Gilded Age People Flashcards
Jane Addams
Social reformer
Founder of the Settlement House Movement
Hull House built in the slums of Chicago
Alexander Berkman
Tried to kill industrialist HC Frick
Left for Russia
Anthony Comstock
Passage of Comstock Law which was concerned with obscenity in US mail
Banned publications with low morals and profanity
Convicted people on moral charges and vices
Ignatius Donnelly
Leader of the Populist party
Minnesota congressmen
Hamlin Garland
Novelist who wrote about hardworking midwesterners
Eugene V. Debs
Leader of American Railroad Union during the Pullman strike
Arrested because he prevented the mail from being delivered (injunction)
Washington Gladden
Congregational Church leader
Used Christianity to fix problems in factories and slums
“Social Gospel”, Sermon on the Mount was the science of society
Richard Olney
Attorney General and Secretary of State under Grover Cleveland
Wrote cookbooks
Encouraged dispatching FEDERAl troops during Pullman strike
Terence V. Powderly
Leader of the Knights of Labor
Led many strikes for the 8 hour workday
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Made millions in the steamboat industry
Made cheaper and stronger railroads with steel
Samuel Gompers
President of the American Federation of Labor
Wanted cooperation between management and labor
Mother Jones
Devoted her life to the cause of workers
Leader of the Women’s Labor Movement
Carl Schurz
Wanted the merit system
major proponent of Civil Service Reform
Founder of the New York Evening Post
Henry Clay Frick
Largest coke-producing firms
Made an alliance with the Carnegie Brothers
Chairman during the Homestead Strike
Frank Norris
American Norris
Wrote about the lives of ordinary people
Jacob Coxey
Led unemployed workers to march from Ohio to Washington to draw attention to the plight of workers
Demonstrated the effects of the Panic of 1893
Jay Gould
Cornered the gold market
On Black Friday the gold market collapsed and he forced the government to buy gold
Allan Pinkerton
Founder of the Pinkerton Detectives
Benjamin Harrison
Republican president 1888
Opened the Billion Dollar Congress, which used up federal surplus by giving Civil War pensions
Supported a high protective tarriff
Frederick Law Olmsted
American landscape architect
Improved the environment of cities
Created Central Park
W.E.B DuBois
More militant than Booker T. Washington
Demanded complete social and economic equality for blacks
Helped found the NAACP
Booker T. Washington
Head of Tuskegee Institute
Said to accept segregation for the time being and rise up through hard work and education
William Dean Howells
Editor in chief of Atlantic Monthly
Wrote about stories of reformers in NYC
Wrote about controversial issues like divorce
Marcus A Hanna
Wealthy and conservative businessman
He ran McKinley’s front porch campaign in 1896
William McKinley
Defeated Williams Jennings Bryan in election of 1896
Supported a high protective tariff
Opposed unlimited silver
Conservative Republican
Emma Goldman
Russian immigrant and anarchist
Fought against capitalism and supported strikes
Grover Cleveland
1884 elected president
Favored low tariff
2 non-consecutive terms
George W. Plunkitt
New York state senator
Tammany Hall ring
Presented the theory of “honest gaft” and using power to make money was fair
Helen Hunt Jackson
Known for her books about Native Americans/Indians
Horatio Alger
American writer and minister
Chaplain of a lodging house for newsboys in NYC
Wrote about getting things through merit and not because born rich
Henry George
Wrote Our land and Lord Policy
Argued that the boom in the West was actually making most people poor and only a few rich
Book Progress and Poverty further developed this idea
Thomas Nast
Cartoonist for Harper’s Weekly
Powerful cartoons attacking the corrupt Tammany Hall
John D. Rockefeller
Robber baron CEO of Standard Oil corporation
Horizontal integration
William Jennings Bryan
Cross of Gold speech
Speech was about the coinage of silver
Ran for president lots of time (democrat)
Edward Bellamy
Published Looking Backward which depicted a socialistic society in the year 2000
Utopian socialism became moderately popular
Thomas Edison
Invented the electric light in 1879
Patented tons of things like the phonograph and moving picture
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Upbraided the moneyed aristocracy and denouncing the government for be influenced by Wall Street
Member of the Populist Party
“Raise less corn and more hell”
Joseph Pulitzer
Used color comic supplements that gave the name of “yellow journalism” to his scandalous paper
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Helped form the American Women’s Suffrage Association
Wanted women’s suffrage to be included in the 14th amendment
JP Morgan
Powerful banker
Eventually bought Carnegie Steel
Lent money to the government during the economic depression of 1893
“Coin” Harvey
Wrote the Silverites most influential piece of propaganda
Used common terms
Insisted that silver would eliminate debt
Ida Tarbell
McClure’s muckraker who exposed Standard Oil
Chief Joseph
Led the Nez Pearce to Canada instead of reservations
US troops came and brought them back to reservations
Chester Arthur
Took over when Garfield was assassinated
Signed the Pendleton Act for Civil Service Reform
George A. Custer
Discovered gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota
His calvary division was decimated by the Sioux at Little Big Horn
William James
Helped to create the Philosophical foundations for America
Pragmatism: practical application of using philosophical ideas to improve society