34 Flashcards
1 [intransitive, transitive] to control someone or something or to have more importance than other people or things
The industry is dominated by five multinational companies.
New Orleans dominated throughout the game.
Her loud voice totally dominated the conversation.
Education issues dominated the election campaign.
2 [transitive] to be larger and more noticeable than anything else in a place
The cathedral dominates the city.
To do list
1 a list of problems or subjects that a government, organization etc is planning to deal with
be high on the agenda/be top of the agenda (=be one of the most important problems to deal with)
Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.
2 the ideas that a political party thinks are important and the things that party aims to achieve
The Republicans have stuck to their conservative agenda.
3 a list of the subjects to be discussed at a meeting
the next item (=subject) on the agenda
be high on the agenda
New measures to combat terrorism are high on the agenda.
be (at the) top of the agenda
Energy efficiency is top of the agenda.
be on the political agenda
Immigration is an important issue on the political agenda.
have an agenda
Brown has an agenda for the university’s future.
set an agenda (=decide on the problems you want to deal with)
The new government set an agenda for constitutional reform.
put something on the agenda
This incident has put the issue of racism firmly back on the agenda.
agree an agenda
The meeting ended in chaos as representatives were unable to agree an agenda.
establish/create/provide an agenda (=begin to have an agenda)
We need to establish an agenda for future research.
There are a lot of advantages in/to group work
Advantage in/to
Find a solution to/for a problem
They sit in silence
They are quite
First-year student
دانش اموز یا دانشجوی سال اولی
Do research on/about something
On / about
Avoid something
Avoid doing something
حرف اضافه ندارد
Set a rule
Make a rule
Agree the deadline
Accept the deadline
Opposite of meet the deadline
Miss the deadline
1 someone who gives private lessons to one student or a small group, and is paid directly by them
The children were educated at home by a succession of tutors.
► see thesaurus at teacher
2 a teacher in a British university or college → tutorial
Vowel sounds
حروف صدادار
Look after somebody
Take care
Look for somebody
Search for sb/sth