Chapters 11+12 Flashcards
Most damaging blow to the Federalists
Adams refusal to give them a war with France
The Federalists high taxes for war preparations made them very unpopular, considering there was never a war
Whispering Campaigns
A systematic circulation of rumor in attempt to ruin someone
Federalists accuse Jefferson of sexual relationships with his slaves
Jefferson’s views on the church
Tried to separate the church and the state
New England preachers often accused him of being an atheism
What was crucial in the election of 1800
Jefferson won New York because of Aaron Burr
South and West farmers voted for him (Universal White Manhood Suffrage)
3/5 Clause gave the South lots of electoral votes
Who tied Jefferson in the election of 1800? What was the outcome?
Burr tied Jefferson. The House of Representatives voted for Jefferson
Importance of the election of 1800
Shows a peaceful and moderate transfer of power from one party to another
Jefferson did not completely undo everything the Federalists did, but rather modified and worked with most of it (precedent)
Jefferson’s presidential strength
Able to control Congress
Hosted great pell-mell dinner parties. Pell-mell meaning no seating regarding to rank
What held the Democratic Republicans together?
A hatred of Federalists
When Federalist party started to decline, so did unity in the Democratic Republican party
Naturalization Law of 1802
Reduced the requirement to vote from fourteen years of residence to five years
Albert Gallatin
Watchdog of the Treasury
Substantially reduced debt
Jefferson administration
Marbury v. Madison
Should Midnight judges receive commission?
Established judicial review
John Marshall
Samuel Chase
Supreme Court justice
Jefferson hated him
Tried to impeach him, but failed because he did not commit a high crime
Establishes precedent that Supreme Court justices cannot really be impeached
Jefferson and the military
He wanted to reduce the military
Thought the military facilitated America getting involved in Europe’s wars and made government too powerful
Pirates of North African Barbary States
Blackmailed and plundered our ships
Wanted tribute to sail “their” seas
French crisis of 1789
Pasha of Tripoli informally declared war on the United States
Jefferson forced to send the small navy to the shores of Tripoli
Small gunboats
Jefferson liked these fast little ships and tried to build up the navy with these
They were not very good ships
What is the difference between the French owning New Orleans than the Spanish
Americans feel that they can take the Spanish
In order to get the New Orleans from the French they would have to become allies with Great Britain for support. They did not want to do this.
Year of Louisiana Purchase?
Two American envoys to Louisiana Purchase
R. Livingston
James Monroe
Two reasons Napoleon wanted to sell Louisiana
- He failed to reconquer Santo Domingo. Realized how costly the colonies were
- He thought that the British might beat him on the seas and demand Louisiana. He did not want to give Louisiana to the British because then the British and Americans might team up on him
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Santo Domingo leader who fought off the French
This leads to the Louisiana Purchase
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Santo Domingo leader who fought off the French
This leads to the Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson’s conflict about the Louisiana Purchase
It did not say in the constitution that he had the power to buy the territory
He wanted the territory to strengthen the American republic
How much did we buy Louisiana for?
15 million dollars
Valley of Democracy
Name given to Mississippi River Valley after the Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark’s danger
Had their horses stolen by Blackfoot Indians
Lewis tried to get the horses back and almost got shot by Blackfoot indians
Zebulon M. Pike
Explorer after Lewis and Clark
Found the Colorado Mountains
General James Wilkinson
Helped Aaron Burr try to overtake the Louisiana Territory
Abandoned Burr when he found out that Jefferson knew of the plan
What happened to Burr?
He was tried and acquitted for treason since he only had intent to start the new colony, not proof (legal precedent)
Burr fled to Europe and tried to convince Napoleon to attack the Americans with the British
Battle of Trafalgar
British naval victory over the French
Showed that the British were dominant on the seas
Battle of Three Emperors
French land victory over the British
Showed that the French were dominant on land
Election of 1804
Jefferson is re-elected by a landslide over his Federalist opponent after the success of the Louisiana Purchase
Orders in Council
British legislation that closed French ports to all foreign shipping
The French did the same thing but to British ports
This meant that America could not trade with Britain or France
The Chesapeake
In 1807, the Royal Navy overtook an American naval ship
The American commander refused to give up his men to impressment, so the British shot down the boat
Embargo Act
Forbade the exports of all American goods
Jefferson thought this would prevent the Americans from getting into a war with Britain and France and help weaken these two countries
Effects of the Embargo
Seriously weakened New England’s trade
Weakened farmers ability to export goods
Illicit trade blossomed in Canada
Made the Federalist party stronger because people hated the embargo
Did not seriously hurt Britain or France because they both had their own means of supporting themselves
Non-Intercourse Act
Formally reopened trade with all the nations of the world, except for France and Britian
Latin American and the Embargo
Latin America had opened up trade to Europe so Britain and the French were not as reliant on America
New England and the Embargo
Since their man industry of shipping was greatly weakened, New Englanders were forced to industrialize
Election of 1808
Madison becomes President
Madison and Congress
He could not dominate Congress like Jefferson could do
Congress often controlled Madison
Macon’s Bill No. 2
Reopened trade with the entire world
America hoped that the bill would make either Britain or France removed their restrictions. Then America would place an embargo on the other one
Madison’s Gamble
Under Macon’s Bill, the US gave British 3 months to repeal their Orders in Council and reopen the Atlantic to trade
They did not.
Madison was forced to place an embargo on the British
Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa
Two Indians, “Prophets,” that tried to promote inter-Indian collaboration and unity
Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison attacked Tecumseh’s territory and destroyed the Shawnees
Made the Indians have to make an alliance with the British to fight against the Americans
Felix Grundy
War hawk representative
Believed in war with Canada to wipe out the Indians
What was Madison’s top reason for war?
Restore confidence in the American experiment
Show people democracy was still alive and the Americans were still strong
What did the Americans due that fritted away their strength in the war?
3 Prong invasion of Canada
What did the Americans due that fritted away their strength in the war?
3 Prong invasion of Canada
What did the British and Canadian capture early on in the war?
Fort of Michilimackinac
Who was the successful British general in Canada?
Isaac Brock
What was America’s strength in the war?
They had a strong navy
The Constitution was a powerful boat
Oliver Hazard Perry
Defeated the British by ship at Lake Erie
Led the British into Harrison at the Battle of Thames
Napoleon and the War of 1812
When Napolean was defeated in 1814 so all the British attention was turned to the war in America
Thomas Macdonough
British were Forced to bring supplies down through Lake Champlain
Then Americans confronted them at Plattsburgh
Macdonough led the Americans to victory
British were forced to retreat
Second Fleet of British troops
Landed in the Chesapeake Bay at Baltimore (specifically Bladensburg)
Invaders set fire to a lot of the buildings in the Capitol
British hammers Fort McHenry but they could not capture it
Francis Scot Keyes saw this and wrote the Star Spangled Banner
Third British attack
Aimed at New Orleans
Andrew Jackson whipped the Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Then he fought the British off at the Battle of New Orleans
He raised the spirit of the Americans
How did the Royal Navy try to launch its final blow?
Launched a naval blockade along America’s coast
Tsar Alexander 1
Proposed mediation between the Americans and the British so he could keep the British as an ally against the French
Which Americans were present at the Treaty of Ghent?
John Quincy Adams
Henry Clay
What did the Treaty of Ghent due?
Not much.
It was basically an armistice
Blue Light Federalists
Treacherous New Englanders who flashed lanterns to warn the British of American ships breaking the blockade
Was the Hartford Convention moderate or extreme?
In the end it was very moderate
What did the Hartford Convention demand?
Financial assistance from Washington to compensate for lost trade
Constitutional amendment to require a 2/3 vote before an embargo, new state, or war
Virginia Dynasty
Virginian had been president for all but four year’s of the Republic’s quarter century life
What happened to the Indians after the war?
They were abandoned by the British
Forced to relinquish lots of their lands north of the Ohio River
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Between Britian and the United States
Limited naval armament on the great lakes
United States and Canada came to share a peaceful border
What was the biggest by-product of the War?
Heightened sense of nationalism
Lead to a spread of American culture (writers, textbooks, painters)
Revived the Bank of the United States
Stephen Decatur
Naval hero of the war of 1812
Plunged the Barbary Coast in a nationalistic spirit
What led to the need for a protective tariff?
British suppliers were dumping their surpluses onto the Americans at low prices, thus ruining American factories
3 Parts of Henry Clay’s American System
- Protective tariffs
- Strong banking system
- Roads and canals built up
What happened when Madison vetoed the Bonus Bill?
Individual states were forced to come up with their own internal improvements
Ex: New York built the Erie Canal
What year did Monroe become president in?
big win for the Republicans
What two generations did Monroe seem to stradle?
The age of the Founding Fathers
The emergent age of nationalism
Monroe’s goodwill tour
Cemented his nationalism
Inspected the military on the tour
On the tour he was greeted by “good feelings”
Problems underneath the so-called “Era of Good Feelings”
- Conflict over slavery
2. Sectionalism
Who was hit the hardest by the Panic of 1819?
The West because the “wildcat” western banks were forced to foreclose
The West saw the National Bank as the Devil
Growth between 1791-1819
9 new states were added to the Union
Who was attracted to settle out west by the Ohio?
European immigrants often had the “Ohio Fever”
Also, people whose land was bad from overuse of tobacco fields
Cumberland Road
Ran from western Maryland to Illinois
Helped people settle out west
What was an important technological advancement of the time?
The steamboat
People could travel upstream
Land Act of 1820
Authorized a buyer to purchase 80 virgin acres at a minimum of $1.25
“Wildcat” Banks
The West’s own banks that printed cheap money
Fought with the national bank
Tallmadge Amendment
No more slaves in Missouri
All slaves already born in Missouri are set free at 25
*Came before the Missouri compromise
Provisions of the Missouri Compromise
- Missouri was a slave state
- Maine was a free state
- No slavery north of the 36º 30’ parallel
Election of 1820
Monroe is elected to 2nd term
He is so popular that he received every electoral vote except for one
McCulloch v. Maryland
States could not tax federal institutions
“The power to tax is the power to destroy”
Loose constuction
The Constitution had to be able to be continually applied and adapted for generations to come
Cohens v. Virginia
Cohens were found guilty of illegally selling lottery tickets in Virginia
Asserted the right of the Supreme Court to review decisions of the state supreme courts
Gibbons v. Ogden
Congress alone had the control of interstate commerce
Fletcher v. Peck
Georgia gave land to private speculators
Established the idea that state laws can not impair with contracts
The same idea was applied in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (the original charter must stand)
What effect did Darmouth v. Woodward have?
Allowed charter companies to slip out of the confines of the government
Treaty of 1818
Americans were allowed to share the coveted Newfoundland fisheries with Canada
Also fixed vague limits along modern day Minnesota and Oregon
Jackson and the Spanish
Jackson had secured a commission to fight off the Seminole Indians, but respect the Spanish
Jackson swept across Florida and hung Indians and British
Captured Spanish St. Marks and Pensacola forts
Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819
Due to Jackson ravaging Florida, Spain ceded Florida
Also got Spanish claims to Oregon
America had to abandon Texas
What happened in Europe following Napoleon and the War of 1812?
The monarchs joined together to try to fight off democracy
Made Americans worry that they would try to attack them
Russian bear had pushed down North America down to the line of 51º
People were worried they would take the whole pacific coastline
George Canning
British foreign secretary
Approached the United States to join the British in acquiring Latin American territory and warning other European countries to keep their hands off
The British were scared that the Yankees would one day seize Spanish territories in the Americas
John Quincy Adams was incredibly skeptical of this
Monroe Doctrine basic features
- Noncolinization
- Nonintervention
Showed that the Americans were taking control of the Western Hemisphere. The doctine did not actually accomplish much.