1920s/30s Test Flashcards
Palmer Raids
Attonery General Mitchel Palmer establishes a special office to gain information on radicals
Palmer orders mass arrests on anarchists and socialists
6,000 people, mostly foreign born, were arrested on little criminal evidence
Ku Klux Klan
Had a huge resurgence in the 1920s
Directed hatred not only at blacks
Mostly lower-middle class white Protestants supported the Klan
Decline in Klan’s membership after corruption was exposed and Grand Dragon David Stephenson is convicted of murder
Washington Naval Conference
Secretary of State Hughes starts talks of disarmament and works to reduce the size of navies
Five Power Treaty
Part of Washington Naval Conference
ratio of navies is:
US 5: Britain 5: Japan 3
US and Britain agree not to fortify their territories in the Pacific
Kellog-Brian Pact
Largely pushed by women
renounces the use of aggression to achieve national ends
Dawes Plan
Established a cycle of payment that lent US money to the Germans
Germans then paid Allies back and Allies paid US back
World economy is held up by American loans
Young Plan
Revises the Dawes plan and further reduces payments by 20%
Republican financial and business policies
very probusiness
got oil rights in the Middle East
remained intervened in Latin America
high protective tariffs
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Republic legislation
increased the duties on manufactured goods by 25%
it was productive in the short term but in the long term it was bad because it prevented European nations from developing
Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Italian immigrants convicted of committing robbery and murder
they were sentenced to die when they should have recieved a much more gentle sentence
Scopes Trial importance
laws banning the teaching of evolution remained
problem of fundamentalism vs. science remains a problem in America
Harlem Renaissance
Concentration of talented actors, artists, musicians, and writers
Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen are great poets
Jazz age resulted from popularity of Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith
Lost Generation
writers disillusioned with war
Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis
TS Eliot and Eugene O’Neill
Hoover-Stimson Doctrine
states that we will not recognize territory acquired by force
Response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria
“Sick” industries/farmers
After the war, farms suffered because they no longer had artificially high prices and wartime demand
New technologies also made farmers overproduce
1920s labor problems
Union movement went backwards
Companies demanded on keeping an open shop (employing non-union workers)
union efforts typically failed because the time period was so pro-business
The United Mine Workers
had unsuccessful strikes in Pennsylvania
Heroes of the 1920s
heroes shifted from political legends to radio, sports, and movie icons
Jack Dempsey (boxer), Babe Ruth, LINDBERGH (flyer), and Jim Thorpe all became heroes
Henry Ford
automobile industry was the largest proponent of economic growth
affected all other industries
people could live further away from the cities
Margaret Sanger
Proponent of birth control
Margaret Sanger
Proponent of birth control
7 Causes of the Great Depression
- Uneven distribution of income
- Stock market speculation: people of all different classes thought they could get rich by “playing the market”
- Excessive use of credit
- Overproduction of consumer goods: not enough people to buy
- Weak farm economy
- Government policies
- Global economic problems (war debt)
Buying on margin
allowed people to borrow most of the cost of the stock
the common man could buy stock
Hoover’s economic policy
thought that prosperity would soon return and we have to let the market fix itself
Gradually Hoover realized the need for the government to intervene
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Hoover signed this bill responded to the international economic crisis
set tax increases on foreign important
backlashed because then European companies raised tariffs that prevented us from selling over there
Debt moratorium
Hoover proposes a suspension on all payments of international debts
Federal Farm Board
supposed to help farmers stabilize prices
it was not very effective
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
gave emergency loans to big businesses (railroads, banks)
thought this would trickle down to smaller business
Bonus March
1932 summer
thousands of unemployed WWI vets marched to Washington, DC to demand immediate payment of bonuses promised to them at a later date
Congress did not pass the bill
two vets killed in a class with police and Hoover orders federal army to break up camp
General MacArthur uses tear gas and tanks to drive the vets from Washington
FDR economic policy
trial and error, but you have to try something
the Three R’s
The Three R’s
Relief, recovery, and reform