Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
Where is the infra temporal fossa
Below the temporal fossa ( which is the depression on the lateral aspect of getting skull containing th temporal is muscle)
Anterior boundary - maxilla
Posterior extension is the spine of sphenoid and articular tubercle
Superior margin is grater wing of sphenoid
Medial boundary is lateral aspect of lateral pterygoid late
Lateral boundary is the ramus of mandible
Inferior boundary is medial pterygoid MUSCLE
What is i the infratemporal fossa
Lateral pterygoid - inferior part of temporal is muscle tendon onto coronoid
Medial pterygoid
Pterygoid venous plexus - engaged posterior extension of articular disc when close to rain blood away
Maxillary artery
Nerves - v3 ( sensory and motor branches) otic ganglion hangsmediAl pterygoid ( hypoglossal and secretomotor to parotid gland) chordae tympani ( branch of facial nerve that joins with Lingual nerve which is a branch of Vc)
Describe the structure of the lateral pterygoid
Superior and inferior heads
Superiorly positioned
Superior head is thin
Inferior head is larger
Describe the structure of the medial pterygoid
Superficial and deep heads
Vertical orientation
What does the medial pterygoid do and what is it innervated by
Jaw closing nd innervated by trigeminal motor root
What does the lateral pterygoid do and what innervates It
Jaw opening and the motor root of trigeminal
Describe what the pterygoid venous plexus is
Plexus of veins around the lateral pterygoid muscle
Connects with facuka and deep facial veins
Connects to cavernous sinus
Drains into maxillary vein
Displaced upper 8 be issues for bleeding
What dos the posterior branch of the retromandibular join with to form
Joins with posterior auricular to form the external jugular vein
What dos the terror retromandibular vein join with to form
Joins with facial vein to form common facial
what Forma the retromandibular vein
Maxillary vein and superficial temporal
What is the pathway of the maxillary artery
Pass through parotid gland through neck of mandible and sphenomandibular ligament to enter the infratemporal fossa
What dos the max artery arise form
The external carotid artery
What are the branches of the anterior division of CN V3
Many motor branches to masticatory muscles ( masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoid)
1 sensory branch is the long buccal nerve - from skin and mucosa of cheek
What are the branches of the posterior division of CN V3
3 branches
Auriculotemporal - sensory to skin in temporal region and sense to TMJ
Inferior alveolar - motor to mylohyoid and ABD
Lingual nerve - mixed is lingual sensory to tongue relay info of taste from anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
What are the branches of the inferior alveolar nerve
Nerve to mylohyoid and ABD on medial surface of mandible
Mental nerve - sensory to skin of mucosa of lower lip and chin and labial mucosa
Incisive branch - sensory to incisors and canine
Dental branches - sensory to premolars and molars
Why do we need to know about the infra temporal fossa
Local anaesthesia for restoration or extraction of mandibular teeth
Extraction of upper third molar teeth