Posterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
Thoracolumbar fascia
- Encloses deep back muscles
- Fuses internal oblique and transversus abdominus fascias laterally
- Associated w/ vertebrae => not distensible
Psoas major
- Prox: transverse process T12-L5
- Distal: lesser trochanter
- Fxn:
A. Unilateral: flex trunk same side
B. Bilateral: flex and externally rotate hip, raise trunk from supine - Innervation: ventral rami L2-L4
- Supply: lumbar, renal, common iliac, deep circumflex
- Prox: iliac fossa
- Distal: lesser trochanter
- Fxn:
A. Unilateral: flex trunk same side
B. Bilateral: flex and externally rotate hip, raise trunk from supine - Innervation: femoral n. (L2-L4)
- Supply: lumbar, renal, common iliac, deep circumflex
Quadratus lumborum
- Prox: iliac crest
- Distal: 12th rib, transverse processes L1-L4
- Fxn:
A. Stabilizes 12th rib
B. Unilateral: flexes trunk same side - Innervation:
A. Subcostal (T12)
B. Iliohypogastric (L1)
C. Ilio-inguinal (L1)
D. Ventral rami L2-L4 - Supply:
A. Lumbar a
B. Iliolumbar a.
C. Subcostal a
- Primary respiratory muscle
- Double-domed
- Musculoteninous partition between thoracic and abdominal cavity
- Muscular leaves
A. Sternal
B. Costal
C. Lumbar - Insertion: central tendon
- Innervation:
A. Motor: phrenic n. (C3-C5)
B. Sensory: phrenic, intercostal (T5-T11), subcostal (T12) - Supply:
A. Thoracic surface:- Pericardiacophrenic a. And v.
- Musculophrenic a. And v.
- Superior phrenic a. And v.
B. Abdominal surface - Inferior right and left phrenic a. And v.
Median artucate
Midline union of right and left crura
Medial arcuate
Between lumbar bodies and transverse processes
1. Passage of psoas major and lumbar sympathetic trunk
Lateral arcuate
From T12 transverse process to rib 12 over quadratus lumborum
Caval opening
Opening for IVC thru the diaphragm
1. T8 level
Esophageal hiatus
Opening for esophagus thru diaphragm
- Right crus formation for passage of esophagus, vagal trunks, gastric vessels, and few lymphatic
- T10 level
Aortic hiatus
Aperture between right and left crura for passage of aorta
Abdominal aorta
- Begins T12, enters aortic hiatus
- Retroperitoneal
- Ends L4 -> divides right and left common iliac a.
- Visceral branches
A. Unpaired- Celiac trunk
- Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
- Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
B. Paired - Right and left middle suprarenal a.
- Right and left renal a.
- Right and left testicular/ovarian a.
- Parietal branches
A. Unpaired median sacral a.
B. Paired right and left inferior phrenic- Right and left lumbar a.
Celiac ganglion and plexus
Surrounding celiac trunk
1. Connects superior mesenteric plexus and 2 aorticorenal ganglia
Superior mesenteric plexus
Surrounding SMA
Inferior mesenteric plexus
Connected to IMP via intermesenteric plexus
1. Right and left sides divide -> hypogastric n.
Inferior hypogastric plexus
Hypogastric n. From superior hypogastric plexus
Visceral referred pain
Pain associated w/ actual or potential damage referred to somatic structures supplied by same sensory ganglia and spinal cord segments
1. Visceral and somatic afferent enter spinal cord at same level cross-talk and brain interprets pain as tho in somatic region