Oral And Nasal Cavities Flashcards
Nasal cavity bones
- Nasal
- Maxillary
- Lacrimal
- Frontal
- Ethmoid
- Inferior nasal concha
- Palatine
- Vomer
Sphenoethmoidal recess
Above superior concha
1. Receives opening sphenoidal sinus
Superior meatus in nasal cavity
Marrow passage between middle and superior conchae
1. Houses posterior ethmoid sinuses
Middle meatus in nasal cavity
Communicates w/ frontal and maxillary sinus
Inferior meatus of nasal cavity
Lacrimal duct
Nasal cavity innervation
- CN I
- CN V1
A. Anterior ethmoid: internal, lateral, and medial nasal branches
B. Posterior ethmoid: sphenoid sinus and ethmoid air cells- Often absent
- CN V2
A. Nasopalatine and posterior nasal branches - Parasympathetic from CN VII via greater petrosal -> pterygopalatine ganglia -> jump onto branches CN V -> nasal mucosa
- Sympathetic: superior cervical ganglion w/ blood vessels
Blood supply to nasal cavity
- Internal carotid -> ophthalmic -> ant and post ethmoidal -> anterior septal branches
- External carotid -> maxillary -> sphenopalatine -> posterior septal branches
Soft palate
CN X all musculature except tensor veil palatini (CN V3)
Structures superior to soft palate
Nasopharynx and muscles that elevate palate
- Torus tubarius
- Salpingopharyngeal fold
- Tensor veli palatini
- Levator veli palatini
Torus tubarius
Bulbous cartilaginous opening of auditory tube
Salpingopharyngeal fold
Makes up posterior border of auditory tube
Tensor veli palatini
Off auditory tube and sphenoid bone -> wraps around pterygoid hamulus -> soft palate
Levator veli palatini
Off auditory tube and petrous bone -> uvulas
Structures inferior to soft palate
Muscles elevate pharynx and posterior tongue -> soft palate
- Uvula
- Palatoglossal arch
- Palatopharyngeal arch
Central body and origin palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
1. Contain tonsils
Palatoglossal arch
Covers palatoglossus muscle
- Prox: uvulae anteriorly
- Distal: posterior tongue
Palatopharyngeal arch:
Covers palatopharyngeal muscle
- Prox: uvula posteriorly
- Distal: pharyngeal constrictors
Foliage papilla
Sensory structures along sides of tongue
Fungiform papilla
Sensory structures scattered on anterior surface of tongue
1. Resemble mushrooms
Filiform papilla
Sensory structures on entire surface of tongue
1. Resemble hair
Vallate papilla
Large round sensory structures surrounded by rings on the tongue
1. Many taste buds
Terminal sulcus of tongue
Separates tongue from root
Muscles of the tongue
1. Intrinsic A. Superior and inferior longitudinal m. B. Transverse m. C. Vertical m. 2. Genioglossus 3. Hypoglossus 4. Palatoglossus 5. Styloglossus
Genioglossus m.
Bulk of tongue
- Prox: genial tubercle of mandible
- Distal: intrinsic dorsum of tongue
Hyoglossus m.
Hyoid -> tongue
Palatoglossus m.
Soft palate -> tongue
Styloglossus m.
Styloid process -> tongue
Muscles of mastication
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Lateral pterygoid
- Medial pterygoid
- Buccal
- Orbicularis
- Infroatemporal fossa
Masseter m.
- Prox: zygomatic bone
- Distal: external mandibular angle
- Innervation: CN V
- Fxn: close and protrude mandible
Temporalis m.
- Prox: temporal line -> zygomatic arch
- Distal: coronoid tuberacle of mandible
- Innervation: CN V
- Fxn: close and retract mandibles
Lateral pterygoid m.
- Prox: lateral pterygoid plate
- Distal: head of condyle and articular disc
- Innervation: CN V
- Fxn: protrude mandible and articular disc
A. Unilaterally: moves mandible contralateral side
Medial pterygoid m.
- Prox: medial side lateral pterygoid plate
- Distal: medial mandibular angle
- Innervation: CN V
- Fxn: elevates mandible
A. Unilaterally: moves mandible contralateral side
Infratemporal fossa
Area medial mandibular ramus
- Lateral and medial pterygoid n.
- CN V3: lingual, inferior alveolar, and auriculotemporal branches
- Maxillary a. -> inferior alveolar, middle meningeal, and sphenopalatine
- Chorda tympani from CN VII
Salivary glands
- Parotid (CN IX)
- Submandibular (CN VII) -> sublingual papilla
- Sublingual (CN VII) -> opening along sublingual fold
Innervation of oral cavity
- CN V2
- CN V3
- CN X
CN V2 fxn in the oral cavity
Sensory nasal cavity and upper palate
- Superior alveolar branch: sensory upper teeth and superior alveolar area
- Greater palatine, lesser palatine, and nasopalatine: sensory to palate
CN V3 fxn in oral cavity
Sensory to oral cavity (except upper palate) and motor component
1. Muscle of mastication
2. Tensors
A. Tensor tympani
B. Tensor veli palatini
C. Oral floor: mylohyoid and anterior belly digastric
3. Sensory branches
A. Buccal (long buccal): sensory to cheeks
B. Lingual: sensory anterior 2/3 tongue
C. Inferior alveolar: sensory to teeth and inferior alveolar area -> mental n.
CN VII fxn in oral cavity
- Motor: stylohyoid and posterior belly digrastric
- Motor facial expression: buccinator and orbicularis oculi
- Chorda tympani: joins lingual
A. Taste anterior 2/3 tongue and submandibular ganglion -> submandibular and sublingual glands
CN IX fxn in oral cavity
- Parotid via lesser petrosal
- Motor stylopharyngeus
- Sensory to pharynx
- Taste posterior 1/3 tongue
CN X fxn in oral cavity
- Motor pharyngeal constrictors
- Motor soft palate m.
A. Levator veli palatini
B. Palatoglossus
C. Palatopharyngeus
D. Salpingopharyngeus
E. Muscular uvula - Sensory (taste) epiglottis
CN XII fxn in oral cavity
Intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles
1. Expect palatoglossus
Blood supply to the oral cavity
External carotid -> lingual and maxillary branches 1. Lingual -> tongue 2. Maxillary A. Middle meningeal B. Inferior alveolar branch -> mandible C. Superior alveolar branch -> maxilla D. Descending palatine -> palate E. Muscular branches 1. Buccal 2. Masseteric 3. Pterygoid 4. Deep temporal