A chronic systemic autoimmune disorder where the immune system is activated recurrently contributing to inflammation and tissue damage which may affect multiple organ systems
organ systems involved in lupus?
skin MSK renal hematologic CNS pulmonary CV GI ocular
highest incidence of SLE found in?
african americans
asian americans
hispanic american
etiology SLE?
environmental factors
what are the constitutional symptoms of SLE?
cutaneous manifestations?
weight loss/weight gain
lupus specific lesions
-acute, subacute, chronic cutaneous erythematous
name this type of lupus?
localized or generalized
hallmark is butterfly rash to malar region
macular or maculopapular erythema
in severe form, widespread bullae that heal without scarring
acute cutaneous lupus erythematous
name this type of lupus?
non scarring, photosensitive lesions
last for weeks to months and heals without scarring
predilection for back, neck and shoulders
associated with anti SS-A/Ro antibody
drug induced
- terbinafine
- Ca Channel blockers
subacute cutaneous lupus erythematous
papulosquamous lesion
annular polycyclic lesion
subacute cutaneous lupus erythematous
name this type of lupus?
variety of subtypes of photosensitive lesions that can lead to skin atrophy and scar
last for months or years
most common subtype-discoid lupus
other subtypes include: lupus panniculitis, chilblain lupus, mucosal DLE
chronic cutaneous lupus erythematous
discoid lupus
lupus non specific skin lesions
-vasculitis, bullous lesions
cutaneous manifestations
- photosensitivity
- alopecia
- mucosal ulcers
chronic cutaneous lupus erythematous
jaccouds arthritis is often indicated in SLE?
SLE is multisystemic and involves renal, neuropsychiatric, and also pulmonary, GI, ocular, and CV, T/F?
clinical symptoms in SLE?
constitutional symptoms
butterfly rash
hair loss
raynauds phenom
joint pain/swelling
LE edema
SLE lab diagnostics?
Anti- DS DNA
antiphospholipid antibodies
CBC w/ dif
RF and Anti-CCP to rule out
SLE differential diagnosis?
mixed CT diseases
systemic sclerosis
sjogren’s syndrome
viral infections
SLE treatment?
RA consult
multifactorial so comb of therapy indicated
hydroxychloroquine for flaring seen in arthralgias, NSAIDs, then methotrexate and DMARDs next
lifestyle mods like limiting smoking and drinking
A disease that involves autoimmunity, inflammation, functional and structural alterations in small blood vessels and widespread interstitial and vascular fibrosis affecting the skin
and internal organs.
used to describe the presence of hardened, thickened skin.
etiology of scleroderma?
combination of genetics,
environmental factors, drugs, and viruses
risk factors for systemic sclerosis?
genetics with family hx
exposure to EBV or CMVor parvovirus
petroleum based products
drugs like bleomycin
epidemiology of systemic sclerosis?
rare disease 100 to 300 cases per million pop higher incidence in US african americans women 35-50 higher mortality rate
subsets of systemic sclerosis?
limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis
diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis
systemic sclerosis sine scleroderma
systemic sclerosis with overlap syndrome
name this type of systemic sclerosis?
milder symptoms puffy fingers distal to MCPJs but develops also in the elbows/knees and face/neck trunk spread raynauds phenom less severe internal organ involvement CREST syndrome
limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis
what is CREST syndrome?
calcinosis raynauds phenom esophageal dysfunction sclerodactyly telangiectasis
raymauds phenom?
paroxysmal bilateral digital arterial vasospasm
- primary
- sceondary
cold stress induced
younger age group