peer review Flashcards
1st stage - submission
researchder submits article to a journal
2cnd stage - experts
journal selects two or more appropriate experts to review article without payment, the peer reviewers asses methods and design used, originality of findings and validity of original research findings, content structure and language
3rd stage - feedback
feedback from reviewers determines if article accepted or not, the article may be accepted as it is, without revisions, or sent back to author to revise and resubmit or rejected without possibility of submission
4th stage - editor
editor makes final decision on whether to accept or reject the research report based on the reviewer’s comments and reccomendations
what is single blind
most usual - where name of reviewers are not revealed to researcher
what is double blind
both reviewers and researchers are anonymous
what is open review
reviewers and researchers known to each other
why is this necessary
ensures integrity of researcher - have to be honest and validates conclusions - mistakes and errors can be raised, false research isn’t published
file drawer problem
journals have a tendency to publish positive findings rather than negative, contributes to file drawer effect as only statistically significant studies published