Foreign Policy Flashcards
Cleveland and Venezeula
Cleveland and Richard Olney (secretary of state) apply the Monroe doctrine to a border dispute between British and Venezuelans
British do not want to loose friendship with the US so they back down
an intense form of nationalism calling for an aggressive foreign policy
Reasons for Spanish American War
Cuban Revolt (Cubans were sabotaging plantations. US can step in for business reasons)
Yellow Press
Sinking of the Maine
Yellow Press
actively promoted war fever before the Spanish American War
made Spanish atrocities to seem worse in Cuba
Sinking of the Maine
US battle ship exploded while anchored in Havana, Cuba
Yellow press blamed the Spanish for this
In reality, it was probably an accident
McKinley’s war message
Reasons for the Spanish American War:
- End bloodshed in Cuba
- Protect US citizens living in Cuba
- End injury to business and trade (burning plantations)
- End constant menace to America’s peace
Teller Amendment
Authorized the Spanish American War
Declared that the United States did not want to take political control of Cuba
Once peace was restored the Cubans could be in control
What did most Americans die of in the Spanish American War?
Tropical disease
Annexation of Haiwaii
Opposed by Cleveland
Accomplished by McKinley due to the fight for the Phillipines
Which political party endorsed expansion?
Mostly the Republican party since they were in cohorts with the business leaders
Reasons for expansion
Open new markets
Get more natural resources
Achieve greater world power
Controversy over the Spanish American War Peace Treaty
The treaty provided for the Philipines to become a US territory
Many felt this unconstitutional to subjugate a unique people
Imperialists ended up winning this debate and the treaty passed
Platt Amendment
After the Spanish American War required Cuba to:
- never sign a treaty to impair independence
- never build up excessive debt
- permit the US to intervene in Cuban affairs
- allow the US to establish Guantanamo Bay
Important effect of the Spanish American War
Both Americans and Europeans saw how powerful the United States was
How does Roosevelt get into office?
McKinley is shot
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Independent Panama signs the treaty to grant the United States long term control of the Canal Zone
this removes British involvement in building the canal
How was the Roosevelt Corollary often used?
United States would send gunboats to a Latin American country and occupy their ports until it paid outstanding debts
Portsmouth Treaty
Resolves fighting between the Japanese and the Russians
Mediated by Roosevelt
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Japanese agree to restrict immigration of Japanese workers to United States
California stops discriminatory practices in education system
Root-Takahira Agreement
Important agreement between the United States and Japan
- mutual respect for eachother in the pacific
- support for Open Door Policy in China
Henry Cabot Lodge
Republican Senator
Leader in the fight against the League of Nations
Makes a corollary to Monroe Doctrine that excludes Japanese from being able to intervene in Latin America
Wilson in Mexico
He refuses to support the dictator General Victoriano Huerta
Wilson asks for an arms embargo and sends military to Vera Cruz to block supplies from getting to Huerta
Pancho Villa rises to power and leads raids across the American border
Wilson orders Villa to be hunted down