OCD Flashcards
Genetic explanation of OCD
*OCD due to physical factors in bod
*OCD tends to run in fam suggesting gen predis to OCD is inherited.
*is POLYGENIC condition - caused by many genes that increase vul to OCD)
*candidate genes, comt and sert make ind vul to developing OCD
Explain role of SERT and COMT
SERT- involved in transportation of serotonin (regulates mood)
*if mutated it causes low levels of serotonin which then increases anxiety and symptoms.
COMT- gene involved in regulation of dopamine. 1 form of the gene has been found more common in ppl w OCD that without. This variation causes increase in dop activity, associated w compulsions in OCD
Neural explanations of OCD
*suggests that OCD is caused to IMBALANCE of neurotransmitters- SERT activity.
*mutation is SERT causes SERT to be recycled too quickly by the pre-synap neuron before can activate post-synap.
*low levels lead to anxiety, seen with obsessions in OCD.
Brain Structure
*OCD associated w abnormal function of frontal lobe.
* frontal lobes responsible for logical thinking and decison making r linked to obsessions in OCD, ind unaware of irrational thought process.
*Parahippocampal gyrus associated w processing neg emotions like anx, functions abnormally in ppl w OCD.
Cognitive characteristics of OCD
*obsessive thoughts- unwanted thoughts that repeat and cause anxiety
*awareness- ind are aware that their thought/obessions r irrational
*hypervigilance- OCD maintain constant alertness, attebtion focused on potential hazards.
Behavioural characteristics of OCD
*avoidance of situations that trigger compulsions.
*compulsions- external behviours used to reduce anxiety.
16m of biological ex of OCD
P- Research to uspport genetic explanation of OCD was conducted by Gerald et al. E- H estudied the link betwen twins and genetic vul to OCD. Found that 68% of identical twins shared OCD and 31% non- identical shared. L- Threfore showing that theres gen predisposition to OCD, supporting gen explanation as a biological theory for OCD.
P- despite evidence being provided by tech like brain scans to identify parts of brain linked to OCD like the frontal lobes research has shown other areas of brain are involved too. E- Studies, like Menzies et al. (2008), found abnormalities in the frontal cortex, but other research implicates different regions (e.g., thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex), leading to inconsistent findings. E- This shows that no brain system has been consistently found to pay a role of OCD. L- Threfore limiting the biological ex of OCD as cause and effect cant be established due to inconsistent results to confirm whether changes in brain structure are cause of OCD or result.
Point (P): A limitation of the biological explanation of OCD is the presence of alternative explanations, such as the diathesis-stress model.
Evidence (E): The diathesis-stress model suggests OCD isn’t solely caused by faulty genes like SERT; instead, genes create a vulnerability, and environmental stress determines if OCD develops. Cromer et al.’s research found that over half of the OCD sample had experienced traumatic events, with more severe OCD in those with multiple traumas.
Link (L): This limits the biological explanation, as it may lack validity by not accounting for the role of environmental factors, leading to an incomplete understanding of OCD.
List some limitations of geralds study
*Identical twins share genes and similar environment. If the study dont take account for environmental similarities, it might overestimate the genetic contribution to OCD.
*can confound the results and make it difficult to isolate the effects of genetics from environmental factors.
How does drug therapy work
works to balance levels of neutotransmitters to relive symptoms of OCD.
What drug is used in OCD treatments
*SSRIs- Selective Serotoniv Reuptake Inhibitors, theyre a seretonin agonist (create a response)
Whats the secondary drug option that ca be used if the SSRIs dont work
SNRIs- Seretonin nonerepiphine reupatke inhibitors
How do SSRIs work?
*increase the SERT levels by blocking the re-absoption of SERT into the pre-synap but allowing them to stay in the synpase to stimulate the post-synap neuron
How do SNRI’s work?
*target the increase of SERT and noneprinehine which are linked to regulating mood and reducing anxiety. SNRis block the reabsorption of SERT and noneripinephrine..
Research to support biological treatment of OCD
Research to support was conducted by Soomoo et Al. He reviewed 17 studies of use of SSRIs and found they were more effective to reduce symptoms than placebos. Symptoms reduced in around 70%, therefore showing the effectiveness of drug therapy for OCD. HOWEVER, this study is criticised for only including short term effectiveness for drug ther with long term still to he investigated.
Strength of bio approach ro treating OCD
*P- it’s time effective compared to other treatments like CBT, where patients have to regularly attend therapy sessions whereas drug therapy is quicker resort for some as they just need to consistenly take SSRIs to alivate OCD Symptoms. Compared to CBT its also cheaper for NHS as it requires little monitoring and costs less than psychological treatments, therefore making drug therapy more accessible for all people with different lifestyles.