General Emergency Handling Flashcards
Which are the “flight critical controls” with which the ICS process must be used?
Slowing engines
Regarding the intermediate and tail rotor gear boxes, what sensors are there that can report faults to the crew? (2)
Temperature sensor
Chip sensors
“ALT” is illuminated on your CCP, what does this mean?
The OTHER person has selected ALT on the ICS
How do you complete a no comms HOTO?
Pump collective
Left <—> Right cyclic
Why do we fly at 328RRPM if 100% efficiency at 315? (2)
Extra buffer of NR
Better tail rotor authority
How can you easily identify which engine is at fault during an engine overspeed/failure?
High NR = High engine is at fault
Low NR = Low engine at fault
What causes a “PWR Class A”?
TQ difference greater than 20%
NG difference greater than 7.5%
How can ground roll distance be calculated during roll on landing?
Every 10kts GS = 30m (100ft) rolling distance
What are the signs and symptoms of VRS in ARH?
- Erratic pitch and roll
- High and increasing RoD
- Sluggish control response
What are the conditions that lead to VRS in ARH?
- Low IAS, below 30KIAS
- Power applied
- RoD above 500ft/min
You are on approach when the aircraft attitude starts to wander and the correction you make is delayed and sluggish, what is likely happening to the aircraft and what is your response?
Likely VRS:
- Lower the nose to increase IAS
- Reduce PWR if possible
- Maintain airspeed, recover via collective
- Shoulder harness ………………………………. Locked.
- Distress signal ………………………………… Transmit.
- IFF emergency …………………………………….. Select.
- Pre-landing checks ………………………….Complete (if time permits).
- ECP, SLOW ……………. Select (inflight case only).
- EEP ……………………………………………… SHUT OFF.
- FCP, PUMP …………………………………………….. OFF.
You are the flying pilot, what is the I-C-S procedure?
“EEP 1 Identified” - AC
“Confirm left EEP” - You
“Left EEP confirmed” - AC
“Select SLOW/Shutoff” - You
For any emergency below 1000ftAGL, what is one of the primary considerations as part of Aviate within ANCA?
Establish the aircraft in a climb ASAP
If landing ASAP, at what point does landing with a tailwind present significant risk?
Greater than 15kts starts to make landings dangerously fast unless terminating to a runway
After an OEI landing, is it acceptable to ground taxi the aircraft off the RWY?
Yes (according to Rich)
During HOGE within the H/V curve and the ENG has failed, for a vertical descent should you jettison?
Depends RoD but probably not since you will land on the stores (fuel/explosives consid)
What are the first indications presented to the crew when an engine fails? (3)
PWR Class A w/M Alarm
Nr decreasing
Possible yaw right
What happens if during an OEI, the aircraft is currently in SUP and the INT button is selected on the collective?
Nr will decay (since the blades will maintain the same angle)
You are running out of time in SUP and need to maximise your climb to avoid obstacles, what can you do IOT keep the rotors at 315 going from SUP —> INT?
While in SUP, lower to top of MAX and select INT, this COL position will bleed rotors to ~315RRPM
Additional tail rotor control assistance is provided by which HYD system?