Choroidal and Vitreoretinal Dystrophies Flashcards
progressive degeneration of choroid and RPE photoreceptor complex
XLR inheritance- males only affected
Symptoms of Choroideremia
initially poor night vision
followed by peripheral VF loss
progress to severe visual loss
Fundus Appearance of Choroideremia
RPE mottling near equator
progresses to areas of RPE dropout
macula effected in late stage
eventually sclera exposed
Diagnosis of Choroideremia
progression of signs/ symptoms
scotopic ERG unrecordable early, photopic abnormal later
FA shows loss of choriocapillaris; intact fovea surrounded by hypofluorescence
Mx of Choroideremia
LV services
Gyrate Atrophy
metabolic disorder resulting in high ornithine levels- causes chorioretinal atrophy- legal blindness
Presentation of Gyrate Atrophy
myopia and poor vision in dim light
patches of RPE atrophy with scalloped borders in midperiphery
bare sclera late
early onset cataract
Diagnosis of Gyrate Atrophy
always myopic
AR inheritance- females affected
elevated ornithine
Mx of Gyrate Atrophy
correction for myopia
surgery for cataract
Vit B6 (pyridoxine) supplements
LV services
Juvenile X- Linked Retinioschisis
inherited retinal splitting of macula
fovea always affected, peripheral affected in half
mainly males affected
Presentation of Juvenile Retinoschisis
boys with decreased central vision due to maculopathy
foveal schisis with radiating striae
peripheral schisis mainly inferotemporally
Mx of Juvenile Retinoschisis
CAIs for foveal cystic changes
vitrectomy for vitreal hemorrhage
surgery for RD
Stickler Syndrome
connective tissue disorder leading to RD in children
Systemic Features Associated with Stickler Syndrome
facial anomalies- depressed nose bridge
oral- cleft palate
skeletal- osteoarthritis
Ocular Presentation of Stickler Syndrome
high myopia in early childhood early cataracts- cortical vitreous degeneration radial lattice retinal degeneration in periphery RD
Mx of Stickler Syndrome
watch for RD
correct myopia
systemic eval
Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
peripheral retinal nonperfusion causing NV and exudation
temporal periphery lacks vascularization
Symptoms of Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
infants with leukocoria or strabismus
blurred vision later in life
Signs of Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
termination of retinal vessels with scalloped borders
tortuous vessels in periphery
fibrovascular proliferation and vitreoretinal traction pulls vessels, macula, disc temporally
Complications of Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
RD subretinal exudation vitreous hemorrhage cataract glaucoma
Mx of Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy of avascular retina
surgery for RD