plus-que-parfait Flashcards
how do you form the plus-que-parfait?
the forms fo avoir or être in the imparfait
the past participle of the main verb
I was [imparfait}
you were [imparfait}
tu étais
he/she/one was [imparfait}
il/elle/on était
we were [imparfait}
nous étions
you were - formal [imparfait}
vous étiez
they were [imparfait}
ils/elles étaient
I had [imparfait}
you had [imparfait}
tu avais
he/she had [imparfait}
il/elle/on avait
we had [imparfait}
nous avions
you had - formal [imparfait}
vous aviez
they had [imparfait}
ils/elles avaient
he had alwaysfinished before the others
il avait toujours fini avant les autres
you had forgotten your best friendsbirthday
tu avais oublié l’anniversaire de ta meilleur amie
he had not been able to reach them
il n’avait pas pu les joindre
she had left wihtout leaving her address
elle était partie sans laisser d’addresse
she had explained the situation in detail
elle avait expliqué la situation en détail
you had invested in their enterprise (vous)
vousaviez investu dans leur enterprise
they had arrived at the reception late
elles étaient arrivé à la reception en retard
youhad decided to go to RUssia
tu avais décidé d’aller en Russie
he had failed at his exam
il avait échoué à son examen
you were going on holiday alone
tu étais allé en vacances tout seul
I had got a new post/job
j’avais obtenu un nouveau poste
he had drunk a good wine
il avait bu un bon vin
what happens to pronominal verbs in the plus-que-parfait?
they are ALL conjugated with etre, and they agree in gender and number wtih the subject
I had fainted in the pharmacy
je m’étais évanouie dans la pharmacie
you ad walked along the Saint-Martin canal
vous vous étiez promenés le long du canal Saint-Martin
we had kissed on te PPont-Neuf
nous nous étions embrassés sur the Pont-Neuf
he had rememebred this incident before seeing his former girlfriend again
il s’était souvenu de cet incident avant de revoir son ancienne amie
she had got herself dressed for the party
elle s’étais habillée pour la soirée
they had married each other in September
ils s’étaient se marier en septembre
ouise and Julie went to bed late
Louise et Julie s’étaient couchée tard
we had walked in the gardens of Luxembourge
nous nous étions promené dans les jardins du Luxembourg
shehad sat down on a bench
elle s’était reposé sur un banc
si seulement + plus-qu-parfait
expresses a wish or regret about past actions
eg si seulement il n’avait pas attrapé un rhume!
if only he hadn’t caught a cold!
si seulement il n’avait pas attrapé un rhume!
if only she had not failed her exam!
si seulement elle n’avait pas raté son examen!