HIGH YIELD Flashcards
why obtain tests?
rule out of confirm diagnosis screening provide baseline monitoring therapy monitoring homeostatic functions
common reasons to obtain tests?
suspicious of systemic disease (diabetes, RA)
monitor disease progression
preoperative testing
considerations of lab tests?
what are the types?
benefits cost location time risk type panel
culture swab, specimen, aspirate fluid, blood sample
one test is usually not conclusive, T/F?
what are the lab values dependent?
sex age race time of day error
sources of error?
sample contamination sample handling amount of sample lab error performance of test
the performance of test is based on what principle?
cornerstone of reliability?
the cornerstone of reliability is based on what?
accuracy and precision
sensitivity and specificity
example of accuracy and precision?
bulls eye effect
Pap smear is an example of what cornerstone of reliability?
fecal blood test?
what are the examples of office tests?
KOH wet mount prep
woods light examination
dipstick urinanalysis
name this office test:
checks non-fasting blood sugar
random glucose finger sticks
name this office test:
fungal organisms are suspected
dissolves epithelial cells to reveal hyphae
dep on amount of specimen and technique
koh wet mount prep
name this office test:
used on bacteria with fluoresce and occurs on the feet and webspace
wood lights examination
name this office test:
checks for blood, glucose, protein, pH
dipstick urinanalysis
this woods light exam turns erythrasma what color?
coral red
this woods light exam turns pseudomonas what color?
specimens for testing?
synovial fluid analysis
punch biopsy
fungal nail culture
culture swab
what are the culture swab tests?
*significance of sensitivity reports?
gram stain- classification by size and shape of bacteria
culture and sensitivity- growth of organisms
state what antibiotics are sensitive or resistant to the organism
common panel tests?
completed blood count (CBC)
basic metabolic panel (BMP)
comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)
what are lab tests?
hematologic urinalysis blood coagulation chemistries synovial fluid analysis