Oakey AD2 SUPP/ERSA Summary Flashcards
What AMSL ALT is Oakey?
1336ft AMSL
What are the correct headings for RWY 09/27, 05/23 and 14/32?
09/27: 089 and 269
05/23: 044/224
14/32: 134/314
What level of service is provided to defence aircraft within the CTR and class of VMC is used?
Class D separation and class D VMC
What is Oakey CTAF freq?
Do local helicopters have to prefix R/T with ‘Helicopter’ when operating at Oakey?
Not required
Explain what the Oakey FTAs are and what their purpose is:
FTA = Flight training area
Divided into W, NW and NE, these are larger blocks of airspace used for training. They are from 3000-6500ft AMSL with the lowest useable being 3500ft.
Are the LFA boundaries exactly as displayed on the map or do they follow visual features?
They follow the visual feature e.g. roads/rivers, maps move they line so these are still visible
Explain the logic for LFA numbering?
Number on is in the middle, moving clockwise from bottom left thereafter
What are the saturation levels within the LFAs?
Four independent call signs (can be a formation of up to 4 aircraft)
A single coordinated activity (ROBC)
A single formation of 5 or more aircraft
What does SAAFR mean?
Standard use Army Aircraft Flight Route
Explain the naming convention for the SAAFRs:
From West to East, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu
What are the ACPs, what is their naming convention and how are they intended to be used?
ACPs (airspace control points) are waypoints named using a fish theme which are used by ATC when req to help provide separation
E.g. Remain E of Nemo
What are the CIRA gates and how are they intended to be used?
CIRA gates are 6x visual ground features named, West, NW, North, NE, East and South gates.
They are used as transition points for aircraft flying to/out of the LFAs
What are the transit areas, how should they be used and how are they named?
Transit areas are labelled as Whiskey (West), Charlie (Central) and Echo (east).
They are intended to allow flexibility in routing between the CIRA and LFAs. They are SFC to 3000ft IAW LFAs
What are the limits of the YBYO (Brymaroo) and YWYO (Wyoming) CIRA?
Both: 2M radius, SFC - 3000ft
What are the limits of the Oakey CIRA?
5NM radius FM OAK VOR, SFC - 3000ft AMSL
When operating within the CIRA, does a flight plan need to be submitted?
When are start clearance required at Oakey?
Only when stated within the ATIS
What is the R/T for taxi clearance?
OAK GND, KNG 07, Pad XX, ATIS X, (NVIS status if by night)
What is the R/T for an airways clearance?
OAK DEL, KNG 07, For Lima X via X-ray/Yankee/Zulu
Note: add NVG if aided
You are operating within the western edge of L2 and will transit in and out of the Oakey CTR, do you require clearance?
Not if you are remaining within one of the LFAs
You have been cleared to track outbound for the CIRA via a SAAFR, how should you do this?
Depart the Circuit from the appropriate leg, track direct to SAAFR entry gate, fly along the RHS of the SAAFR, don’t cross the centreline.
If departing the SAAFR, give way to oncoming traffic
Call ‘established’ once off the SAAFR
What is a clearance limit and how would it be used?
A clearance limit is for when flying along a SAAFR, ATC will restrict your progress to one of the SAAFR WPs, expecting you to hold until clearance limit has been CX
You are crossing a SAAFR between LFAs, how does this work?
If crossing a SAAFR, clearance into a seperate LFA implies clearance to cross the SAAFR, ATC will pass traffic information as required.
Can aircraft operate in a SAAFR for extended periods of time?
Yes, if they ask for it.
E.g. C/S, Request OPS L5/L8 SAAFR Y between Y1 and Y2 for 15 mins
How is decon managed within the LFA between aircraft?
All aircraft are to monitor and transmit on 135.85
Which areas allow terrain flight (NB 50ft)
LFAs: 1-7
CIRA: N of Dalby/TWB train line (only on certain ROBC sorties)
Which areas allow low flying NB 200ft?
LFA: 8
What actions are required if ATC says “caution wake turbulence”
There are no REQUIRED actions, however as described be cautious, potentially fly approach on upwind side to avoid wake turbulence if concerned
There are two approach freqs, where should they be used?
Lima 4 (outer half), 6 and 7 use 123.7 since they are on the other side of the range and hence go through the repeater
Lima 1, 2, 3, 8 are able to use 125.4
How is deconfliction managed in the LFAs?
Deconfliction within LFA uses Oakey Decon 135.85 to manage traffic
What level of restriction is the Oakey airspace (RA1/2/3) and what does this mean for you?
Oakey is RA2, which means civvies are able to flight plan through only on ERSA routes
Civilian aircraft will be vectored clear of any military traffic
What is D652 and how high does it extend?
Is the Oakey power station, this danger area exists because of hot air rising from vents which causes turbulence
SFC to 2800ft AMSL
What considerations are there regarding the New Acland Coal Mine?
The coal mine is covered by 4 different ROZ (restricted operating zones), these are restricted flying areas promulgated within NOTAMs. They are only active when necessary.
What are the major considerations for CTAF operations at Oakey?
Oakey, TWB and Dalby all have the same CTAF Freqs (127.65), meaning radios can become very congested.
Briefly explain the runway setup and operations at YBOK
Main RWY: 09/27
Supplemental: 05/23 and 14/32
Additional: Taxiway B treated as a runway, 3x helicopter landing areas
What are the physical limits of STAB and how high can you fly?
The STAB is located directly N of taxiway B and east of taxiway Alpha
What are the limits of the HTA (hover training area) and how high can you fly?
Limits: E of RWY 14/32
Not above 100ft AGL
Note: Ops normal calls required on the half hour
Explain operations on the helicopter landing areas/lanes including naming conventions, height and useable areas:
- Lanes 1, 2 and 3 with 3 being to the north, 2 being in the middle and 1 being to the south.
- Not above 300ft AGL
- Downwind end of the land can be requested to be extended 500m to allow extra space
Explain the go around procedure:
Climb to CIRA height, overfly intended landing site in RWY track, track upwind and advise ATC of intentions
Which RWY has no lights by night?
RWY 05/23
When operating in the areas, how often should ops normal calls be made?
Every 30 mins on the hour, can be made 5 mins early.
Note: If 3 mins late, rescue helicopter will be coming out
Explain the three levels of hazardous weather warning and what they mean:
Yellow: Storms within 20NM OR wind speeds above 30KTS not exceeding 40KTS
Orange: Storms within 10NM OR wind exceeding 40kts and/or gusting +15kts or more above mean wind speed
Red: Storms within 5NM OR wind speeds in excess of 5050kts
Explain the process for an offset departure/approach:
Used when aircraft on ground upwind on departure/arrival RWY, TWR will tell you which side to fly on
E.g. “KNG07, offset departure left, RWY 09 short, cleared for T/O” (for departure)
E.g. “KNG07, RWY 09 short occupied, offset left, RWY 09 long cleared to land”
Explain the “Huey” procedure:
Is an air transit corridor that remains clear of all lanes and runways, typically crossing TWY B at B1.
E.g. “KNG 07, air transit for dispersal via Huey, cross bravo at bravo 1”
How does ATC pass traffic during a base call?
ATC will pass traffic for aircraft which are ahead of you in the sequence making a special mention for aircraft on approach for TWY B:
E.g. “KNG 07, 1 ahead, 1 ahead for bravo, RWY 09, cleared to land”
You have been cleared to land on TWY B, are you able to taxi off at the next exit?
A clearance to land on B implies a clearance to taxi clear
Due to low traffic volumes, what freqs are often combined?
ACD will be combined with APP, therefore to talk to ACD, set APP in the aircraft
GND will be combined with TWR
What is the R/T for taxi and clearance into the CIRA?
“Oakey Ground, KNGTXX G’day, received X, Pad A1, for the circuit request clearance and taxi”
”KNGTXX, Oakey ground, cleared CIRA, NA2500ft, taxi HP B2”
“Cleared CIRA, NA 2500ft, taxi HP B2”