People Flashcards
Edward Jenner
smallpox #cowpox #milkmaid #vaccination
Discovered & Administered Vaccinations
Developed Pasteurization
Louis Pasteur
Disproved Spontaneous Generation
Louis Pasteur
Developed Aseptic Techniques
Louis Pasteur
Proved Microorganisms cause Disease
Louis Pasteur
Showed Some Virulent Bacteria Can Become Avirulent Over Time
Louis Pasteur
Rudolf Virchow
showed all cells come from other cells
(omnis cellula e cellula)
Used Phenol (carbolic acid) to Sterilize Wounds
Joseph Lister
Robert Koch
Developed “Koch’s Postulates” stating that specific microbes cause specific diseases.
i.e. Bacillus antracis causes anthrax.
Discovered Penicillin
Alexander Flemming
Developed Salvarsan “The Magic Bullet” to Treat Syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
Defined Archaea in 1977 and estabilished the 3 Domain system
Carl Woese
Father of Modern Taxonomy
(developed the taxonomic system with binomial nomenclature)
Carolus Linnaeus
Proposed the 3 Domain System
Carl Woese
Wrote the Manual of Determinative Bacteriology and Manual of Systematic Bacteriology
David Henricks Bergey
Developed the 1st Compound Light Microscope in 1595
Zacharias Jansen
Developed the 1st Simple Light Microscope in 1670
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Discovered Biofilms
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Introduced Antisepsis Techniques into medical practice by having doctors wash their hands with Calcium Hypochloride
Ignaz Semmelweis
Known as “The Savior of the Mothers”
Ignaz Semmelweis
Discovered Transformation of DNA
Federick Griffith
Discovered Transposons
Barbara McClintock
Discovered Lysozyme
Alexander Flemming
Discovered Protosil, a red dye and sulfa- derivative, to proect against staph and strep infections
Gerhard Domagk