passé composé with avoir Flashcards
what are the majority of passé composé verbs conjugated with?
I have
you have
tu as
il/elle a
he/she/one has
we have
nous avons
vous avez
you have
they have
ils/elles ont
I travelled
j’ai voyagé
you travelled
tu as voyagé
I walked
j’ai marché
you walked
tu as marché
you asked
tu as demandé
I asked
j’ai demandé
they refused their invitation
nous avons réfusé leur initation
he understood the intringue
il a compris l’intrigue
she brought a lovely present
elle a apporté un joli cadeau
I travelled with Remi
j’ai voyagé avec Rémi
have you rented a car?
vous avez loué une voiture?
did you work yesterday morning?
tu as travaillé hier matin?
he made it
il l’a prise
he made the right decision
il a pris la bonne décision
she understood her mistakes
elle a compris ses erreurs
she understood them
elle les a comprises