name this condition:
AKA Mee’s lines
- arsenic
- chemotherapy
transverse leukonychia
name this angle:
angle between the nail plate and the proximal nail fold when viewed form the side >180 degrees in clubbed nails and 160 degrees in normal nails
lovibond angle
name this condition:
spoon shaped nails
- iron deficiency anemia association
- converse of clubbing
- central nail bed atrophy
- concave everted edges
- thumbs more than toes
name this condition:
fragile abnormal layering
- layering and splitting
- distal nail plate splits
- acquired by excessive water exposure then drying cycles
*remember, different than onychorrhexis which displays longitudinal ridging
name this condition:
oil drop sign
splinter hemorrhages
sublingual hyperkeratosis
psoriatic nails
name this condition:
less than half nail bed ecchymotic
nail plate intact and not tender
monitor for spread verses outgrowth
consider subungual melanoma
dermoscopy shows globules of red
hem occult test of nail plate-trephine nail plate
partial subungual hematoma
name this condition:
serum or cold abscess
thickened nail plus shoe
rule out osteomyelitis or subungual exostosis
systemic antibiotics usually not indicated
nail bed seroma
name this condition:
dense corn like hyperkeratosis between the nail plate and nail bed or lip
pressure corn within nail groove
common finding in elderly
apply 1-2 drops of KOH wit DMSO
name this condition:
distal expansion of the hyponychium
-obliteration of the distal nail groove
-avoid debridement abrasions
ventral pterygium
name this condition:
small brown to black 2-3 mms long linear strokes
multiple nails consider systemic disease
few nails-trauma
splinter hemorrhages
name this condition:
periungual tumors
- fleshy hyperkeratotic growths of the proximal nail fold
- distortion and destruction of the nails
- half of tuberous sclerosis patients
- tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
*cafe au lait spots
Koenen’s tumors
name this condition:
clinical types
- distal subungual and lateral
- superficial white type accounts for 2%
- proximal sublingual is rarest
- total dystrophic type represents end stage of chronic infection
dermatophytes cause tinea unguium
-dermatohpytes, saprophytes, yeasts
name this condition:
pruritic pink to purple papules and polygonal plaques
-dorsal pterygium
lichen planus
name this condition:
yellow nails
absent lunulas and cuticles
periungual swelling
impaired lymphatic drainage
yellow nail syndrome
name this condition:
red pink or brown distal band comprising 20-60% of the total nail plate with the remaining proximal portion being clear or whitish
- prominent onychodermal band, wite proximal nails
- found in patients with renal failure
half and half nails
name this condition:
benign tan
melanocytes normal, more plentiful in distal matrix
pigment localized in dorsal half of nail plate arises from proximal matrix
longitudinal melanonychia
name this condition:
nail bed pigment spreads into proximal nail fold skin
normal longitudinal melanonychia is seen through transparent cuticle
-proximal nail fold skin clear of pigment
monitor with sequential photographs
subungual melanoma via Hutchinson’s sign
pseudo-hutchinson’s sign
name this condition:
benign fibroepithelial growths with rough hyperkeratotic surface
treatment resistant
periungual verrucae
name this condition:
proud flesh-capillary overgrowth
pyogenic granuloma
name this condition:
periungual fibrokeratomas
- benign nodules with hyperkeratotic tips arising form the proximal nail fold
- garlic clove fibromas
periungual fibromas
name this condition:
rare benign tumor painful benign overgrowth of digital glomerulus intense pulsating migrainous pains MRI surgical biopsy
glomus tumor
name this condition:
atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema
name this condition:
localized inflammatory skin response to chemical or physical agents
occlusion or chemical or physical irritants
irritant contact dermatitis
name this condition:
T cell mediated generally found in delayed type IV reaction
allergic contact dermatitis
name this condition:
symmetrical fissuring favors thick skin of soles fx of atopic eczema initial symptom of relief long term prevention
juvenile plantar dermatosis
name this condition:
acute palmoplantar eczema
- intensely pruritic
- recurrent episodes
- nickel hypersensitivity
- potent corticosteroids
dyshidrotic eczema-pompholyx
name this type of tinea pedis?
lateral soles
chronic papulosquamous pattern
Rx econazole cream two months
hyperkeratotic type
name this type of tinea pedis?
medial arch
T mentagrophytes
topical corticosteroids initially
vesicular type
name this type of tinea pedis?
lesser toe webs
erythematous peeling eroded toe webs
anti fungal and cotton toe web spacers
interdigital type
name this type of tinea pedis?
unilateral toe
webs and forefoot
fungus and secondary bacterial infection
oral antibiotics, topical antifungal, soaks
ulcerative type
name this condition?
corynebacteria minutissimum upper layer of moist epidermis predisposing factors like high humidity fluoresces coral red under woods light exam treatment options -foot and toe web provide scrubs -econazole -extensive cases require oral erythromycin
name this condition?
nodular melanoma
acral lentiginous melanoma
superficial spreading melanoma
subungual melanoma
pedal melanomas
name this condition?
type I infects soles incubation period ranges 2-6 months asymmetrical infection disruption skin dermatoglyphic lines hyperkeratotic papules and plaques
HPV infections-warts
name this condition?
peak incidence 5-16 years 7-10% of population infected spontaneous remission clinical diagnosis -epidermal ridge flattening -dilated dermal papillae -petechial hemorrhages
plantar verrucae
name this type of verrucae?
HPV type 1,2,4
hands, forearms, 0.25 to 1 cm diameter
common warts
name this type of verrucae?
auto inoculated
-nail biters and cuticle pickers
periungual warts
name this type of verrucae?
flesh colored 2-4 mms papules; may number in the hundreds
face, neck, forearms, knees and dorsal hands
flat warts
name this type of verrucae?
slender, threadlike. horny growths
face, around eyes and eyelids
filiform warts