Neurotoxin diseases Flashcards
Identify conditions that require tetanus immunization. Compare and contrast the mechanisms of action of tetanus and botulism toxins. Diagnose botulism from clinical presentation and lab findings. Compare and contrast neonatal forms of tetanus and botulism.
morphology of c tetani
gram positive bacili, obligate spore-forming anerobe
sx of tetanus
muscular contractions (spastic paralysis)
death from tetanus comes from
respiratory failure
cause of neonatal tetanus
appication of infected mud to umbilical stump
structural gene encoding the tetanus toxin
MOA of tetanus toxin
inhibts GABAnergic inhibitory responses to skeletal muscle contractions
treatment for tetanus
control of spams, aggressive debridement of the wound, antitoxin to precent further binding of toxin, drugs
drug treatment for tetanus toxicity
human produced immunoglobulin, and booster immunization
name of vaccine
time frame for tetanus booster
every ten years, 5 years if a wound occurs
3 ways to get botulism
ingestion of contaminated food, ingestion of spores by infants, or wounds
sx of botulism
nausea and dizziness, progressing to eye problems, flaccid paralysis, difficulty swallowing, weakness and respiratory diffuculty.
death from botulism comes from
respiratory failure
pathology of infant botulism
spores ingested by baby germinate in the gut and coionize the mucosa. toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestine
how do bolulism toxins survive through the stomach?
complex with non-toxic proteins that preovide resistance to low pH in stomach
MOA of botulism toxins
blocks release of ACh in the NMJ
treatment for botulism
supportive therapy, and A,B,E antitoxin