PHD Flashcards
US /əˈkweɪn·təns/
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someone whom you have met, but do not know well:
He’s a business acquaintance.
US /ˌæd·əlˈes·ənt/
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a young person who is between being a child and being an adult
used to say that you have read or been told something:
Apparently it’s going to rain today.
Carry out
UK verb - carry out
انجام دادن: do, perform, carry out, accomplish, fulfill, make
پیش بردن: advance, carry out, further, encourage, expedite, hustle
عمل اوردن: carry out, conduct, execute, manufacture, produce
English Persian Sentences
• He is sure to carry out the task assigned to him.
English to Persian for English Learners
US UK community [kəˈmjuːnəti]– plural comˈmunities –
♦ noun
1 a group of people especially having the same religion or nationality and living in the same general area: the West Indian community in London.
2 the public in general: He did it for the good of the community; (also adjective ) a community worker, a community centre.
اجتماع؛ جامعه
English to Persian and Thesaurus
noun - community
انجمن: association, community, society, assembly, council, club
اجتماع: community, commonwealth, society, assembly, meeting, union
عموم: public, generality, community, universality
عوام: laity, common people, community, populace, plebeians, third estate
English Persian Sentences
• Today, things are better for the Latino community in the USA
UK consequence [ˈkonsikwəns, (American) -kwens]
♦ noun
1 a result: This decision will have important consequences.
پیامد؛ نتیجه
2 importance: A small error is of no consequence.
♦ adverb
therefore: She didn’t explain it clearly – consequently, he didn’t understand.
در نتیجه
English to Persian and Thesaurus
noun - consequence
نتیجه: result, outcome, consequence, conclusion, effect, sequel
اثر: effect, result, efficacy, affect, relic, consequence
عاقبت: sequel, end, outcome, consequence, finale, conclusion
نتیجه منطقی: consequence, consecution, matter of course
فرع: branch, interest, corollary, offshoot, consequence, secondary matter
دست اورد: result, consequence
پی امد: consequence, outcome, issue, result
بر امد: consequence, expenditure, expense, issue, outcome, result
♦ noun
1 physical touch or nearness: Her hands came into contact with acid; Has she been in contact with measles?
2 communication: I’ve lost contact with all my old friends; We have succeeded in making (radio) contact with the ship; How can I get in contact with him?
ارتباط؛ تماس
3 a person with influence, knowledge etc which might be useful: I made several good contacts in London.
پارتی؛ آشنا
4 (a place where) a wire etc carrying electric current (may be attached): the contacts on the battery.
5 a person who has been near someone with an infectious disease: We must trace all known contacts of the cholera victim.
مورد سرایت؛ کسی که با بیمار تماس داشته
6 a person or thing that provides a means of communicating with someone: His radio is his only contact with the outside world.
♦ verb
to get in touch with in order to give or share information etc : I’ll contact you by telephone.
تماس گرفتن
contact lens
a small plastic lens on the eyeball worn, instead of spectacles, to improve sight.
لنز چشم
eradicate [iˈradikeit]
♦ verb
to get rid of completely: Smallpox has almost been eradicated.
ریشه کن کردن؛ از بین بردن
♦ noun
ریشه کنی؛ نابودی
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - eradicate
از بین بردن: destroy, eradicate, spoil, put down, swoop, annihilate
ریشه کن کردن: eradicate, root out, uproot, root, root up, extirpate
/ē rad´i kāt´, i-/
● ریشه کن کردن،از ریشه درآوردن
it is hard to eradicate some weeds
ریشه کن کردن برخی از علفهای هرزه مشکل است.
● (مجازی) نابود کردن،از بین بردن
they have tried to eradicate illiteracy
آنان کوشیدهاند بیسوادی را ریشهکن کنند.
MB_Dictionary of English-Persian
ازریشه کندن، ازبیخ کندن، ازبیخ براوردن
English Dictionary
[e’rad·i·cate || -keɪt]
root up, pull up by the roots (Botany); annihilate, destroy, exterminate, obliterate
♦ verb
1 to give, or give up, in return for something else: Can you exchange a dollar note for two 50-cent pieces?
معاوضه کردن
2 to give and receive in return: They exchanged amused glances.
رد و بدل کردن
♦ noun
1 the giving and taking of one thing for another: He gave me a pencil in exchange for the marble; An exchange of opinions is helpful.
تبادل؛ معاوضه
2 a conversation or dispute: An angry exchange took place between the two brothers when their father’s will was read.
3 the act of exchanging the money of one country for that of another.
تبدیل کردن
4 the difference between the value of money in different countries: What is the rate of exchange between the U.S. dollar and the yen?
نرخ تسعیر ارز
5 a place where business shares are bought and sold or international financial dealings carried on.
6 (also telephone exchange ) a central telephone system where lines are connected.
مرکز تلفن؛ تلفنخانه
♦ adjective
مبادله پذیر
English to Persian and Thesaurus
noun - exchange
تبادل: exchange
بورس: exchange, bourse, burse
مبادله: exchange, swapping, interchange, change, trade in, truck
تعویض: substitute, replacement, exchange, substitution, switch, shift
معاوضه: exchange, barter
عوض: change, exchange, substitute, compensation, shift, quid pro quo
اسعار: exchange
صرافی: exchange, agiotage, bourse
تسعیر: exchange, conversion
ردو بدل کننده: exchange
ردوبدل ارز: exchange
صرافخانه: exchange
جای معاملات ارزی و سهامی: exchange
verb - exchange
عوض کردن: change, remodel, replace, swap, exchange, alter
مبادله کردن: exchange, swap, interchange, chaffer, dicker, intercommunicate
تسعیر یافتن: exchange
UK explode [ikˈspləud]
♦ verb
1 to (cause to) blow up with a loud noise: The bomb exploded; The police exploded the bomb where it could cause no damage.
منفجر شدن
2 suddenly to show strong feeling: The teacher exploded with anger; The children exploded into laughter.
صدای بلند ایجاد کردن
3 to prove (a theory etc ) wrong.
نشان دادن؛ ثابت کردن
exˈplosion [-ʒən]
♦ noun
1 a blowing up, or the noise caused by this: a gas explosion; The explosion could be heard a long way off.
صدای انفجار
2 the action of exploding: the explosion of the atom bomb.
3 a sudden showing of strong feelings etc : an explosion of laughter.
بروز ناگهانی هر چیز
4 a sudden great increase: an explosion in food prices.
رشد سریع
exˈplosive [-siv]
♦ adjective
likely to explode: Hydrogen is a dangerously explosive gas.
انفجاری؛ منفجره
♦ noun
(a) material that is likely to explode: gelignite and other explosives.
ماده منفجره
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - explode
منفجر شدن: explode, detonate, blow out, puff, erupt, fulminate
ترکیدن: burst, pop, rupture, blow, explode, rive
گسترده کردن: explode
مشتعل شدن: ignite, be inflamed, explode, light, take fire
محترق شدن: burn, explode, fulminate
مشتعل کردن: furnace, explode, inflame
UK immense [iˈmens]
♦ adjective
very large or very great: an immense forest; immense amounts of money.
♦ adverb
♦ noun
English to Persian and Thesaurus
adjective - immense
عظیم: massive, great, enormous, tremendous, vast, immense
وسیع: wide, large, vast, extensive, immense, spacious
بی اندازه: immeasurable, immense, inordinate, infinite, indefinite
بیکران: infinite, vast, unbounded, immense, immeasurable, indefinite
پهناور: vast, wide, broad, extensive, immense, ample
کلان: huge, massive, immense, elephantine, galactic
ممتاز: privileged, excellent, distinguished, outstanding, illustrious, immense
بسیار خوب: excellent, well, OK, okay, alright, immense
گزاف: exorbitant, high, bombastic, costly, extortionate, immense
عالی: excellent, great, high, supreme, superb, immense
عظیم الجثه: huge, colossal, enormous, Gargantuan, immense, of enormous size
/im mens´, i mens´/
● عظیم،بسیار بزرگ،سترگ،نهمار،سهمگین،گت،تنومند،پهناور
the Amazon forest is immense
جنگل آمازون عظیم است.
immense difficulties
دشواریهای سهمگین
immense casualties
تلفات بسیار سنگین
● (در اصل) بیحد و حصر،بینهایت،بیپایان
● (قدیمی - خودمانی) عالی
UK impose [imˈpouz]
♦ verb
1 to place (a tax, fine, task etc ) on someone or something: The government have imposed a new tax on cigarettes.
کردن؛ بستن
2 to force (oneself, one’s opinions etc ) on a person: The headmaster liked to impose his authority on the teachers.
تحمیل کردن
3 (often with on ) to ask someone to do something which he should not be asked to do or which he will find difficult to do: I hope I’m not imposing (on you) by asking you to help.
سربار شدن؛ به گردن کسی گذاشتن
imposition [impəˈziʃən]
♦ noun
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - impose
تحمیل کردن: impose, inflict, protrude, burden, constrain, horn in
اعمال نفوذ کردن: impose
گرانبار کردن: freight, impose, load, overweigh
مالیات بستن بر: excise, assess, impose, levy, scot
/im pōz´/
● (با: on یا upon) بستن (مالیات و غیره)،کردن (جریمه و غیره)،تحمیل کردن،سربار شدن،به گردن کسی گذاشتن،(با زور یا اصرار) پذیراندن،قبولاندن
they imposed heavy taxes on the people
آنان مالیاتهای سنگینی به مردم بستند.
to impose fines
جریمه کردن
to impose one’s will on others
ارادهی خود را به دیگران تحمیل کردن
he imposed himself on the host
او خود را به صاحبخانه تحمیل کرد.
to impose false cures on patients
مداواهای قلابی به بیماران قبولاندن
● (چاپ) صفحه یا کلیشه را سوار کردن
● (قدیمی) قرار دادن،گذاشتن
* impose on somebody
به کسی تحمیل کردن،به کسی اجحاف کردن
* impose oneself on somebody
خود را به کسی تحمیل کردن،سربار کسی شدن
To communicate with
♦ verb
(of two or more people, things etc ) to act, or have some effect, on each other.
تاثیر متقابل داشتن
ˌinterˈaction [-ʃən]
♦ noun
فعل و انفعال
ˌinterˈactive [-iv]
♦ adjective
allowing a continuous exchange of information between a computer and the person using it, so that the computer can respond immediately to the user’s instructions or questions: an interactive system/program; interactive video games.
هم کنشی
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - interact
متقابلا اثر کردن: interact
فعل و انفعال داخلی داشتن: interact
/in´tǝr akt´/
● متقابلا عمل کردن،فعل و انفعال کردن،بر هم کنش داشتن (یا کردن)،تاثیر متقابل کردن،همکنش کردن
chemicals interact and form new compounds
مواد شیمیایی هم کنش میکنند و ترکیبات جدیدی را تشکیل میدهند.
To display information in a public place
post1 [pəust]
♦ noun
a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.
be first past the post
to win.
برنده شدن
keep (somebody) posted
to give regular information to (a person).
در جریان فرار دادن
post1 [pəust]
noun - post
پست: post, mail, miscreant, point
مقام: position, rank, station, status, office, post
منصب: office, post, appointment
شغل: job, occupation, work, profession, position, post
بسته پستی: post, parcel post
پستخانه: post office, post
چاپار: mailman, post, express messenger, letter carrier, lion, mail
ارسال سریع: post
سمت: side, direction, post, way, azimuth, route
صندوق پست: mailbox, post
تعجیل: rush, acceleration, post
سیستم پستی: post
مسند: predicate, seat, bench, position, post, couch
تیر تلفن و غیره: post
پست نظامی: post
مجموعه پستی: post
تیردگل کشتی و امثال آن: post
مسئوليت: responsibility, liability, charge, accountability, burden, post
موقعیت: position, situation, location, status, circumstances, post
verb - post
پست کردن: post, humble, abase, debase, degrade, demean
بدیوار زدن: post
اگهی و اعلان کردن: post
English Persian Sentences
• We must select a suitable person for any post.
برای هر پست باید فرد مناسبی را انتخاب کنیم.
♦ verb
1 to follow especially in order to catch or capture; to chase: They pursued the thief through the town.
تعقیب کردن
2 to occupy oneself with (studies, enquiries etc ); to continue: He is pursuing his studies at the University.
دنبال کردن
♦ noun
تعقیب کننده
pursuit [pəˈsjuːt]
♦ noun
1 the act of pursuing: The thief ran down the street with a policeman in (hot) pursuit.
2 an occupation or hobby: holiday pursuits.
سرگرمی؛ کار و بار
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - pursue
دنبال کردن: pursue, follow, track, trace, chase, follow out
تعقیب کردن: pursue, chase, follow, chevy, sue, chivvy
اتخاذ کردن: adopt, pursue
تعاقب کردن: pursue
پیگرد کر دن: pursue
پی گیری کردن: follow up, pursue
تحت تعقیب قانونی قرار دادن: pursue
UK statistics [stəˈtistiks]
♦ noun plural
figures giving information about something: There were 900 deaths and 20,000 injuries on the roads last year, but the statistics for the previous year were worse.
♦ noun singular
the study of such figures.
رقم آماري
♦ adjective
♦ adverb
از نقطه نظر آماري
statistician [stӕtiˈstiʃən]
♦ noun
a person who is an expert in statistics.
كارشناس آمار
English to Persian and Thesaurus
noun - statistics
ارقام: statistics
امار: statistics, census
احصائيه: statistics
فن امارگری: statistics
امارشناسی: statistics
English Persian Sentences
• Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years.
UK statistics [stəˈtistiks]
♦ noun plural
figures giving information about something: There were 900 deaths and 20,000 injuries on the roads last year, but the statistics for the previous year were worse.
♦ noun singular
the study of such figures.
رقم آماري
♦ adjective
♦ adverb
از نقطه نظر آماري
statistician [stӕtiˈstiʃən]
♦ noun
a person who is an expert in statistics.
كارشناس آمار
English to Persian and Thesaurus
noun - statistics
ارقام: statistics
امار: statistics, census
احصائيه: statistics
فن امارگری: statistics
امارشناسی: statistics
English Persian Sentences
• Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years.
adjective - susceptible
حساس: sensitive, susceptible, delicate, touchy, tender, sentient
مستعد پذیرش: susceptible
فروگیر: susceptible
/sǝ sep´tǝ bǝl/
● مستعد،پذیرا،آماده،حساسیت داشتن
susceptible to disease
مستعد بیماری
the government was not susceptible to public opinion
دولت پذیرای افکار عمومی نبود.
● آسیب پذیر،در معرض
areas susceptible to flooding
نواحی آسیب پذیر از سیل
the city is susceptible to air attack
شهر در معرض حملهی هوایی است.
● (با of یا to) - پذیر،قابل -
a theory susceptible of proof
یک تئوری قابل اثبات
this problem is susceptible to solution
این مسئله قابل حل است.
impulse susceptible of control
انگیزهی مهار پذیر
● احساساتی
MB_Dictionary of English-Persian
مستعد، فروگیر، حساس، مستعد پذیرش.
English Dictionary
[sus·cep·ti·ble || sə’septəbl]
vulnerable, prone, liable to be affected by illness; emotionally sensitive, impressionable
♦ noun
a general direction or tendency: She follows all the latest trends in fashion; an upward trend in share prices.
روند؛ باب روز
♦ adjective
following the latest fashions: trendy people/clothes; Her mother tries to be trendy.
مطابق آخرین مد
English to Persian and Thesaurus
noun - trend
گرایش: trend, tendency, orientation, propensity, attitude, tropism
تمایل: tendency, sentiment, inclination, trend, would, disposition
vi., n.
● گرایش،روند،روال،منوال،تمایل،جهت،رویه
the downward trend in gasoline prices
قیمت رو به کاهش بنزین
the trend of the stock market
گرایش بورس سهام
the trend of opinion was conservative
گرایش عقاید،محافظه کارانه بود.
contemporary trends in education
گرایشهای معاصر در آموزش و پرورش
● راستا،امتداد،مسیر،گذر راه
the long northerly trend of this coast
مسیر طولانی این ساحل به طرف شمال
● امتداد داشتن،راستا داشتن،رو به (سویی) رفتن
the river trends southward
رودخانه به سوی جنوب امتداد مییابد.
● گرایش داشتن،تمایل داشتن
transportation costs are trending downward
هزینهی حمل و نقل رو به کاهش است.
Italian art was trending in a new direction
گرایش هنر ایتالیا در جهت نوینی بود.
● مد،باب روز،رواج
short skirts are the trend again
دامن کوتاه دوباره باب شده است.
* set a trend
(گرایش یا مد جدیدی را) باب کردن،رواج دادن
undergo [andəˈgəu]– past tense ˌunderˈwent [-ˈwent]: past participle ˌunderˈgone [-ˈgon] –
♦ verb
1 to experience or endure: They underwent terrible hardships.
2 to go through (a process): The car is undergoing tests/repairs; She has been undergoing medical treatment.
دستخوش چیزی شدن
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - undergo
تحمل کردن: tolerate, withstand, endure, sustain, stand, undergo
دستخوش شدن: undergo
متحمل چیزی شدن: undergo
/un´dǝr gō´/
● (سختی یا تجربه و غیره) دیدن،به خود هموار کردن،دستخوش (چیزی) شدن،تن در دادن
to undergo many hardships
دستخوش مشقات زیاد شدن
● (قدیمی) به عهده گرفتن،تقبل کردن
MB_Dictionary of English-Persian
تحمل کردن، دستخوش (چیزی) شدن،
To develop , open up
♦ verb
1 to open and spread out (a map etc ): He sat down and unfolded his newspaper.
پهن کردن
2 to (cause to) be revealed or become known: She gradually unfolded her plan to them.
برملا کردن
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - unfold
اشکار کردن: unfold, reveal, air, announce, bare, disclose
باز کردن: open, unscrew, unpack, unwind, unwrap, unfold
اشکار شدن: unfold, peep
فاش کردن: reveal, disclose, divulge, give away, manifest, unfold
رها کردن: drop, abandon, unleash, release, liberate, unfold
تاه چیزی را گشودن: unfold
vt., vi.
● (چیز تا کرده را) گستردن،پهن کردن،(کاشانی) شید کردن
to unfold the tablecloth
رومیزی را پهن کردن
to fold and then to unfold the arms
دستان خود را جمع و سپس از هم باز کردن
● هویدا کردن،برملا کردن
the story is unfolded through dialogue
داستان از طریق گفتگو برملا میشود.
● (بستهبندی و غیره را) باز کردن،گشودن
● کاملا رشد کردن،پیشرفته شدن
Financial, monetary; profitable
Support; well-being , comfort
Financial assistance, aid
Economic decline, downturn
رکود، بحران اقتصادی
Money, cash
واحد پول، ارز رایج
اقبال عمومی، رواج
Frugal, economical
اقتصادی، مقتصد، صرفه جو
Thrifty, economical, careful
صرفهجو، مقتصد، کم خرج و اقتصادی
Mean, niggardlyخسیس و ناخن خشک
Inadequate ناچیز و بسیار کم
Mean, stingy, miserly
Spendthrift, costlyولخرجانه، دست و دل بازانه
Excessive مفرط، بیش از حد
Wastefulness, profligacy
افراط، ولخرجی
Income, takings, gains
Costs, outgoings مخارج، هزینه های دولتی
Spending, outlay صرف،پرداخت
Experience of being poor,
lack کمبود چیزی
Very poor, impecunious
Poor person, indigent
Devoid, lacking, عاری
Poor, penniless
Wealthy, rich, well- off
Opulent, grand
Luxuriousness, richness, wealth
A general increase in prices
Duty, excise
Financial assistance, grant
Firm, business بنگاه اقتصادی
Initiativeخلاقیت و علاقه
Firm, business, بنگاه اقتصادی
Initiative خلاقیت و علاقه
Waste, misspend, misuse تلف کردن، بر باد دادن، هدر دادن
Insolvent ورشکسته
Failed, ruin ورشکست نمودن
Penalty, embargo تحریم، جریمه ضمانت اجرایی
Permission اجازه
Penalty, embargo تحریم، جریمه ضمانت اجرایی
Permission اجازه
Settle حل کردن
Determine, decide بر آن شدن، قصد کردن
Resolve, clear upحل و فصل کردن
Live, colonize ساکن و مقیم شدن
Arbitrate , resolve, negotiate حل و فصل کردن، پا در میانی کردن
Arbitration, intervention وساطت، شفاعت
Arbitrator, intermediary واسطه، میانجی
Halfway, middle. Median, mid
to speak in support of someone, especially in order to try to prevent them from being punished → intercession
پادر میانی و وساطت
Mediate, conciliate, arbitrate
1 [intransitive] to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens
2 [intransitive, transitive] to interrupt someone when they are speaking
3 [intransitive] if an event intervenes, it delays or interrupts something else
4 [intransitive] if a period of time intervenes, it comes between two events
Interpose, interfere, mediate
the act of becoming involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens
شفاعت، پادرمیانی، مداخله، وساطت
Involvement, intercession
Meddle v
فضولی و دخالت ،، دست زدن بی اجازه
Interfere, fiddle, intrude
to deliberately try to influence or change a situation that does not concern you, or that you do not understand
SYN interfere
British English to touch something which you should not touch, especially in a careless way that might break it
meddler noun [countable]
—meddling noun [uncountable]
—meddling adjective [only before noun]
meddling politicians
a meddlesome person becomes involved in situations that do not concern them, in a way that annoys people
SYN interfering
Interfering, intrusive
فضول، مداخله گر
Interfere v
Impede, obstruct, intrude into
to deliberately get involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed
SYN meddle
مانع کاری شدن، سد کردن، مداخلع کردن
interfere with something/somebody phrasal verb
1 to prevent something from succeeding or from happening in the way that was planned
2 if something interferes with a radio or television broadcast, it spoils the sound or picture that you receive
3 British English to touch a child sexually
Contract (n/v)
Undertake, , tighten
قرارداد بستن،، منقبض شدن
1 an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each will do → contractual
2 subject to contract if an agreement is subject to contract, it has not yet been agreed formally by a contract
3 informal an agreement to kill a person for money
1 [intransitive] to become smaller or narrower
OPP expand
2 [transitive] formal to get an illness
SYN catch
3 [intransitive, transitive] to sign a contract in which you agree formally that you will do something or someone will do something for you
contract (somebody) to do something
They are contracted to work 35 hours a week.
the company that had been contracted to build the models
contract (with) somebody for something
Doctors control their budgets and contract with hospitals for services.
contract a marriage/alliance etc (=agree to marry someone, form a relationship with them etc)
Most of the marriages were contracted when the brides were very young.
1 contract somebody/something in to arrange for a person or company outside your own organization to come in and do a particular job
2 formal to agree officially to take part in something
1 contract something out to arrange to have a job done by a person or company outside your own organization
2 British English to agree officially not to take part in something such as a PENSION PLAN
Agreement,, custom,, conference
کنوانسیون، سنت، گردهمایی و همایش
1 [countable] a large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interests
2 [countable] a formal agreement, especially between countries, about particular rules or behaviour
SYN pact, treaty
3 [countable, uncountable] behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal and right
SYN custom
4 [countable] a method or style often used in literature, art, the theatre etc to achieve a particular effect
بده بستان، توافق، سازش،، سازش کردن.. تضعیف کردن و به خطر انداختن
Give & take, agreement,, make a deal ,, weaken, jeopardize
1 [countable, uncountable] an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first, or the act of making this agreement
2 [countable] a solution to a problem in which two things or situations are changed slightly so that they can exist together
1 [intransitive] to reach an agreement in which everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first
2 [transitive] to do something which is against your principles and which therefore seems dishonest or shameful
[countable] a formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments
Agreement, settlement, deal
قرارداد، توافق نامه، معاهده بین دو کشور
Conduct v n
Lead, direct/ management,, behavior
هدایت و راهنمایی کردن،، مدیریت، رفتار
1 carry out [transitive] to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts
2 music [intransitive, transitive] to stand in front of a group of musicians or singers and direct their playing or singing → conductor
3 behave conduct yourself formal to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people judge you by the way you behave
4 electricity/heat [transitive] if something conducts electricity or heat, it allows electricity or heat to travel along or through it → conductor
5 show somebody something [transitive always + adverb/preposition] formal to take or lead someone somewhere
1 the way someone behaves, especially in public, in their job etc
SYN behaviour
2 conduct of something the way in which an activity is organized and carried out
Misconduct n
Wrongdoing, misbehavior
بد رفتاری، خطاکاری، بد اخلاقی
formal bad or dishonest behaviour by someone in a position of authority or trust
She was found guilty of gross misconduct (=very serious misconduct).
Able to transfer ( electricity,…)
able to conduct electricity, heat etc
OPP non-conductive
رسانا، هادی
Able to transfer ( electricity,…)
able to conduct electricity, heat etc
OPP non-conductive
رسانا، هادی
Straight, frank, exact
هدایت کردن، مستقیم ، رک ، صریح
1 without involving others done without any other people, actions, processes etc coming between
OPP indirect
2 from one place to another going straight from one place to another without stopping or changing direction
OPP indirect
3 exact [only before noun] exact or total
4 behaviour/attitude saying exactly what you mean in an honest clear way
OPP indirect
5 direct descendant someone who is related to someone else through their parents and grandparents, not through their AUNTs, UNCLEs etc
6 direct hit an occasion on which something such as a bomb hits a place exactly, causing a lot of damage
7 direct heat/sunlight strong heat or light that someone or something is not protected from
OPP indirect
1 aim [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to aim something in a particular direction or at a particular person, group etc
2 be in charge [transitive] to be in charge of something or control it
3 film/play [intransitive, transitive] to give the actors in a play, film, or television programme instructions about what they should do
4 way/route [transitive] formal to tell someone how to get to a place
5 tell somebody to do something [transitive] formal to tell someone what they should do
SYN order
1 without stopping or changing direction
SYN directly
2 without dealing with anyone else first
SYN directly
Straight, frank, exact
هدایت کردن، مستقیم ، رک ، صریح
1 without involving others done without any other people, actions, processes etc coming between
OPP indirect
2 from one place to another going straight from one place to another without stopping or changing direction
OPP indirect
3 exact [only before noun] exact or total
4 behaviour/attitude saying exactly what you mean in an honest clear way
OPP indirect
5 direct descendant someone who is related to someone else through their parents and grandparents, not through their AUNTs, UNCLEs etc
6 direct hit an occasion on which something such as a bomb hits a place exactly, causing a lot of damage
7 direct heat/sunlight strong heat or light that someone or something is not protected from
OPP indirect
1 aim [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to aim something in a particular direction or at a particular person, group etc
2 be in charge [transitive] to be in charge of something or control it
3 film/play [intransitive, transitive] to give the actors in a play, film, or television programme instructions about what they should do
4 way/route [transitive] formal to tell someone how to get to a place
5 tell somebody to do something [transitive] formal to tell someone what they should do
SYN order
1 without stopping or changing direction
SYN directly
2 without dealing with anyone else first
SYN directly
Management, way, orientation
1 towards [countable] the way something or someone moves, faces, or is aimed
2 directions [plural]
a) instructions about how to get from one place to another
b) instructions about what to do
3 way something develops [countable] the general way in which someone or something changes or develops
4 control [uncountable] control, management, or advice
5 where from or where to [countable] where something comes from or where something leads
6 purpose [uncountable] a general purpose or aim
7 film/play [uncountable] the instructions given to the actors and other people working on a film, play etc
Guide رهبری کردن
Induce وادار کردن
Cause منجر شدن
1 take somebody somewhere [intransitive, transitive usually + adverb/preposition] to take someone somewhere by going in front of them while they follow, or by pulling them gently
3 be in charge [intransitive, transitive] to be in charge of an organization, country, or team, or a group of people who are trying to do something
4 cause something to happen [intransitive, transitive] to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something
5 cause somebody to believe something [transitive] to make someone believe something, especially something that is not true
6 influence [transitive] to influence someone to make them do something that is wrong
7 be more successful [transitive] to be more successful than other people, companies, or countries in a particular activity
7 be more successful [transitive] to be more successful than other people, companies, or countries in a particular activity
8 be winning [intransitive, transitive] to be winning a game, competition etc
OPP lose
9 path/door etc [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] used to say where a path, wire etc goes or what place is on the other side of a door
10 life [transitive] if you lead a particular kind of life, that is what your life is like
11 discussion etc [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to control the way a discussion, conversation etc develops
12 lead somebody up the garden path informal to deliberately deceive someone
13 lead somebody astray
a) to encourage someone to do bad or immoral things which they would not normally do
b) to make someone believe something that is not true
14 lead nowhere/not lead anywhere to not produce any useful result
15 lead by example to show the people you are in charge of what you want them to do by doing it yourself
16 lead somebody by the nose to influence someone so much that you can completely control everything that they do
17 this/that leads (me) to something used to introduce a new subject that is connected to the previous one
18 somebody has their own life to lead used to say that someone wants to be able to live their life independently, without having to do things that other people want them to do
19 lead somebody a merry old dance/a right old dance British English to cause a lot of problems or worries for someone
20 market-led/export-led etc most influenced by the market, by EXPORTs etc
Chief, main, major
اصلی، مهم ترین، پیشرو
Steer, pilot, guide, direct
جهت یابی کردن، هدایت کردن
Constant, regular پایدار، ثابت قدم، منظم
Compatibleسازگار ، موافق
Uniformity, evenness عدم تغییر، ثبات، یکنواختی
Density میزان غلظت
Consistent, regular, continual
ثابت، پایدار، پیوسته
Over lasting, constant, eternal جاودانگی، دائم، همیشگی، تمام ناشدنی
Constant, frequent, regular ادامه دار، پیوسته، دائمی، مداوم
Everlasting, endless, constant ابدی، جاودانه، دائمی
Unchangeable fixed تغییر ناپذیر، ثابت
Stability, durability, continuity پایداری، بقا، تداوم، پایایی
Stable, fixed, firm, controlled محکم و پابرجا، پایدار، ثابت، کنترل شده
Transitory , temporary زودگذر، ناپایدارو موقتی
Unpredictable, unstable غیرقابل پیشبینی، ناپایدار و متغیر
Unsteady, changeable ناپایدار، بی ثبات ، تغییرپذیر
Make stable, become stable ثابت و محکم کردن، تثبیت شدن
Non-permanent, short-lived
موقتی، زودگذر، آنی
Interim, temporary موقتی، زودگذر
Unpredictable, inconsistent غیرقابل پیشبینی، متغیر، نامنظم
نوسان، ناپایداری، بالا و پایین
Variation, vacillation, change
Vary, change, differ, shift
نوسان داشتن، بالا و پایین رفتن
Sway, wave, oscillate نوسان کردن، تاب خوردن
Final, ultimate, concluding نهایی، غایی
Final, ultimate, concluding نهایی، غایی
Final, eventual نهایی، غایی
Best بهترین، برجسته
Utmost بهترین نمونه
Extend over, cover a part of روی هم افتادن، همپوشانی داشتن
Behavior, طرز رفتار ، برخورد
Medical care دوا و درمان، مداوا
Ill-treat, abuse, maltreat بدرفتاری نمودن، سواستفاده کردن
Ill-treat, abuse, maltreat بدرفتاری نمودن، سواستفاده کردن
Near, next, adjoining مجاور، حوالی، نزدیک
Near, next, adjoining مجاور، حوالی، نزدیک
Contiguous with/to
Adjacent, adjoining, bordering مجاور،نزدیک، هممرز
Around, neighborhood, about
مجاورت، همسایگی، حومه، حدود…
Move towards نزدیک شدن
Method, way نگرش رویکرد
Estimated تخمینی
Approach, near نزدیک بودن، شبیه بودن
Closeness, nearness
مجاورت ونزدیکی از لحاظ زمان و مسافت
Evaluate, value, judge.
ارزیابی کردن، سنجیدن، قضاوت کردن
Test, evaluate عیار را سنجیدن
Assessment, try عیارسنجی، آزمایش
Approximate, guess تخمین زدن، برآورد کردن
Evaluation تخمین، ارزیابی
Underrate, undervalue ناچیز انگاشتن، دست کم گرفتن
Think it is greater than really is
دست بالا گرفتن، زیلد برآورد کردن
Think it is greater than really is
دست بالا گرفتن، زیلد برآورد کردن
Weigh v
Evaluate سنجیدن
Be important مهم بودن، ارزش داشتن
Have weight وزن داشتن
Overstate, amplify, magnify
اغراق کردن، مهم جلوه دادن
Give out, circulate, scatter
توزیع کردن، پخش کردن، پراکنده کردن
Split up, scatter, dissipate متفرق کردن، یا متفرق شدن، پخش کردن
Breed, growتکثیر دادن گیاه
Spread انتشار دادن، پخش کردن
Extend پخش و منتشر شدن
Open outپهن کردن
Expansion گسترش
Extensive, universal, common
گسترده، عمومی و وسیع، رایج و متداول
Extensive, universal, common
گسترده، عمومی و وسیع، رایج و متداول
Throw, spread
پراکنده شدن، پخش کردن
Flow, move around, spread به گردش درآمدن، چرخیدن، پخش شدن
Send out, release
ساطع کردن، منتشر کردن
Send overseas , spread
صادر کردن، فرستادن، نشر دادن
Buy from abroad, bring in
وارد کردن
Spread, distribution انتشار، پراکندگی، توزیع
Scant, scarce, scattered
اندک، پراکنده و کم پشت
Recognize, determine
شناسایی کردن، مشخص و تعیین کردن
Similar, the same (exactly)
همانند، دقیقا شبیه بهم
Identify, determine, discover,
مشخص کردن، کشف کردن
Control, specify,
تعیین و مشخص کردن
تصمیم گرفتن
Discern, recognize, see, detect
درک نمودن، تصور کردن، دیدن، پی بردن
Recognition, awareness
درک، آگاهی، دریافت
Identify, acknowledge, know
شناختن، تشخیص دادن، پی بردن
شناسایی، درک
تصدیق، تایید، پذیرش
Related to the process of knowing
Differentiate, discern
تمییز دادن، تشخیص دادن
Notice, discern, solve, clear up
پیدا کردن، کشف کردن، دریافتن
Discernment, discovery
تشخیص، کشف، شناسایی
Perceive, make out, recognize
تشخیص دادن، کشف کردن، تمییز دادن
State, identify, clearly describe
مشخص و معین کردن، تصریح نمودن
معیار ، مشخصه، ویژگی،
Recognize, grasp, arrest, catch
فهمیدن، گرفتن، دستگیر کردن
Identify, determine
تشخیص دادن (بیماری یا مشکل)
Describe, present, outline
توصیف کردن، مشخص و تبیین کردن
Designate, indicate, suggest
مشخص و آشکار کردن، نشان دادن
Specify, set down
تصریح نمودن، مشخص نمودن
Inform, tell, report
مطلع کردن، آگاهی دادن، باخبر کردن
Attention, notification
توجه، خبر و اطلاع
متوجه شدن و پی بردن
Notice board
Pinboard, bulletin board
تابلو اعلانات
Continue, keep on
Stand firm
ادامه دادن، ادامه داشتن
پافشاری کردن
Insist on
Stand firm, persist
پافشاری کردن، اصرار نمودن
Ascribe, symbol, characteristic
نسبت دادن، مشخصه، ویژگی، کیفیت
Attribute, assign, associate with
نسبت دادن، مرتبط دانستن
Bear on
Be relevant to, relate to
نسبت داشتن، مربوط بودن
Attribute, quality, characteristic
ویژگی، مشخصه، خصوصیت
Characteristic, attribute
ویژگی،مشخصه، صفت
Attribute, feature, typical
مشخصه، ویژگی، وجه تمایز، نشانه
Feature, facet, appearance
ویژگی، جنبه، ظاهر و منظر
Aspect, feature, side
جنبه، ویژگی، ظاهر، بخش
Pin, sign, symbol
نشان و علامت مخصوص
Ethnic group,
نژاد یا گروه های نژادی، ملت
رقابت ، مسابقه
Ethnic group, people, group
طایفه، قبیله، گروه، قوم
National, racial, cultural
قومی، نژادی
Establish, set up, build
تاسیس کردن، راه انداختن، ساختن
Of a foundation, of a base
بنیادی، پایه ای
Basic, underlying, foundational
اساسی، پایه ای، زیربنایی
Set up, initiate, found
برپا کردن، بنیان نهادن، ثابت کردن
Build, erect, form, set up
ساختن، بنا نمودن، شکل وفرم دادن
Construction, building
ساختن، برافزاشان، تاسیس
Found, establish,
Run aground
بنا کردن
زمینگیر شدن، به گل نشستن
Set up
نصب کردن، راه اندازی نمودن
Follow, chase, strive for
دنیال کردن، پیروی کردن
Path, traces
Follow, trace
مسیر ، اثر، رد پا
دنبال و پیگیری نمودن
Track down, find,
Vestige, sign
ردیابی و پیدا کردن، تعقیب نمودن
ردپا و اثر
Follow, go after
دنبال کردن چیزی برای گرفتن یا کشتن
Pursue, run after, seek to attain
دنبال نمودن، تعقیب کردن
Portion, part,, piece, ratio, size
نسبت،سهم از کل، تناسب،میزان
Share out, allocate,
Part, quota
تقسیم کردن، قسمت، بخش،سهم
Share, allocation, limit
سهم، سهمیه، مقدار محدود و مشخص
Part, essential, piece, bit, unit
عنصر، جز سازنده، بخش، مولفه