Palate Flashcards
What is the surface anatomy of the hard palate
Keratinised stratified squamous epi
What is the surface anatomy of the soft palate
Non-keratinised stratified squamous epi
What is palatal rugae
Horizontal lines run Anteriorly mucosal ridges
What is the incisive papilla
Bump over incisive foramen
What is the palatine raphe
Bones join the middle mucosa two palatal sheets come to join
What is underneath the stripped mucosa
Hundreds of minor salivary glands
Mucosa tightly attached to bone
What is cleft palate
Failure of the lateral palatine processes meeting and fusing together
What complications does cleft palate lead to
Dental health
What is the innervation of the tongue
Greater and lesser palatine nerves
Form V2
Nasopalatune nerve
Where does the nasopalatine pass throu and supply
Pass - incisive foramen
Supply - palatal gingivae of anterior teeth and mucosa of anterior palate
What nerves supply where in the nose
V1 anterosup
V2 posteroinf
What is the somatic sensory innervation of the palate
Incisive branch of nasopalatine anterior
Great palatine nerves
Lesser palatine nerves posterior
What lymphatic drainage drains the anterior prospect of the palate
Submandibular node
What is the est of the lymp antic drainage of the palate
Retropharyngeal nodes
Cervical lymph nodes
Jugulodigastric nose - just for tonsil
Where is the palate tonsil
Between 2 arches
One of largest tonsils
What arch heads done to the tongue
Palate glossal arch
What is the more posterior arch
Palatioharyngeal arch
What is the uvula
Dangle bit
Skeletal muscle of soft palate
What does the levator veli palatini
Elevates palate
Starts lateral and goes medial
What is the tensor veli palatini do
Tenses palate
Starts lateral and stays lateral tenses soft palate stretch palate rather than lift
What is the palatoglosses
Palate towar tongue
Try get palate and tongue closer together when it contracts
What does the palatopjaryngeus do
Longitudinal muscle of pharynx
Try get palate and pharynx closer together
What is the muscle that technically consists of two. Muscle at each side joining in the middle
Musculus uvulae
What innervates the soft palate
Vagus and cranial accessory innervate all but tensor veli palatini which is supplied by V3
What is the palatine aponeurosis
Tensor veli palatini
Attaches superiorly to sphenoid bone
Tendon turns medially around pterygoid hamulus and enters soft palate
The tendon flattens out in soft palate and joins with tendon of the opposite muscle to form palatine aponeurosis
How do clinical test the innervation is correct
If nerves function normally - uvula lift midline
If unilateral uvula pulled away form functioning Side
Ask out to say aaaahhhhh
What is the soft plates function as a trapdoor
Stops food entering nose during swallowing
Directs air into nose or mouth
Close off entrance into pro pharynx during gag reflex
What are the osteological features of the palate
Incisive canal Palatine foraminae - greater and lesser Median palatine suture Palatine process of maxilla Horizontal plates Pyramidal processes Lateral and medial pterygoid plates Maxillary tuberosity