(P2) Infect Dis: Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity) Flashcards
Name this Slide
- Classify Bacteria:
- Name type of Infection:
- Name type of Disese:
- Name Pathogen:
- Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)*
1. (Gram Negative)
2. chronic infectious - 3.* granulomatous disease
caused by
4. Klebsiella
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
What is the most common site of infection?
The nasal cavity is the most common site of involvement and although lesions may arise in any area of the respiratory airway, the sinuses are rarely affected
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
name the 3 atrophic stages:
1. catarrhal atrophic stage is characterized by blood streaked mucus or mucopurulent nasal discharge & fetid crusts – does not respond to conventional antibiotics
2. infiltrating or granulomatous stage is characterized by non-specific symptoms such as epistaxis, nasal obstruction and anosmia. During that sate granulomatous nodules may develop
- marked cellular granulation tissue rich in plasma cells, lymphocytes and foamy macrophages
3. Sclerotic stage where nodules are replaced by fibrosis tissue causing nasal stenosis and external deformity
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
- Granulomatous and necrotizing lesions
- Vacuolated histocytes containing the klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (Mikulicz cells) which are Large vacuolated histocytes (macrophages w/clear to foamy cytoplasm) containing phagocytosed bacilli (Mikulicz cells)
- Plasmocytes w/Russel bodies
- Degenerated plasmocytes w/eccentric nucleus and deep eosinophilic cytoplasm (Russel bodies)
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
- name the most common site:
- name other sites of infection:
- What is the visible gothic sign:
- Nasal cavity (septum) is the most common site
- paranasal sinuses, orbit, larynx, tracheobronchial tree, middle ear
- d/t fibrosis on the nose (potato nose)
Rhinoscleroma nodules
Russel bodies
Mikulcz cells
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
Russel bodies contain are?
Deposits of hyalinized IgG outside the cells
Name this slide:
- Name the white Foam looking cells & describe them :
- Name the Darker cells with eosinophilic nucleus:
- Name the pink cells (Dots)
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
1. Makulcz Cells- (inflammatory cells) Foamy macrophages w/ clear abundant cytoplasm and small Dark Nucleus
2. Plasma Cells
3. Russel bodies
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
Stains used for bacteria:
- Giemsa
- Gram and Silver Staining
Name this slide:
- name the white foamy cells
- name the cell with eosinophilic nucleus
- What bacteria causes this?
- Where does this infection occur in the body?
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
- Makulicz cells
- Russell bodies
- Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis
- name this slide*
5. Name and describe the 3 stages of this infection?
Rhinoscleroma (the nasal cavity)
1) Catarrhalatropic Stage: blood in mucous or in nasal discharge
2) Granulomatous stage: plasma cells, lymphocytes, foamy macrophage causes inflammatory reaction causing granulomatous nodules
3) Sclerotic stage: nodules are replaced by fibrous titmouse causing external deformity