Perineum Flashcards
Shallow compartment bounded by pelvic outlet 1. Pelvic diaphragm fascia separates it from pelvic cavity 2. Surface diamond-shaped A. Mons pubis - anterior B. Medial thighs - lateral C. Gluteal folds - posterior 3. Bony boundaries A. Pubic symphysis B. Ischiopubic rami C. Ischial tuberosities D. Sacrotuberous lig E. Sacrum F. Coccyx 4. Anal canal 5. Urogenital triangle 6. Perineal body
Anal triangle
- Anal canal
- Anus
- Surrounded by ischio-anal fat
Urogenital triangle
- Closed by perineal membrane between ischiopubic rami
- Urethra
- Vagina
- Membrane provide attachment for erectile bodies
Perineal body
Central tendon of perineum
1. Irregular mass of collagenous and elastic muscles
2. Skeletal and smooth muscles posterior vaginal vestibule/bulb of penis and anterior angus
3. Muscle convergence
A. Bulbospongiosus
B. External anal sphincter
C. Superficial and deep transverse perineal
D. External urethral sphincter
E. Levator ani
F. Muscular coats of rectum
4. Blends w/ posterior border of perineal membrane anteriorly and rectovesical or rectovaginal septum superiorly
Perineal fascia
- Superficial fatty layer of subcutaneous
- Deep membranous layer of subcutaneous
- Deep perineal fascia (investing or Gallaudet)
Superficial fatty layer of subcutaneous peritoneal fascia
- Both sexes continuous posteriorly w/ ischio-anal fat pad
- Females: continuous to labia majora and mons pubis
A. Continuous w/ Camper’s fascia in abdominal cavity - Males: diminished in urogenital triangle
A. Replaced by Darto’s in penis and scrotum
Deep membranous layer of subcutaneous peritoneal fascia
- Doesn’t extend into anal triangle
- Attaches posterior margin perineal membrane and perineal body posteriorly and fascia lata laterally
- Females: continuous w/ abdominal deep membranous fascia
- Males: colles fascia couninuous w/ Dartos in scrotum and penis and scarpa’s in abdomen
Deep perineal fascia
Investing or Gallaudet 1. Invests A. Ischiocavernosus B. Bulbospongiosus C. Superficial transverse perineal 2. Attaches A. Ischiopubic rami laterally B. Suspensatory lig of penis/clitoris anteriorly 3. Continuous w/ deep fascia in abdomen
Superficial perineal pouch
- Potential space between perineal fascia and membrane
- Males
A. Root of penis
B. Ischiocavernosus m.
C. Bulbospongiosus m.
D. Bulbous part spongy urethra
E. Superficial transverse perineal m.
F. Deep perineal branch of internal pudendal vessels and nerves - Female
A. Clitoris
B. Ischiocavernosus m.
C. Bulbs of vestibule
D. Bulbospongiosus m.
E. Greater vestibular glands
F. Superficial transverse perineal m.
G. Deep perineal branch of internal pudendal vessels and nerves
Deep perineal pouch
1. Boundaries A. Perineal membrane - inf B. Inf fascia pelvic diaphragm - sup C. Obturator fascia - lat 2. Both sexes A. Part of urethra B. Inf part external erethral sphincter m. C. Ant extension of ischio-anal fat pads 3. Males A. Intermediate urethra B. Deep transverse perineal m. C. Bulbourethral glands D. Dorsal neurovascular structures of penis 4. Females A. Prox urethra B. Mass of smooth muscle C. Dorsal neuorvasculature of clitoris
Anal triangle
- Ischio-anal (ischiorectal) fossae
- Pudendal canal (Alcock canal) and neurovascular bundle
- Anal canal
Ischio-anal (ischiorectal) fossae
Part of anal triangle
- Fascia-lined, wedge-shaped spaces on sides of anal canal between skin and pelvic diaphragm
- 2 communicate by posterior natal space over anococcygeal lig
- Fat-filled: support anal canal but allow movement
Pudendal canal (Alcock canal)
Part of anal triangle
1. Horizontal passageway w/in obturator fascia
2. Enter at lesser sciatic notch
A. Internal pudendal a. And v.
B. Pudendal n.
C. N. To obturator internus
3. Internal pudendal vessels and pudendal n. Serve most of perineum
A. Micturation
B. Defecation
C. Erection
D. Ejaculation
E. Parturition
4. Internal pudendal a. And n. -> inf rectal a. And n.
A. Passes medially -> external sphincter and peri-anal skin
B. Inf. Rectum
Pudendal n.
1. Major n. Of perineum
2. Exits sacral foramina, under greater sciatic foramen
3. Enters perineum via lesser sciatic foramen
4. Branches
A. Inferior rectal n. - external sphincter and anal canal inf pectinate line
1. Communicates w/ perineal br. Of post cutaneous n. In thigh
B. Perineal n.
C. Dorsal n. Of penis/clitoris
Perineal n.
- Superficial n. -> post scrotal/labial (cutaneous) br.
2. Deep n. -> muscles of deep and superficial perineal pouches, skin of vestibule, mucosa innermost vagina
Dorsal n. Of penis/clitoris
Primary sensory n. Of penis/clitoris
- Skin
- Prepuce
- Glans penis/clitoris, external urethral sphincter
Anal canal
Terminal portion of GI tract from superior pelvic diaphragm -> anus
- Puborectalis m. Sling = boundary from rectum
- Surrounded by internal and external sphincters
- Internal anal sphincter
- External anal sphincter
- Anal columns
- Anorectal junction
- Pectinate line
Internal anal sphincter
Part of anal canal 1. Involuntary 2. Sup 2/3 anal canal 3. Thickening circular muscle layer A. Tonic contraction stim 1. Sympathetic superior rectal 2. Sympathetic hypogastric B. Inhibited 1. Parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic n. 2. Distension rectal ampulla 3. Requires voluntary contraction of sphincter to inhibit defecation
External anal sphincter
Part of anal canal 1. Voluntary 2. Inf 1/3 anal canal 3. Attached A. Perineal body - ant B. Coccyx - post 4. Subcutaneous, superficial, deep parts - zones instead of bellies 5. Mostly S4 innervation via inf rectal n.
Anal columns
Part of anal canal
1. Sup 1/2 mucous layer - longitudinal columns
A. Terminal branches sup rectal a. And v.
Anorectal junction
Part of anal canal
1. Where rectum joins anal canal
A. Anal columns end and join anal valves
B. Recesses -> mucus when compressed by feces
Pectinate line
Inf limit anal canal, separate visceral and somatic portions 1. Sup and inf differ A. Histology B. Arterial supply C. Innervation D. Venous and lymphatic drainage 2. Sup to pectinate line A. Supply from IMA 1. Superior rectal a. B. Drain portal venous system C. Lymph -> internal iliac nodes D. Hypogastric plexus 1. Sympathetic- tone sphincter 2. Parasympathetic- relax sphincter 3. Visceral afferent travel w/ S2-S4 3. Inf to pectinate line A. Supply from internal iliac a. B. Drain caval venous system via inf rectal v. C. Lymph -> sup inguinal nodes D. Inf rectal n. 1. Sensory: pain, touch, temp 2. Somatic: sphincters
Superficial perineal muscles
- Innervation by deep branch perineal n
- Superficial transverse perineal m.
- Ischiocavernosus m.
- Bulbospongiosus m.
Superficial transverse perineal
- Prox: internal surface ischiopubic rami and ischial tuberosity
- Distal: post border perineal body
- Fxn: supports and fixes perineal body -> support abdominopelvic viscera and resist inc pressure
- Innervation: deep branch perineal n.
Ischiocavernosus m.
- Prox: internal surface ischiopubic rami and ischial tuberosity
- Distal: inf and medial crus and perineal membrane
- Fxn: maintains erection - contracts around veins or erectile organs
- Innervation: deep branch perineal n.
Bulbospongiosus m.
- Males
A. Prox: median raphe on ventral surface bulb of penis and perineal body
B. Distal: perineal membrane- Surrounds bulb of penis
C. Fxn: - Support and fixes perineal body
- Compress bulb of penis -> expel urine/semen
- Assists erection - compresses outflow and pushes blood from bulb into penis
- Surrounds bulb of penis
- Females
A. Prox: perineal body- Encloses bulb and greater vestibule glands
B. Distal: pubic arch and corpora cavernosa fascia of clitoris
C. Fxn: - Supports and fixes perineal body
- “Sphincter” of vagina
- Assists in erection of clitoris
- Compresses greater vestibule glands
- Encloses bulb and greater vestibule glands
Male urogenital triangle: external genitalia
- Distal male urethra
- Scrotum
- Penis
Distal male urethra
- Intramural: extends thru neck of bladder, surrounded by internal urethral sphincter
- Prostatic: descends thru prostate, bound by rhabdosphincter
A. Urethral crest w/ seminal colliculus
B. Flanked by prostatic sinuses
C. Ejaculatory ducts open into colliculus (union of urinary and reproductive tracts) - Intermediate (membranous): begins apex of prostate and passes thru deep perineal pouch
A. Surrounded by external urethral sphincter
B. Penetrates perineal membranous and ends as it enters bulb of penis - Spongy: thru corpus spongiosum and ends at external urethral orifice
A. Narrow except bulb of penis and glans (navicular fossa)
B. Bulbo-urethral glands and urethral glands open into it
Cutaneous fibromuscular sac that houses testes and assoc. structures
- Midline scrotal raphe: continuous w/ penile raphe (ventral surface of penis) and perineal raphe
- Septum of scrotum: continuous dartos fascia, separate scrotum -> 2 compartments
- Arterial supply: anterior scrotal a. And post scrotal a.
- Innervation: ilio-inguinal and perineal br. Of pudendal br. Of pudendal n.
- 3 cavernous bodies erectile tissue: paired corpora cavernosa (dorsally) and single corpus spongiosum that houses spongy urethra (ventrally)
A. All have fibrous covering = tunica albuginea - Root
A. Crura
B. Bulb
C. Ischiocavernosus m.
D. Bulbospongiosus m.
E. In superficial perineal pouch between membrane and deep perineal fascia - Body
A. Skin
C. Blood and lymph vessels
D. Fascia
E. Corpora cavernosa
F. Corpus spongiosum w/ spongy urethra -> surface of glans
G. Skin + fascia = prepuce at neck of glans
H. Suspensory lig: deep fascia anchors erectile bodies to pubic symphysis- Spilts and surrounds penis and unites -> blends w/ dartos fascia -> scrotal septum
Female urogenital triangle
- External genitalia
A. Mons pubis
B. Labia majora
C. Labia Minorca
D. Clitoris (root and body)- 2 crura
- 2 corpora cavernosa
- Glans
E. Vestibule of vagina: space surrounded by labia minora - Paraurethral gland: open on medial aspect labia minora
- Vaginal orifice and hymen
- Bulbs of vestibule: erectile
- Greater vestibular glands (Bartholin glands): secrete mucus into vestibule during arousal
- Lesser vestibular glands: moisten labia and vestibule
Ilio-inguinal n. (L1)
- Skin at root penis
- Ant scrotum
- Labia majora
Cavernous nerves
1. Helicine arteries erectile tissue
Peritoneal lymphatic drainage
1. Superficial inguinal nodes -> lumbar aortic nodes A. Lower abdominal wall B. Buttocks C. Penis D. Scrotum E. Labia majora F. Inf vagina G. Anal canal 2. Deep inguinal nodes and external iliac nodes A. Glans penis/clitoris B. Labia minora