Meningitis Flashcards
Identify the major causes of bacterial meningitis. Diagnose bacterial meningitis from clinical presentation and lab findings. Advise pregnant women about how to avoid congenital toxoplasmosis. Diagnose amoebic meningoencephalitis from history and lab findings.
4 virulence factors for N. Menigititidis
1) polysaccaride capsule
2) pili adhere to mucosal cells
3) OUter membrane
4) IgA protease
what in the N. Menigititidis makes it so virulent
lipooligosaccharide (LOS)
what condition does LOS toxicity lead to
DIC possibly leading to waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome
positive blood culture with clinical presentation of upper resp infection with transient fever and malaise lasting 1-2 days
positive blod culture, generalized malaise, sepsis and rash
clincal sx of meningitis
severe headache, fever, cloudy CSF and menigitis signs
2 clinical signs of menigitis
brudzinski sign, kernig sign
brudzingi sign
cervival rigidity (legs come up with the neck)
kernig sign
hamstring spasm
time petichiae occur
1-3 days after onset of sx
Define Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
acute adrenal insuffinciency from DIC resulting from overwhelming infection
sx of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
abrupt high fever, chills, myalgias, n/v headache and widespread skin lesions
death from Waterhouse-Friderichsen occurs from
pulmonary insuffciency
morphology of N. menigititidis
gram negative diplococci
difinitive diagnosis of N menigititidis
oxidase and chocolate agar positive