82-work Flashcards
She can fill an audience with joy or bring people to tears.
او می تواند مخاطب را پر از شادی کند یا اشک مردم را درآورد.
ˈplʌmə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable]
someone whose job is to install or repair water pipes, baths, toilets etc
Install something
Put in some equipment so that it is ready to use
someone who is skilled at repairing motor vehicles and machin
1 a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods SYN truck
2 → it fell off the back of a lorry
someone whose job is to connect or repair electrical wires or equipment
someone whose job is making and repairing wooden objects
ˈkɑːpəntə $ ˈkɑːrpəntər/
1 a woman whose job is to take care of the children in a family, usually in the family’s own home
She found a job as a nanny with a wealthy Italian family.
2 British English informal grandmother – used by children SYN nan
the nanny state
especially British English a government which tries to control the lives of its citizens too much
Take care of somebody/ something
Care for somebody/something
Look after some body or something
Travel agent
someone who owns or works in a travel agency
Makes travel arrangements for people
Make arrangement for somebody/something
Make plans or preparations for something/somebody
Estate agent
British English someone whose business is to buy and sell houses or land for people SYN real estate agent, realtor American English
a person, company, or country that buys goods from other countries so they can be sold in their own country OPP exporter
someone who is specially trained to perform religious duties and ceremonies in the Christian church
2 a man with religious duties and responsibilities in some non-Christian religions
priest someone who is specially trained to perform religious duties and ceremonies in the Christian church
a Catholic priest
a Buddhist priest
Women priests are much more common these days.
The priest who married us was very friendly and helpful.
bishop a priest of high rank in some branches of the Christian church, who is the head of all the churches and priests in a large area
the Bishop of Oxford
a meeting of bishops
vicar a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church in a particular area
our local vicar
preacher someone who gives the sermon (=a religious talk as part of a church service) in some Protestant churches
a Methodist preacher
minister the formal word for any priest in some branches of the Christian church
In 1843,450 ministers of the church broke away from the established church of Scotland.
chaplain someone, especially a priest, who takes care of the religious needs of an organization such as a college, hospital, prison, or the military
the prison chaplain
pastor American English someone who is in charge of the prayers, ceremonies etc in some branches of the Protestant church
a Baptist pastor
rabbi the person who is in charge of the prayers, ceremonies etc in the Jewish religion
Israel’s chief rabbis
mullah a Muslim teacher of law and religion
The people turned to their traditional leaders, the mullahs.
holy man someone who is treated with great respect by people who belong to a religion
A Sadhu, or Hindu holy man, was performing yoga on the banks of the River Ganges.
the clergy the official leaders in organized religions, such as the priests, rabbis, and mullahs
Around 30 members of the clergy gathered for the meeting.
clergyman a male member of the clergy – used especially in the past
His youngest son decided to become a clergyman.
Civil servant
someone employed in the civil service
All government departments except the military