Cardiovascular Embryology Flashcards
Fetal circulation
- Bypasses lungs
- Changes at birth
A. First breath -> closes umbilical veins
B. Shunts close- Ductus venosus: shunts from umbilical vein to inferior vena cava
A. No pressure after birth => inc. pressure on left side -> ligamentum teres in liver - Foramen ovale: between RA and LA to bypass lungs
A. Lung expansion -> vacuum
B. Dec right pressure and inc left pressure
C. Flap stays closed w/ higher pressure on left - Ductus arteriosus: between aorta and pulmonary trunk
A. Higher O2 sat -> smooth muscle contraction -> close
- Ductus venosus: shunts from umbilical vein to inferior vena cava
Fetal heart tube
2 layers 1. Endothelial (thin) -> endocardium 2. Thick layer -> myocardium A. Mesothelium of outside -> epicardium 3. Cardinal jelly between 2 layers
Heart tube elongation
Dilations: 1. Bulbous cordis A. Continuous w/ truncus arteriosus B. Resorts into vesicles 2. Sinus venosus A. Receives: 1. Umbilical vein 2. Vitelline vein 3. Common cardinal vein B. Becomes smooth part atria and coronary sinus 3. Looping (23 days) A. Heart tube U-shaped bend 1. Sinus venosus shift right 2. Future ventricle and bulbous cordis shift left 4. Pericardial cavity A. Heart grows into it
Heart tube partitioning
- Primitive atrium and ventricle
- Primordial atrium
- Primordial ventricle
- Bulbus cordis
- Cardiac valves
Primitive atrium and ventricle
- 4th week
B. Tube between constricts
C. Endocardium cushions bud from dorsal/ventral aspects
D. Cushions grow and fuse left and right channel between primitive A and V
E. Eventually AV valves
Primordial atrium
A. Septum primum 1. Encocardial cushions fuse 2. Septum primum separate left and right atria 3. Foramen secundum forms (apoptosis) in ventral septum primum B. Septum secundum 1. Forms from ventral right atrium 2. Makes flap w/ septum primum C. Sinus venosus 1. Opens into dorsal primitive atrium 2. 2 horns A. Left (small) -> coronary sinus B. Right -> inflow vessels
Primordial ventricle
- Interventricular septum grows toward endocardial cushions
- Inc. thickness
- Muscular septum = inferior 1/2
- Closes week 7
Bulbus cordis
- Primordial outflow vessels divide from left and right ventricles separately
- Bulbar ridges form and fuse
A. 180 degree spiraling - Aorticopulmonary septum
Fetal cardiac valves
- Occurs as structures completed
2. Endocardial tissue swelling -> valves
Pharyngeal arch arteries
- Each arch has associated artery
- Paired arteries meet at aortic sac (above truncus) and form original outflow of heart tube
A. 3rd pair -> common and internal carotids
B. 4th pair -> part aortic arch and right subclavian
C. 6th pair-> pulmonary arteries an ductus arteriosus
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Flap formed by septums primum and secundum doesn’t form => allows flow between atria (left to right)
1. Acyanotic
2. Probe patent foramen ovale: foramen ovale unopenable w/ probe
A. 25 % people
B. Only problem if atria shape change -> foramen gap
Patent foramen ovale
Foramen secundum too big or in wrong spot => not covered by septum secundum
1. Can be associated w/ other defects
Endocardial cushion defects
- Septum primum doesn’t fuse -> opening
2. Atriventricular septal defect: cushions don’t fuse together
Ventricular septal defect
Most common
1. Membranous VSD/incomplete closure IV septum
A. IV septum doesn’t fuse endocardial cushions
B. Usually fuse w/in 1st year
C. Large -> hypertrophy
2. Muscular VSD: anywhere in muscular septum
A. Less common
3. Absence IV septum -> single ventricle
Persistent truncus arteriosus
Bulbar and truncates ridges don’t form aoricopulmonary septum -> single outflow vessel
- Overrides VSD
- Usually no AV valves
Transposition of great vessels (arteries)
Aorticopulmonary septum doesn’t spiral
1. Two closed systems
A. Pulmonary trunk off LV => deoxygenated blood -> body
B. Aorta off RV => oxygenated blood -> lungs
2. Fatal w/o surgery
Unequal division of truncus
One outflow valve larger than other
- Hypertrophy ventricle feeding smaller
- Acyanotic
Patent ductus arteriosus
Ductus arteriosus doesn’t close to form ligamentum arteriosum
1. Acyanotic
Coarctation of aorta
Closure of aorta around ductus arteriosus
- Chemoreceptors meant to close ductus arteriosus migrate to aorta
- Lack oxygenated blood distal to constriction
- Cyanotic
Tetralogy of Fallot
- Pulmonary artery stenosis
- Overriding aorta: rides over both LV and RV => most blood
- RV hypertrophy