Pathology 6 - MSK Flashcards
Osgood-schlatter disease - other names
traction apophysitis
Osgood-schlatter disease - causes
repetitive tension to the patellar tendon over the tibial tuberosity in young athletes
this can result in a small avulsion of the tuberosity and swelling
Osgood-schlatter disease - signs and sym
point tenderness over the patella tendon at the insertion on the tibial tubercles
antalgic gait
pain with increasing activity
Osgood-schlatter disease - treatment conservative
flexibility exercises
elimiting activities that place strain on the patella tendon such as squatting, running or jumping
Osgood-schlatter disease - age of onset
period of growth or puberty
Osgood-schlatter disease - reproduction of symptoms
resisted knee ext
Osgood-schlatter disease - imaging
xray - used to confirm diagnosis and rule out other patho
Osgood-schlatter disease - infrapatella strap
used to distribute forces
Osgood-schlatter disease - surgical intervention
rare- used in patients that do respond well to conservative treatment
conservative treatment is successful in the majority of cases
Osgood-schlatter disease - how long do sym last for
weeks or months before decreasing
sym can last for a number of years before the tibial growth plates close
OA - chronic or acute disease
OA - patho
causes degeneration of the art cart
subsequent thickening of the subchondral bone
OA - effect primary what joints
weight bearing
OA - more in men or women
men up to 55
women past 55
OA - risk factors
fractures (or other joint injuries)
occupation or athletic overuse
OA - sign and sym
gradual onset of pain
increase pain after activity
increased pain with weather chnages
enlarge joints
limited ROM
heberden’s nodes and bouchard’s nodes
what are heberden’s nodes
bony bumps that develop on the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints of the fingers
what are bouchard’s nodes
bony bumps that develop on the middle joint of a finger