-oir verbs in present tense Flashcards
to know (a fact, how to do something)
I know
je sais
you know
tu sais
he/she/one knows
il, elle, on sait
we know
nous savons
you know - formal
vous savez
they know
ils/elles savent
I can
I can
je peux
you can
tu puex
he/she can
il/elle/on peut
we can
nous pouvons
you can - formal
vous povez
they can
ils/elles peuvent
May I give you some information?
J epeux vous donner des renseignements?
she cannot come today
elle ne puet pas venir aujourd’hui
to want
i want
je veux
you want
tu veux
he,she, one wants
il, elle, on veut
we want
nous voulons
you want
vous voulez
they want
ils/elles veulent
i would like
je voudrais
to see, to percieve
I see, I perceive
we see, we perceive
nous apercevons
I disappoint
je déçois
we disappoint
nous décevons
to disappoint
must, to have to
I must
je dois
we must
nous devons
to move, to stir
I move, I stir
we move, we stir
nous eémouvons
to foresee, to predict
I foresee, I predict
je prévois
we forsee
nous prévoyons
to promote
je promouvoir
I promote
je promeus
we promote
nous promouvons
I receive
je reçois
to recieve
we recieve
nou srecevons
to be worth
it is worth
cela vaut
we are worth
nous valons
to see
i see
je vois
we see
nous voyons
to be necessary
used only in 3rd person singular - il faut
to rain
used only in 3rd person singular - il pleut
what are the (literal and figurative) possible meanings of devoir?
to have to, must
a debt an obligation a probability a warning a suggesstion
I must
je dois
you must
tu dois
he/she/one must
il/elle/on doit
we must
nous devons
you mst - formal
vous devez
they must
ils/elles devoit
how much do we owe you?
combien est-ce qu’on vous doit?
she owes me a thousand euroes
elle me doit mill euros
do I oweyou anything?
je vous dois quelque chose?
you must attendthe meeting tomorrow morning
vous devez assister à la réunion demain matin
the child must obey his parents
l’enfant doit obéir à ses parents
you must not go there
vous ne devez pas y aller
the plane is supposed to land at 10 o clock
l’avion doit atterir à dix heurs
her book is supposed to be published next week
son livre dot soirtir la semaine prochaine
he is spposed to come tonight OR he must come tnight (depending on intonation)
il doit venir ce sor
you should not lend him any money
tu nedevrais pas lui prêter d’argent
they should learn a foreign laguage
elles devaient apprendre une langue étrangère