Night Flying Flashcards
What is the acronym to remember the visual illusions on goggles and what does each letter mean?
What illusions are associated with FFF?
False horizon
Flicker vertigo
What illusions are associated with CRASH?
Confusion with ground lights (stars or lights?)
Relative motion (Other lights/long grass move and you feel like you’re moving)
Autokinesis (single light apparent motion)
Size/distance (hard to tell)
Height (Hard to tell)
What illusions are associated with SAR-CL+H
Structural illusion (rain/snow)
Altered plains of reference (ridge line become false horizon)
Reversible perspective (difficult to judge other A/C motion)
Crater effect
Lack of motion parallax (feels like mot moving over featureless terrain)
What additional equipment is brought to the aircraft during night flying?
Head torch + tape
Finger light
What visual illusions are associated with TopOwl systems?
Crater effect
Automatic gain control