Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Olfactory n.
1. Smell via cribiform plate
Optic N.
- Vision thru optic canal
- Covered in dura mater
- Still considered part of the brain
Oculomotor n.
CN III 1. Motor most extraocular m. A. Levator palpebrae superioris B. Superior rectus C. Medial rectus D. Inferior rectus E. Inferior oblique 2. Parasympathetic: ciliary ganglion -> short ciliary branches -> schincter papillae and ciliary m. 3. Foramen: superior orbital fissure
Trochlear n.
- Motor to superior oblique m.
- Foramen: superior orbital fissure
Trigeminal n.
- Ophthalmic (CN V1)
- Maxillary n. (CN V2)
- Mandibular n. (CN V3)
Ophthalmic n.
CN V1 1. Sensory A. Forehead B. Orbit C. Internal nose D. Sinuses (frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid) 2. Carries sympathetic and parasympathetic A. Lacrimal glands B. Eyes C. Mucous membranes 3. Foramen: superior orbital foramen
Maxillary n.
CN V2 1. Sensory A. Face between lower eyelid and upper lip B. Nasopharynx C. Upper palate D. Maxillary and ethmoid sinuses 2. Carries sympathetic and parasympathetic -> A. Lacrimal glands B. Mucous membranes 3. Foramen: A. Incisive foramen B. Greater and lesser palatine C. Foramen rotundum
Mandibular n.
CN V3 1. Sensory A. Face below mouth and up around side burns B. Anterior 2/3 tongue C. Internal cheeks 2. Motor A. Muscles of mastication 1. Temporal masseter 2. Lateral and medial pterygoids B. 4 other muscles 1. Tensor veil palatini 2. Tensor tympani 3. Mylohyoid 4. Anterior belly of digastric 3. Carries sympathetic and parasympathetic A. Salivary glands B. Mucous membranes 4. Foramen: A. Foramen ovale B. Foramen spinosum
Abducens n.
- Motor to lateral rectus m.
- Foramen: superior orbital fissures
Facial N.
CN VII 1. Special sense: taste anterior 2/3 tongue via chorda tympani 2. Motor: A. M. Of facial expression B. Stapedius C. Stylohyoid D. Posterior belly digastric 3. Greater petrosal: parasympathetic A. Lacrimal and mucosa via pterygopalatine ganglia 4. Chorda tympani: parasympathetic A. Sublingual glands B. Submandibular glans C. Taste 5. Foramen A. Stylomastoid foramen B. Internal acoustic meatus
Vestibulocochlear n
- Vestibular: position and balance
- Cochlear: hearing
- Foramen: internal acoustic meatus
Glossopharyngeal n.
1. Motor: stylopharyngeus
2. Sensory:
A. Pharyngeal plexus
B. Tonsils
C. Tympanic plexus (auditory tube and tympanic cavity)
3. Taste and sensation post 1/3 tongue
4. Visceral afferent: carotid sinus (w/ CN X)
5. Parasympathetic to parotid gland
A. Tympanic n. -> tympanic plexus -> lesser petrosal -> otic ganglion -> auriculotemporal (V3)
6. Foramen: jugular foramen
Vagus n.
CN X 1. Motor A. Pharyngeal constrictors B. Soft palate C. Laryngeal muscles 2. Sensory A. Dura posterior cranial fossa B. Parts external auricle C. Tympanic membrane D. External auditory meatus E. Pharynx F. Larynx G. Superior 1/2 esophagus 3. Visceral afferent: joints CN IX -> carotid sinus and body A. Chemoreceptors and baroreceptors for regulating HR and RR 4. Special sense: taste on epiglottis 5. Parasympathetic: esophagus to left colic flexure 6. Foramen: jugular foramen
Spinal accessory n.
CN XI 1. Motor A. Sternocleidomastoid B. Trapezius C. Branch joins pharyngeal plexus w/ CN IX and X -> larynx and pharynx 2. Foramen A. Jugular B. Foramen magnum
Hypoglossal n.
1. Motor: all intrinsic and extrinsic m. Of the tongue
A. Except: palatoglossus
2. Foramen: hypoglossal canal
Parasympathetic ganglia in the head
Posterior synaptic jumps to CN V
1. Ciliary: in orbit
A. CN III -> eye via short ciliary branches CN V1
2. Pterygopalatine: pterygopalatine fossa
A. Greater petrosal (CN VII) -> zygomatic (CN V2) -> nasal glands and lacrimal gland (communicate V1)
3. Submandibular: chorda tympani (CN VII) -> lingual (CN V3) -> submandibular and sublingual glands
4. Otic: CN IX tympanic n. -> postganglionic n. -> auriculotemporal (CN V3) -> parotid gland
5. Geniculate: not parasympathetic
A. Special sensory taste
Face, palate, and external cranial base foramina
- Supraorbital: CN V1
- Infraorbital : CN V2
- Mental: CN V3
- Greater and lesser palatine: greater and lesser palatine n. (CN V2) and vessels
- Incisive foramen
- Stylomastoid foramen
Supraorbital foramen
Infraorbital foramen
Mental foramen
Greater and lesser palatine foramina
- Greater and lesser palatine n. (CN V2) and vessel
Incisive foramen
- Nasopalatine n. (CN V2)
2. Sphenopalatine vessels
Stylomastoid foramen
Anterior cranial foss
- Cribiform plate
2. Optic canal
Cribiform plate
Optic canal
2. Ophthalmic a.
Middle cranial fossa
- Superior orbital fissure
- Inferior orbital fissure
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen spinosum
- Foramen lacernum
- Carotid canal
Superior orbital fissure
- CN V1
Inferior orbital fissure
Infraorbital and zygomatic branch CN V2
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
- CN V3
2. Accessory meninges a.
Foramen spinosum
- Middle meninges a.
2. Meningeal branch CN V3
Foramen lacernum
Internal carotid a.
Carotid canal
Internal carotid canal
Posterior cranial fossa
- Foramen magnum
- Jugular foramen
- Hypoglossal canal
- Internal and external acoustic meatus
Foramen magnum
- Medulla oblongata
- Vertebral a.
Jugular foramen
- Inferior petrosal sinus -> internal jugular vein
- CN X
- Posterior meningeal a.
Hypoglossal canal
Internal and external acoustic meatus
Cranial meninges
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Pia mater
Dura mater
Tough outer layer
1. Bilaminar
A. External periosteal (endosteal) layer
1. Potential space between skull and periosteal layer
B. Internal meningeal layer (dura mater proper): adhered periosteal layer except at rural sinuses
Dural venous sinuses
Collect blood from superficial and deep veins of the brain
1. Reabsorption CSF from subarachnoid space via arachnoid granulations
Dural infoldings (septa)
Formed by meningeal layer
- Falx cerebri
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Falx cerebelli
- Diaphragm sellae
Falx cerebri
Between cerebral hemispheres
Tentorium cerebelli
Roof over posterior cranial fossa
1. Separate cerebrum and cerebellum
Falx cerebelli
Between cerebellar hemispheres
Diaphragma sellae
Roof over sella turcica
1. Opening for pituitary stalk
Dural blood supply
- Main= middle meningeal a.
A. Branch of maxillary a.
Sensory innervation of the dura
1. Meningeal n. A. CN V (all subdivisions) 1. Anterior and middle cranial fossa 2. Falx cerebri 3. Tentorium cerebelli 2. C2 and C3: posterior cranial fossa
Arachnoid mater
Thin delicate layer
- Contains CSF in subarachnoid space
- Arachnoid trabeculae: delicate attachment to pia mater
Pia mater
Thin, delicate layer adhered to brain
Arachnoid + pia
Dural venous sinuses and flow
- Superior sagittal sinus
- Inferior sagittal sinus
- Straight sinus
- Occipital sinus
- Transverse sinus (paired)
- Sigmoid sinus (paired)
- Cavernous sinus (paired)
Superior sagittal sinus
Superior border of falx cerebri -> confluence of sinuses
Inferior sagittal sinus
Along inferior free edge of falx cerebri -> joins great cerebral vein -> straight sinus
Straight sinus
Junction where falx cerebri meets tentorium cerebelli -> confluence of sinus
Occipital sinus
Posterior border of falx cerebelli -> confluence of sinuses
Transverse sinus
1. Confluence of sinuses -> along posterior border tentorium cerebelli -> superior petrosal part of temporal bone -> sigmoidal sinus
Sigmoid sinus
1. S-shaped -> jugular foramen -> internal jugular foramen
Cavernous sinus
1. Located in middle cranial fossa
2. Collects blood from
A. Orbit
B. Pituitary gland
C. Superior veins cerebral hemisphere
D. Other small dural sinuses
1. Intercavernous sinuses (posterior and anterior)
2. Superior petrosal sinus (paired)
3. Inferior petrosal sinus (paired)
3. Internal carotid a. And CN VI run thru it
4. Cranial nerves III, IV, V1 and V2 embedded w/in meningeal layer of dura that forms lateral wall cavernous sinus
Intercavernous sinuses
Posterior and anterior
1. Thru sella turcica communicate w/ 2 cavernous sinuses
Superior petrosal sinus
1. Cavernous -> superior border petrosal part of temporal bone -> terminal part of transverse sinus
Inferior petrosal sinus
1. Cavernous -> inferior border of petrosal part of temporal bone -> internal jugular vein
Vertebral artery
From subclavian -> enters foramen magnum
1. 4 parts
A. 1st (prevertebral) part: superior and inferior from subclavian -> transverse foramen C6
B. 2nd (cervical) part: thru transverse foramina C6 -> C1 -> anterior to anterior rami of spinal n.
C. 3rd (Atlantic) part: thru vertebral canal
1. Seen in floor of suboccipital triangle
D. 4th (intracranial) part: thru dura and arachnoid mater -> posterior cranial fossa -> foramen magnum -> pair meets at medullopontine sulcus -> basilar a. -> divided left and right posterior cerebral a.
Cerebellum blood supply
- Posterior inferior cerebellar a.
- Anterior inferior cerebellar a.
- Superior cerebellar a.
Posterior cerebral artery
- Occipital lobes
- Inferior surfaces of temporal lobes
- Most posterior surfaces of parietal lobes
Internal carotid artery
- Thru carotid canal
- 4 parts
A. 1st (cervical) part: ascends to base of skull
B. 2nd (petrous) part: thru carotid canal
C. 3rd (cavernous) part: pierces periosteal layer of dura -> cavernous sinus
D. 4th (cerebral) part: divides -> anterior and middle cerebral artery - Major branches
A. Ophthalmic a.
B. Posterior communicating a.
C. Anterior choroid a.
D. Anterior cerebral a.
E. Middle cerebral a.
Ophthalmic a.
Posterior communicating a.
Branch off internal carotid
1. Proximal part of posterior cerebral a.
Anterior choroidal a.
Branch off internal carotid
1. Deep structures of brain
Anterior cerebral a.
Branch off internal carotid
- Medial surfaces of frontal and parietal lobes
- Superior surface of temporal lobe
- Lateral portion inferior surface of frontal lobe
Middle cerebral a.
Branch off internal carotid
- Lateral surfaces of frontal and parietal lobes
- Superior surface of temporal lobes
- Lateral portion of inferior surface of frontal lobe
Cerebral arterial circle (of Willis)
- Anterior communicating a.: left and right anterior cerebral a.
- Anterior cerebral a. (Paired) internal carotid -> anterior communicating a.
- Internal carotid a. (Paired)
- Posterior communicating a. (Paired): internal carotid and posterior cerebral a.
- Posterior cerebral a. (Paired): basilar a. -> posterior communicating a.
- Potential vascular shunt (especially cerebral hemisphere)
- Vessel walls weak at angles -> aneurysms
CN originating from cerebrum
CN originating from diencephalon
CN originating from mesencephalon (midbrain)
CN originating from pons
CN originating from medulla
Which CN runs thru cavernous sinus