Post Seg Trauma Flashcards
Blunt Ocular Trauma causes…..
vitreous hemorrhage
commotio retinae
retinal break/ detachment
choroidal rupture
Globe Rupture
full thickness wound
suspected when AC depth deeper and IOP lower (5+) than other eye
Tx of Globe Rupture
Dx Globe Rupture
imaging- ultrasound, CT, MRI
Traumatic Vitreous Hemorrhage
often has PVD
pigment cells in ant vitreous
ultrasound to rule out RD
Tx for Traumatic Vitreous Hemorrhage
clear over weeks - months
vitrectomy if does not clear
Commotio Retinae
retinal whitening following blunt ocular trauma
opacification from retinal edema
eventually resolves
Symptoms of Commotio Retinae
permanent vision loss from pigmentary degeneration or macular hole
Signs of Commotio Retinae
clouding of retina
cherry red macula
Choroidal Rupture
split in choroid/ Bruch’s/ RPE
appears as streak of bare sclera, often obscured by subretinal hemorrhage
Retinal Dialysis
tearing of retina at ora serrata
Tramatic Macular Hole
at time of injury or following resolution of commotio retinae
irregular borders
Breaks caused by trauma
retinal dialysis
equatorial break
traumatic macular hole
Secondary Problems to Penetrating Trauma
FB damage
Mx Penetrating Trauma
cover eye with protective shield and schedule surgery