Parasitic Intraocular Infections Flashcards
Cause of Toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis gondii
ingestion of contaminated food or water or congenital
Ocular Toxoplasmosis
most common cause of post seg infection and focal necrotizing retinitis
progresses from retina to choroid
self limiting
Symptoms of Ocular Toxoplasmosis
blurred vision
possible conjunctival injection and photophobia
Signs of Ocular Toxoplasmosis
retinochoroiditis- focal whitish lesions with poor borders
“headlight in fog” - lesion + vitritis
mild AC rxn
retinal vasculitis
Pathogenesis of Ocular Toxoplasmosis
tachyzoites cause focal necrosis and exudation that progress from retina to choroid
vitritis- hazy
inflammation clears, leaving chorioretinal scar
can reactivate
Tx of Ocular Toxoplasmosis
anti-toxo and steroids
Cause of Toxocariasis
Toxocara canis
Toxocara cati
roundworm in dogs/ cats
Contraction of Toxocariasis
eggs via contaminated raw veggies, water, soil
infected raw or uncooked meat
Toxocariasis causes….
visceral larva migrans- systemic infection
ocular toxocariasis- infection of retinal tissue
Symptoms of Ocular Toxocariasis
blurry vision
mild pain and photophobia
Signs of Ocular Toxocariasis
peripheral granuloma
posterior pole granuloma
Pathogenesis of Ocular Toxocariasis
larvae migrate through wall of small intestine and reach eye through bloodstream
intraocular structures damaged by immune response
macula involved
Tx of Ocular Toxocariasis
none if no inflammation
vitreoretinal surgery
Prophylaxis of Toxocariasis
deworm pets dispose of pet litter rinse raw fruits and veggies cook meat wash hands
Cause of Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis
single nematode in subretinal space
more likely in warmer climates