Para2-Nematodes Flashcards
Order Enoplida general features
No phasmids
Stichosome/Moniliform oesophagus
Anterior part narrower than posterior
L1 infective stage
Genus Trichinella
- T.spiralis, T.pseudospiralis
- Very small
- Male with genital claspers
- L1 infective stage, in striated muscle
- Autoheteroxenus cycle
- Viviparous female, shed L1 (has stylet)
- Can create “nurse cells” when encysting
- Domestic or Sylvatic Life cycle
Genus Trichuris
- “Whip Worms” Intestinal, mainly caecum
- T.ovis, T.skrjabini, T.discolor, T.globuosa in ruminants
- T.Suis in pigs
- T.vulpis in canids
- T.campanula, T.serrata in cats
- T.trichiura in human
- Long, narrow oesophagus
- Head on narrower part
- Lemon-shaped eggs with polar plugs, unembryonated
- Male have curved tail and spicular sheat, one spicule
- Eggs with L1, infective stage
Genus Capillaria
- In birds and mammals intestines, sometimes bladder
- C.caudinflata, C.concorta in birds
- C.plica, C.feliscati, C.hepatica, C.aerophila in mammals
- short and narrow
- Males have spicule, non-spinous sheath
- Barrel-shaped eggs with polar plugs, dark brown color
- unembryonated eggs, L1 is infective stage
- Mammal species have direct L.C
- Bird species have indirekt or direct L.C
- Earthworms are I.H and paratenic host
Order Oxyurida general features
- Oxyriform oesopagus
- small to medium size
- Mouth with Three large and Three small lips
- Males with single spicule, precloacal pappilae
- Female longer than males, log pointed tail
- Operculated eggs with one flat side
- L3 is infectious stage
- In large intestine and rectum
- Eggs laid in rectum during night, itching
Genus Passalurus
- In lagomorphs
* P.ambiguus
Genus Oxuris
- In horses
* O.equi
Genus Enterobius
- In human
* E.vermicularis
Order Spirurida general features
“Heart/blood worms”
Ovo-viviparous or viviparous females
Anterior part of body ornamented
Males have ventrally curled tail
Genus Dirofiliaria
*“Heart worm”
*Right ventricle and pulmonary artery
*Female sheds microfilariae into blood stream
*Travels to peripheral vessels during night ->mosquitoes
Genus Acanthoheilonema
In canids
Not pathogenic
Microfiliariae in blood, needs to be destinguished fron Dirofilaria
Genus Ascarops
In swine stomach
Straight pharynx with spirals
Male have curled tail
Genus Strongyloides
*In most animals, Small intestine
*S.papillosus in ruminants and rabbits
*S.westeri in horses and pigs
*S.ransomi in swine
*S.stercolaris in humans ans carnivores, eggs eclosionate in intestine
*S.cati in cats
S.avium in birds
*Females parasitic, lay egg by parthenogenesis
*Alternating Life cycle (free-living vs parasitic)Homogonic vs heterogonic
*Parasitic stage: adult female in small intestine)
*Larvated eggs with thin shell shed in faeces
*L1 have rhabditiform esophagus (malesfemales)
*L3 has filariform esophagus, infective (female)
*Hyperinfection and autoinfection has been described
Order Ascaridida general features
Mouth with Three lips
Males with two spicules
Eggs with thick Shell
In small intestines
Genus Ascaris
In swine and man
Eggs with thick pitted Shell “turtle-shell”
Male have curled tail
Genus Toxocara
ZOONOTIC (Visceral Larva Migrans)
Canids, felids, cattle
Pigmented egg content, pitted outer Shell
Cervical alae
Genus Toxascaris
ZOONOTIC (Visceral Larva Migrans)
Canids and Felids
Eggs with pale egg content smooth outer Shell
Cervical alae
Genus Parascaris
In horses
Eggs with thick pitted Shell, dark Brown color
Curled tail in males
Genus Anisakis
In stomach of marine mammals
L3 with tooth on head, mucron at tail end
Genus Ascaridia
In small intestine of birds
Non bursated males, alae and precloacal sucker
Eggs oval with smooth Shell, less content
Genus Heterakis
In caecum of birds
Non bursated males with alae, precloacal sucker
Eggs with smooth Shell, more content
Smaller than Anisakis
Order Strongylida general features
Three superfamilies
Strongyliform oesophagus
Males with copulatory bursa
Strongyle type eggs
Genus Ostertagia/Teladorsagia
In abomasum of ruminants
Females with large vulvar flap, ovijectors
Long, thin spicules of similar shape
“Good weather forecasters”
Genus Haemonchus
In abomasum of ruminants
Female with large vulvar flap, “barbers-pole”
Males have barbed spicules, asymmetrical dorsal lobule
Genus Nematodirus
In duodenum/small intestine of ruminants
Long, slender spicules with fused tips
Eggs large and ovoid, thin Shell, colourless, >16 blastomeres
Genus Trichostrongylus
In small intestine of ruminants, also birds
Small and very thin
Male have short asymmetrical spicules
Genus Dictyocaulus
Great lungworm of ruminants and horses
Males with short copuatory bursa, s-shaped undulating spicules
Ovo-viviparous females
Eggs with fully developed lvae, fast hatching=L1 in faeces
Genus Ancylostoma
ZOONOTIC (visceral Larva Migrans)
In small intestine of carnivores
Anterior part distinctly curved “hookworms”
Large buccal capsule with 3 pairs of marginal teeth
Genus Uncinaria
ZOONOTIC (Visceral Larva Migrans)
In small intestine of carnivores
Chitinous cutting plates on buccal capsule
Males have copulatory bursa and culed tail end
Genus Oesophagostomum
In small intestine of ruminants and swine
“nodular worm” due to nodules when reinfected
Cephalic and cervical vesicles, alae, papilla
Genus Chabertia
In large intestine of rumnants
Very developed buccal capsule
Genus Strongylus
In large intestine of horses
Very common and important
have 0-4 teeth
Larval migratory routes
Genus Muellerius/Cystocaulus/Neostrongylus/Protostrongylus
Small lungworms of ruminants
Differentiated due to tail appendices
Genus Metastrongylus
Lungworm of swine
In diaphragmic lobes of lung and bronchi
Larvated eggs in faeces
Male with coulatory bursa and long spicule
Genus Aelurostrongylus
Lungworm of felids
Ornamentation at end of tail
Genus Angiostrongylus
Lungworm of canids
Tail with dorsal and ventral notches
Order Dioctophymatida, Doctophyme renale
- In parenchyma and renal pelvis of fish-eating carnivores
- Largest known nematode <1m
- Blood erd color, hematophagous
- Male with copulatory bursa and one spicule
- Barrel-shaped eggs with thick pitted Shell, unembryonated
- Eggs develop in water
- Occlusionate in I.H (parasitic annelids og caryfish),
- L4 penetrates intestinal wall-> kidney of D-H
- Frogs and freshwater fish is paratenic host
Order Rhabditida general features
- With phasmids
- Rhabditiform esophagus
- Small buccal capsule with 3-6 lips
- Female with reduced reproductive organs
- Alternate prasitic and free-living phases
Genus Habronema
- Habronema Muscae
- Mucosa of Equine stomach
- Yellow-orange color
- Elongated transparent eggs, thin Shell
- Eggs eclosionate in stomach/intestine
- L1 ingested by larvae of fly, L3 in proboscis
- L3 is laid in lips of horses
- Gastric or cutaneous Hebronematosis
- L3 can be laid in difefrent places, but cannot evolve
Genus Thelazia
- In conjuctival sac and lacrimal duct
- T.gulosa, T.rhodesi, T.skrjabini in cattle
- T.alfortensis, T.lacrymalis in horses
- T.californiensis, T.callipeda in carnivores
- Thin, small, whitish
- Viviparous females
- L1 ingested by flies, eggs laid in D.H by flies contain L3