordia
Earliest spanish fortress
Pope’s Rebellion
Pueblo rebels rose up against spanish and made kivas to overtake Spanish churches
Father Junipero Serra
Founded San Diego
Indians into missionaries
Black Legend
False idea that Spanish were trying to kill as many Indians as possible
Francis Drake
Supported by Elizabeth wanting to raid the Spanish
Plundered his way around the planet and got Spanish booty
England’s first attempt at colonization
Collapsed when Sir Humphrey Gilbert lost his life at sea
Sir Walter Raliegh
Roanke Island
Colony mysteriously vanished
Beginning of the End of Spanish Empire
Philip II tried to launch the Invincle Armada against England, but English seafarers won
What made people in England want to come to new colonies? In the beginning
Wool production collapsed and there was a surplus population in London
Pop. growth provided workers to move
Unemployment and religious freedom made them turn to the New World
Charter of the Virgina Company
Guaranteed overseas settlers the same rights as Englishmen living in the mainland
Virgina Company lands at Jamestown
Colony was plagued by starvation and death
Captain John Smith
Helped whip the colony into shape by making gold searching colonists work for food
Lord De La Warr
Took control in Virgina and declared war on the Indians
First Anglo-Powhatan War
Ended by the marriage of Pocahontas to John Rolfe
Second Anglo-Powhatan War
Banished the Chesapeake Indians from their homelands
Indians fighting Indians
Competition over who would sell furs in order to trade for firearms
John Rolfe
Father of tobacco
House of Burgesses
Representative self government in Virgina Colony
Lord Baltimore allowed freedom of worship in Maryland to Christians
Catholics’ haven
Act of Toleration
Guarenteed religious tolerance to all Christians
Jews and Muslims still screwed
West Indies
Place for wealthy sugar growers
Huge slave place because the Africans knew how to grow the crop
Prospered by developing close ties with sugar industry in the Indies
Barbados slave code
Rice was main export
Carlonia and Florida fought because Florida was Roman Catholic Spanish
North Carolina
Poor compared to rich South Carolina
Open minded and deomcratic
Last colony
Launched by philanthropists
Buffer between Carolinas and Spanish in Florida
Least populous colony
Why were Puritans mad? Who were Puritans?
Mad that in the Church of England all the king’s subjects were church members not only saints
Lot of people from wool districts
Believed calvinism
Myles Standish
Captain of the Mayflower
Separists in Holland sailed on the Mayflower
Where did pilgrims settle?
Not Plymouth Rock
Surveyed the land and choose to settle at Plymouth Bay
Mayflower Compact
Agreement to form a crude government and to submit to the majority
Town meetings occurred
first Thanksgiving
Mainstays of the Plymouth Colony
Beaver and bible
William Bradford
Governor of Plymouth Colony
Massachusets Bay Colony
Formed by non-Separatist Puritans who proposed to establish a sizable settlement in Massachusets (Boston)
Where did most people migrate to in the New World?
West Indies for money
Even the puritans
John Winthrop
Governor of the Bay Colony
Implemented trades like fishing, fur trading, shipbuilding, lumber
John Cotton
Bay Colony minister who believed in the church;s influence of government
Anne Hutchinson
Challenged predestination and claimed that obeying the laws of the church did not guarantee slavation
Truly saved did not need to go to church
She was banished by the Puritans
Roger Williams
Thought the church had to separate completely from the government of england. Seen as a threath
Fled to Rhode Island and established complete freedom of religion (even jews)
Fundamental Orders
Modern constitution that establised a region democrally controlled by substantial citizens
Pequot Tibe
slaughtered by the English
created a pan-Indian alliance to coordinate assaults on colonies
King Philips War 1675-78
New England Conferderation
Created by four colonies for defense against the Indians
Every colony got two votes
Basically a Puritan club
First step towards colonial unity
Dominion of New England
Created by royal authority
Opposed the New England Confederation
“Providing defense” was the guise
English Navigation Laws
Set by Dominion of New England
Only let the colonies trade with England
Led to smuggling
Sir Edmund Andros
Leader of the dominion of New England
Repealed town meetings, press, courts
Not liked because with Church of England
Boston mob forced him to flee in women’s clothing
Henry Hudson
Employed by the Dutch and found New Netherland/Manhattan
Claimed for Dutch West India Company
New Amsterdam
Later known as New York
Company town
Peter Stuyvesant
Led the Dutch to defeat a Swedish attack
Peter was the last Dutch general of New Netherland
Duke of York
Charles II gave New Amsterdam to him
Named New York
Religious Society of Friends
Another name for Quaker
William Penn
Established a sanctuary for Quakers in Pennsylvania
Penn heavily advertised the colony to attract immigrants and locals
Quakers and Indians
Penn bought land from Chief Tammany and Quakers were tolerant of Native Americans
Peace-loving, no military
3rd largest colony after Massachusetts and Virgina
Delaware and New Jersey
Quaker settlements stemmed from PA that did well
Delaware was Swedish
Middle Colonies
New York
New Jersey
Characteristics of Middle Colonies
More religious tolerance than North and South
Intermediate in size and government
Indentured servants
Poor displaced English farmers would work in the colonies in exchange for their own land
Head Right System
Encouraged the importance of labourer
Whoever paid for the passage of a laborer was given 50 acres of land
Now not enough land for indentured servants
Nathaniel Bacon
Bacon’s rebellion of indentured servants that had to look for land in the backcountry
Middle Passage
Overcrowded sea voyage that brought slaves to the Americas
20% death rate on the voyage
South slave life vs. North slave life
Way worse in the south because they had heat and had to crop rice and indigo
Language that blended English and African words
Hierarchy of the South
Plantation owners
Small farm owners
Landless whites
(No lawyers or doctors)
New England Family
Long life expectancy (70s)
Family life
First grandparents
Early marriage helped birthrate
Southern women vs. northern women
Southern women had property rights since men died so fast, but New England women did not because the men would live long
Preached alarming news and scolded parishoners
Half Way Coenant
New way for generating church membership
Ended up blurring the line between elect and others
Women became majority in the church now that more members were allowed
Salem Witch Trials accussed
Most of the accussed were from the market economy and accussed by farmers
Scots Irish
Scotsmen relocated to N. Ireland and then America
Came to Pennsylvania frontier
Installed distilleries
Great Wagon Road
Jayle birds
Paupers and criminals shipped to America
poorly trained
bleeding was a common practice
Leading industry
Triangular Trade
Merchant sells New England rum in Africa for slaves, sell slaves for sugar in West Indies, use sugar in his rum
Molasses Act
Passed by British parliament to stop American trade with French West Indies
People smuggled
sprung up on waterways where people gossiped and played biliards
Established churches
Anglican and Congregational
Church of England
Known as Anglican
Easy going than North
Name for Puritan churches
Jacob Arminius
Individual will not predestination controlled your fate
Who started the Great Awakening
Jonathon Edwards
Used fear tactics to emphasize the importance of church
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
George Whitefield
part of Great Awakening
used theatrical and emotional appeals in his speeches to get new people interested in the church
Education in the Colonies
New England: most education focused on religion and classical languages
UPenn was first American college free from denominational control
South weathly families hired tutores
Poor Richard’s Almanack
Benjamin Franklin’s witty advice
Franklin was first top rank scientist in America
John Zenger
Newspaper printer who wrote about New York’s corrupt royal governor
Andrew Hamilton argued in court that he printed the truth
Court ruled in favor of the freedom of the press
Samuel de Champlain
Leader of Quebec and New France
Friendly to Huron Indians, so Iroquois did not like him
New France government
Courerurs de bois
French beaver hunters
Recruited Indians to help with fur trade
Beavers made French fan out across Great Lakes and Luoisiana
King William’s War and Queen Anne’s war
British colonists vs. French coureurs de bois
Guerilla Warfare
Spain sided with France
British won
Salutary neglect
English overlooked colonists behaviors
Treaty of 1713
British colonists got limited trading rights with Spanish Americans
War of Jenkin’s Ear
British and Spanish in Caribbean
Broke into War of Austrian Sucession
George Washinton and Ohio Valley
in charge of 150 militiamen sent to Ohio Valley to secure Virginians’ land claims
Fired first shots and killed the French leaders
set Seven Year’s war in motion
Intercolonial Congress to Albany
Summoned by British
boasted greater colonial unity
Ben Franklin led
General Braddock
Tried to led militiamen to capture Fort Duquesne
Braddock killed by small French and Indian army
Indians got PA and NC
William Pitt
British general seized Louisbourg and it fell to the British
Employed John Wolfe to capture Quebec
Treaty of Paris
End of 7 Years War
French removed from North America
Great Britain dominant power in North America and naval power
Spanish lost Florida
Proclamation of 1763
Issued by London made colonists stop moving Westward
British wanted to stop westward disputes with Indians
Made tensions high between Britain and the colonies