Embryogenesis Flashcards
Embryonic age
Time from fertilization
- Hard to know clinically
- Gestational -2 weeks
Gestational age
Time from 1st day of last menstrual period
- About 2 weeks before ovulation
- Embryonic + 2 weeks
Carnegie stages
First 8 weeks = 23 stages based on embryo appearance on structures
1. Can correlate w/ embryonic age
Week 1: implantation
- Fertilization
- Zygote formation
- Morula formation
- Blastocyst formation
- Implantation
Day 1: Secondary oocyte + spermatozoan -> zygote
1. Secondary oocyte
A. Meiosis I completed
B. Zona pellucida - thick gel, prevents polyspermia
C. Corona radiata - signals to attract sperm
2. Capacitated spermatozoa: chem rxn to enable fertilization
3. Phase 3: after membrane fusion
A. Spermatozoan w/ acrosomal enzymes -> thru corona radiata
B. Sperm bind and penetrate zona pellucida
C. Membrane fusion -> sperm to cytoplasm
D. Oocyte changes to prevent polyspermy
Zygote formation
Day 1:
- Oocyte advances to meiosis II
- DNA replicated -> pronuclei fuse
- Mitosis
Morula formation
Day 2-5:
- Cells divide w/o growing
- Morula at 16 cells (Day 3)
- Outer mass
- Inner mass
- At uterine cavity
Blastocyst formation
Days 5-6:
- Fluid in -> swelling
- Outer mass -> trophoblast
- Inner mass -> embryoblast
- Blastocoele - fluid surrounded by trophoblasts
- Zona pullucida degenerates
Days 6-7:
- Trophoblasts near pole adhere uterine epithelium -> invade endometrium
- Blastocyst burrows into endometrium
Embryonic dev. Days 8
- Trophoblasts invade and differentiate -> layers
A. Cytotrophoblast - inner layer, mononucleated cells
B. Syncytotrophoblast- outer layer, multinucleate mass, no cell boundaries - Embryoblasts differentiate -> 2 layer embryonic disc
A. Epiblast- columnar cells forming floor of amniotic cavity
B. Hypoblast - cuboidal cells on ventral side- induction of ventral surface of embryo
- Amnioblast - squamous cells, form roof of amniotic cavity
A. NOT part of disc
Embryonic dev. Day 9: lacunar stage
- Trophoblast derivatives:
A. Cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts proliferate
B. Lacunae formation - spaces filled w/ maternal blood and debris
*nutrients and O2 diffuse thru conceptus - Embryoblast derivatives:
A. Amnioblasts proliferate - allows inc. amniotic cavity
B. Epiblasts = unchanged
C. Hypoblasts migrate -> inner surface of cytotrophoblast => exocoelomic cavity (primary yolk sac)
*replaces blastocoele - Uterus
A. Conceptus embedded in endometrium
B. Fibrin coagulum plug forms
Embryonic Dev. Days 10-12
- Trophoblast derivatives:
A. Proliferation and invasion cont.
B. Trophoblastic lacunae + uterine sinusoids -> primitive uteroplacental circulation - Embryoblast derivatives:
A. Amnioblasts and epiblasts unchanged
B. Exocoelomic cells proliferate and migrate -> surround amniotic and exocoelomic cavities => extraembryonic mesoderm
*multiple cavities form and fuse -> chorionic cavity
1. Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm - lines inner cytotrophoblast
2. Extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm- surrounds amniotic and exocoelomic cavities
3. Connecting stalk- connects 2 extraembryonic mesoderm layers
C. Hypobalasts opposite stalk differentiate => anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) - induces cranial dev. - Uterus:
A. Decidua rxn -> provide nutrients for conceptus
Embryonic Dev. Day 13
- Trophoblast derivatives:
A. Primary villi form as columns of proliferating cytotrophoblasts that penetrate syncytoiotrophoblasts
B. Inc. uteroplacental circulation - Embryoblast derivatives:
A. Amnioblast + extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm -> amnion
B. Epiblasts = little change
C. Hypoblasts - secondary proliferation and migration -> secondary yolk sac
D. Chorion cavity contains:- Embryo
- Secondary yolk sac (umbilical vesicle)
- Amniotic sac (secured by connection stalk)
- Uterus:
A. Decidua rxn continues throughout endometrium
Placenta previa
Dev. Placenta bridges internal OS opening of cervix
1. Risk of life-threatening bleeding
Ectopic pregnancy
Implantation outside uterine body
Placental dev. Conceptus portion
- Chorionic plate - thickening of extraembryonic somatic mesoderm
- Villi - extension of cytotrophoblasts and extraembryonic somatic mesoderm form between lacunae of syncytiotrophoblasts
A. Stem villi: chorionic plate to decidual plate
B. Free villi: branches into intervillous space - Outer cytotrophoblast shell adheres decidua
- Extraembryonic vessels form and connect w/ dev. Intraembryonic circulatory system
Placental dev. Maternal portion
- Decidua surrounds conceptus
- Decidual plate forms
- Uterine vessels into cytotrophoblast and intervillous space
A. Spiral arteries deliver O2 and nutrient blood -> intervillous spaces
B. Uterine veins remove waste and CO2
Placental Dev from chorion and decidua near pole
- Chorion frondrosum- growth and expansion of villi
2. Decidual basalis w/ decidual plate and septa
Dizygotic twins
2 secondary oocyte release and fertilized -> 2 zygotes
- Conceptus Ed genetically distinct and sexes mixed or matched
- Embryos dev. In own amnion and have own umbilical vesicles
- Separate placentas and chorion (may end up fusing)
Monozygotic twins
One secondary oocyte + one sperm -> one zygote
1. Two blastocysts formed during cleavage
A. Own amniotic cavity and umbilical vesicles
B. Separate placenta and chorion (can fuse)
C. Similar to dizygotic but identical DNA
- One blastocyst -> 2 embryoblasts
A. Own amniotic cavity and umbilical vesicles
B. Shared placenta and chorionic membrane - One blastocyst -> 2 partially separate embryo
A. Shared amniotic and umbilical vesicle
B. Shared placenta and chorion membrane
C. May be conjoined
*conceptuses identical and same sex
- Primitive node and streak form (caudal, dorsal) epiblast
- Anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) stops node and streak from dev. On hypoblast
- Epiblasts migrate thru streak and node -> mesenchymal -> trilaminar disk
A. Endoderm - replaces hypoblast, form ventral layer
B. Mesoderm- notochord, prechordal mesoderm (xs cells from endoderm)
C. Ectoderm- epiblast cells that don’t migrate thru primitive streak - Early embryonic structures
A. Oropharyngeal and cloacal membrane at craniotomy/caudal regions -> openings to gut tube
B. Allantios- invagination of endoderm lining of secondary yolk sac near connecting stalk
C. Primordial germ cells- from epiblast -> endoderm -> embryo -> progenator gametes - Laterality established by gradient of signaling molecules (variation due to disruption)
A. Situs solitus: normal left/right symmetry
B. Situs inversus: mirror image of normal
C. Situs ambiguous (heterotaxy): some organ reversed or asymmetric
Signals fro notochord and prechordal mesoderm stimulation -> nervous system 1st to dev.
1. Neural plate along midline folds in on itself - 2 regions
A. Neural groove in midline
B. Neural folds (sides)
- Neural tube forms from fusion of lateral edges of neural plate
A. Cranially caudally
B. CNS cells derived- All somatic efferent neurons
- All presynaptic visceral efferent neurons
- Neural crest cells from crests of neural folds
A. Detach and migrate throughout mesoderm
B. Gives rise to:- Sensory neurons of PNS
- Postsynaptic neurons of ANS
- Neuroendocrine cells in adrenal gland medulla
- Non-neural tissues: melanocytes, facial bones, dermis of face, pharyngeal arch cartilage
- Spina bifida: incomplete neural tube in trunk region
Surface ectoderm layer
- Epidermis of skin and appendages
- Epithelial lining
A. Oral and nasal cavities
B. Distal anus
C. Distal vaginal canal
Mesoderm differentiation
Signaling in gastrulation stimulates:
1. Paraxial mesoderm - lines notochord bilateral -> more differentiation
A. Cranial
1. Mastication skeletal muscles
2. Facial expression and pharyngeal muscles
3. Bones of cranial vault
B. Somatic
1. Somites (dermatome, myotome, scleratome)
- Intermediate mesoderm- cords lateral to paraxial in trunk region
A. Urinary system- kidneys and ureters
B. Reproductive system - supporting stromatolites of gonads and epithelial lining of genital tracts - Lateral plate mesoderm - extends lateral edges of flat embryo, continuous w/ extraembryonic mesoderm
A. Splanchnic layer + endoderm = splanchnopleure- Smooth muscle and supporting cells of viscera
- Visceral serous epithelium
- Primordial heart
- Blood and lymph vessels
- Spleen
B. Somatic (parietal) + ectoderm = somatopleure - Lining inner body walls
- Fibrous pericardium
C. Coelomic (intraembryonic) cavity - continuous w/ chorionic cavity
Endoderm differentiation
- Epithelial lining
A. GI tract, gallbladder, glandular ducts, parenchyma of liver and pancreas
B. Tracheobronchial tree and parenchyma of lungs
C. Bladder and urethra (from allantois)
Embryonic folding (Midweek 3)
- Lateral folding - lateral edges of somatopleure and splanchnopleure fuse at midline -> “tube w/in tube”
A. Primitive gut tube = fusion of left and right splanchopleure
B. Body wall encloses coelomic cavity by fusion of left and right somatopleure
C. Vitelli new duct = connection between primordial mid-gut and secondary yolk sac - Cephalocaudal folding- cranial and caudal end folding -> fetal position
A. Primordial heart moves to cervical region
B. Septum transversum partially divides coelomic cavity superioinferiorly
C. Allantois - partially incorporated into embryo - connected to primordial hind-gut - Amniotic sac- amniotic membrane pulled by somatopleure -> surrounds embryo and forms umbilical cord
- Coelomic cavity division
A. After cephalocaudal folding- Primordial heart and septum transversum repositioned
- Septum tranversum demarcates thoracic and abdominal cavities
- Left and right pericardioperitoneal canals still connected to coelomic cavities
- Tracheobronchial diverticulum dev. Off foregut
B. Pleural and pericardial cavity separation - Pleuropericardial folds dev and carry phrenic n.
- Lungs grow to fill in cavity
- Pleuropericardial folds grow between lungs and heart
*fuse at midline and to roots of lungs
*phrenic nerve between pleural and pericardial sac
*ventral lung expansion between heart and ventral body wall
C. Separation of pleural and peritoneal cavities - Septum transversum forms ventral partition
- Esophagus and mesentary -> median partition
- Pleuroperitoneal folds from posterolateral wall and span canals
- Myoblasts from cranial somites 3-5 invade periphery of membrane