Chapter 20 Flashcards
How did Lincoln provoke the South to shoot first at Fort Sumter?
He sent “provisions” to the fort, not “reinforcements”
The South Carolinians saw these provisions as an offensive move and they shot down the US boat that was bringing the provisions
When were the first shots of the war fired?
April 12, 1861
Fort Sumter
What was one of the first military advancements of the Union?
The Naval Blockade of Southern Ports
This was crucial in winning the war
What did Lincoln do in Maryland?
He declared martial law and sent in troops to guarantee that this state did not cut off the North from Washington, DC
Why did Lincoln never want to act too quickly regarding slavery?
He did not want to loose the border states
What was Lincoln’s main purpose?
To save the Union at all costs
Who did the Indians side with?
Many plain indians, like the Cherokee, sided with the Confederacy since they also owned slaves
Native Americans were invited to the Confederate Congress and in return tribes fought for the Confederacy
Mountain Whites
Many Southerners that lived in the mountains believed in the Northern cause and sent troops to the North
Southerners fighting in the North
What was most of the Confederacy’s lack of food caused by?
Although they could grow it, they could not transport it to the troops because they had weak railroad lines
Who was more equipped to fight, the Southern Boy or the Northern Yankee?
The Southern Boy
They were accustomed to managing horses and shooting a gun
The Northern Yankees were more used to being shopkeepers and merchants
Did immigrants fight in the war?
Many Irish, British, and German immigrants were enticed to enlist in the Union army
Why did the British not openly support the South?
The masses did not want to, even though the elite did
They already had surpluses of cotton (not reliant on King Cotton)
They needed the grain from the North
The Trent Affair
A Union warship stopped a British boat
On the boat they removed two Confederate diplomats going to Europe
The British were offended that their boat was invaded
How did Lincoln resolve the Trent Affair?
He basically said to let it go
“One war at a time”
The Alabama
The British were building a Confederate ship
It fought for the Confederates but was manned by the British
It captured a lot of merchant vessels
Eventually a Union ship destroyed it
Charles Frances Adams
American minister to the British
He used a hard-line approach to get the British to stop building ships for the Confederates
In the end, the British pay for damages done to American warships during the war
Laird Rams
Two Confederate warships being built in Britain
They could potentially destroy many Union ships
Charles Frances Adams puts an end to this
Irish Americans and Canada
The Irish hated the British
They decided to invade Canada with several tiny armies they assembled
These were unsuccessful
What happened to Canada in 1867?
It gained its independence
Austrian archduke Maximillian
Appointed as emperor of Mexico by Napoleon III
Napoleon III wanted to conquer Mexico
He later got intimidated by the Americans and Maximillian was killed
Was Jefferson Davis widely liked?
Although he was loyal to the Southern cause, people did not like him like they liked Lincoln
What did Lincoln do that may have not been completely legal?
- Increased the size of the Federal army
- Gave 2 million dollars to private citizens for military purposes
- Suspended the writ of habeas corpus
Habeas corpus
The right that there has to be a reason to arrest you
Lincoln suspended this so any anti-Unionist could be arrested
Supervised voting in the Border States
Many people were intimidated by Republican military officials into voting Republican in the Border States
Bounties for enlistment
Often times cash was given for enlisting in the Union army
Bounty Brokers
Would enlist in one town, take the bounty, and then flee to another town to scam them too
Did the Confederacy rely on just volunteers?
No. They had a draft since they did not have as large of a population as the North
How was the draft corrupt?
You could buy your way out of the draft if you were rich
Did the Union rely on just volunteers?
For the most part
When a draft began, the New York City Draft Riots broke out
Taxes during the war
excise tax and income tax were implemented
tariffs were also higher
needed to fund the war effort
Morrill Tariff Act
Boasted the tariff rates to fund the war
Also helps protect Northern industries
Greenback money
Union money that was issued during the war that was not tied to a gold standard, but rather the nation’s credit
The value of greenbacks fluctuated all the time
What was the number one money raiser for the Union?
What company did the Treasury market its bonds through?
Jay Cooke and Company
National Banking System
Established a standard bank-note currency
Banks in the National System could issue bonds and paper money backed by the government
Blue-backed money
Confederate money that experienced EXTREME inflation
What is happening to Northern factories?
They are expanding
High tariffs protect the factories
Also, war creates many items that need to be created
Shoddy millionaries
Made money by ripping off the war
Would produce poor quality goods for the war
Clara Barton and Dorothea Dix
Made nursing a respected profession
US Sanitary Comission
started by Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell
assisted the Union armies in the field and trained nurses
Sally Tompkins
An importance nurse in the Confederacy