Neuro - Pt 3 Sensory and Receptors Flashcards
Cortical Motor Areas:
- Primary Motor Cortex: causes muscle contraction with [] funtions
- Supplemental motor area (anterior to the primary motor cortex): causes muscle contractions with [] [] functions
- Premotor Cortex: capable of controlling [] movements involving [] muscles simultaneously
Cortical Motor Areas:
- Primary Motor Cortex: causes muscle contraction with defined funtions
- Supplemental motor area (anterior to the primary motor cortex): causes muscle contractions with less defined functions
- Premotor Cortex: capable of controlling coordinated movements involving many muscles simultaneously
Brainstem - a [] generator for posture
Receptors can be grouped accroding to…
- The [] of the stimulus
- The type of stimulus []
- Type of [] they elicit
- [] of adaptation
- The source of the stimulus
- The type of stimulus energy
- Type of sensation they elicit
- Rate of adaptation
Receptors grouped according to the source of the stimulus:
- []: respond to stimuli from outside of the body
- []: respond to stimuli from within the body (ex: chemoreceptors)
- Exteroreceptors: respond to stimuli from outside of the body
- Enteroreceptors: respond to stimuli from within the body
Nociceptors actually detect [] [] …not “pain.”
tissue damage
Adequate Stimulus:
- a receptor may be stimulated by many kinds of stimuli, however, there is one form of [] to which it is [] sensitive
a receptor may be stimulated by many kinds of stimuli, however, there is one form of energy to which it is most sensitive
Law of Specific Nerve Energies
- the [] characteristic of a sensory neuron is the one produced by its [] []
the sensation characteristic of a sensory neuron is the one produced by its adequate stimulus
Receptors grouped according to the type of sensation they elicit:
- This is termed []
- Include: vision, smell, taste, muscle tension, blood pressure, etc.
- This is termed modality
- Include: vision, smell, taste, muscle tension, blood pressure, etc.
Receptors grouped according to their rate of adaptation:
- Slowly adapting - [], static receptors
- Respond [] during stimulation
- Inform the [] of the status of the body in relation to surroundings
- Rapdily adapting - [], dynamic receptors
- Respond at a [] rate during []application
- Reacts [] when a change in th elevel of stimulation takes place
- Slowly adapting - tonic, static receptors
- Respond continuously during stimulation
- Inform the CNS of the status of the body in relation to surroundings
- Rapdily adapting - phasic, dynamic receptors
- Respond at a decreasing rate during stimulus application
- Reacts strongly when a change in th level of stimulation takes place
Generator Potential of Receptors:
- Very similar to a [] potential…NOT an [] []
- It is [] change in the membrane potential of the receptor in proportion to the [] of the stimulus
- It is a [] potential at the receptor
- Very similar to a graded potential…NOT an action potential
- It is a graded change in the membrane potential of the receptor in proportion to the magnitude of the stimulus
- It is a local potential at the receptor
Stimulus Intensity Discrimination:
- Firing frequency: stronger stimuli = [] firing rates. Stimulus intensity is derived from [] of impulses
- Recruitment: As the strength of the stimulus [], more receptors fire
- Threshold stimulus: it is the [] stimulus that can be detected.
- Firing frequency: stronger stimuli = faster firing rates. Stimulus intensity is derived from frequency of impulses
- Recruitment: As the strength of the stimulus increases, more receptors fire
- Threshold stimulus: it is the weakest stimulus that can be detected.
Sensory Neuron Location:
- Each sensory neuron receives information from a particular sensory area or its [] []
- Each sensory neuron projects to a specific spot on the [] cortex
- [] [] : While receptors are being stimulated are firing, their adjacent receptors are inhibits.
Sensory Neuron Location:
- Each sensory neuron receives information from a particular sensory area or its receptive field
- Each sensory neuron projects to a specific spot on the cerebral cortex
- Lateral Inhibition: While receptors are being stimulated are firing, their adjacent receptors are inhibits.
Receptor Stimulus Quality:
- [] [] regardless of how a receptor is stimulated, if it fires, the message received by the CNS is the same.
Receptor Stimulus Quality:
- Labelled line: regardless of how a receptor is stimulated, if it fires, the message received by the CNS is the same.
Receptor Stimulus Quality:
- Law of Projection: no matter where along a [] pathway is stimulated, the cortex will perceive the same [].
- [] [] - feeling pain in a lost limb cuz you old nerves are still there.
- Law of Projection: no matter where along a sensory pathway is stimulated, the cortex will perceive the same sensation.
- Phantom limb - feeling pain in a lost limb cuz you old nerves are still there.
Receptor Stimulus Quality:
- Feature detectors: neurons in the brain that [] information from a variety of sensory fibers and fire to indicate the presence of a [] stimulus - higher level processing
- Feature detectors: neurons in the brain that integrate information from a variety of sensory fibers and fire to indicate the presence of a complex stimulus - higher level processing
Vibration Reception:
- Receptor is [] Corpuscle
- Mediates fine [] and []
- Found underneath the []
- [] receptor
- layered like an onion. So a mechanical stimuli deforms the [] layer, which in turn deforms the inner layer and the [] terminal = cell fires.
- Receptor is [] adapting
- only rapid [] are perceived
Vibration Reception:
- Receptor is Pacinian Corpuscle
- Mediates fine touch and vibration
- Found underneath the skin
Encapsulated receptor
- layered like an onion. So a mechanical stimuli deforms the outer layer, which in turn deforms the inner layer and the nerve terminal = cell fires.
- Receptor is rapidly adapting
- only rapid deformations are perceived
- Very Rapidly Adapting = (1 answer)
- Rapidly Adapting = ( 2 answers)
- Slowly Adapting = (3 answers)
- Very Rapidly Adapting = pacinian corpuscle
- Rapidly Adapting = Meissner’s Corpuscle and Hair-follicle receptor
- Slowly Adapting = Ruffini’s Corpuscle, Merkel’s receptors, and tacticle receptors
Pressure Receptor(s):
- Receptor is the [] Corpuscle
- [] and [] receptor
- filled with liquid, and deformation of [] fires the neuron
- Receptor is [] adapting (fires whenever stimulus is present and sustained touch)
- Found in [] capsules and the []ligament.
- Receptor is the Ruffini’s Corpuscle
Encapsulated and multibranched receptor
- filled with liquid, and deformation of skin fires the neuron
- Receptor is slowly adapting (fires whenever stimulus is present and sustained touch)
- Also found in joint capsules and the periodontal ligament.
Touch and Pressure Receptors:
- Meissner’s Corpuscle: encapsulated, [] adapting receptors, located near the [] of skin
- Merkels Receptors: [] shape, [] adapting, located in the [] layer of the skin
- Both are important for localizing [] and for determinig [].
- Meissner’s Corpuscle: encapsulated, rapidly adapting receptors, located near the surface of skin
- Merkels Receptors: Disc shape, slowly adapting, located in the dermis layer of the skin
- Both are important for localizing touch and for determinig texture.
Touch and Pressure Receptors:
- Hair Follicle receptors: [] adapting, detect [] of objects on the skin or []contact
- Free nerve endings: found [] in the skin and in many other tissues. Not as [] as other receptors.
- Hair Follicle receptors: rapidly adapting, detect movement of objects on the skin or initial contact
- Free nerve endings: found everywhere in the skin and in many other tissues. Not as precise as other receptors.
T/F -Sensations of pressure and touch are mediated by nerve endings that are encapsulated, unencapsulated, and also by Free nerve endings.
Temperature Sensations: Warmth Fibers:
- Typically respond around [], reach max response at [] and stop firing at [] C
- Not as numerous as [] fibers
- [] ([]) free nerve endings are thought to serve as receptors.
- Typically respond around 30 C, reach max response at 45 C and stop firing at 47 C
- Not as numerous as cold fibers
- Unmyelinated (C-Fibers) free nerve endings are thought to serve as receptors.
Temperature Sensations: Cold Fibers
- Typically beging to discharge at [] C and firing rate increases as temp drops to [] C…Max firing may be at [] C
- [] ([]) free nerve endings serve as receptors.
- has a [] ending
- [] []
- if temp is raised above 45 C, cold receptors will fire again and person perceives cold.
- Typically beging to discharge at 35 C and firing rate increases as temp drops to 20 C…Max firing may be at 25 C
Myelinated (small type Adelta fiber) free nerve endings serve as receptors.
- has a multibranched ending
Paradoxical cold
- if temp is raised above 45 C, cold receptors will fire again and person perceives cold.
- Where is the temperature “comfort zone”?
- Does the skin perveive hot and cold changes in this range?
- 31- 36 C
- No, skin temperature in this range is not perceived as hot or cold.
- Temperatures below 15 C and above 45 C are perceived as []
- There are cold and warm pain receptors
- These can even be found in the [] []!
- Temperatures below 15 C and above 45 C are perceived as pain
- There are cold and warm pain receptors
- These can even be found in the oral mucosa!
Pain Sensations:
- Receptors found on the free nerve endings of [] and [] fibers
- Adelta - []
- C - []
- Respond to [] stimuli including: mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimuli
- Most pain receptors can be stimulated by [] types of stimuli
- Pain not felt until [] tissue damage has been done.
- Receptors found on the free nerve endings of Adelta and C fibers
- Adelta - myelinated
- C - unmyelinated
- Respond to damaging stimuli including: mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimuli
- Most pain receptors can be stimulated by multiple types of stimuli
- Pain not felt until after tissue damage has been done.
2 Types of pain based on receptor Type
- Fast Pain
- Well-localized, called []/[] pain
- [] receptors carry fast pain
- travels in [] tract
- elicits [] reflex
- Slow pain
- poorly []
- [] fibers carry slow pain
- Travels in [] tract
- elicits nausea, sweating, decreased blood pressure, decreased muscle tone.
- Fast Pain
- Well-localized, called bright/electric pain
- Adelta receptors carry fast pain
- travels in spinothalamic tract
- elicits withdrawal reflex
- Slow pain
- poorly localized
- C fibers carry slow pain
- Travels in spinoreticulo-thalamic tract
- elicits nausea, sweating, decreased blood pressure, decreased muscle tone.
2 types of pain based on duration:
- Acute: when injury heals, pain []..within 2-4 weeks
- Chronic: pain continues 1 month [] usual course of recovery and may [] at intervals
- Acute: when injury heals, pain subsides…within 2-4 weeks
- Chronic: pain continues 1 month beyond usual course of recovery and may recur at intervals
Perception of Pain has 2 aspects:
- Discriminative ([] function) - one can [] judge intensity, location, and quantity
- Affective ([]) - one can [] describe level of suffer due to pain
- Discriminative (cortical function) - one can objectively judge intensity, location, and quantity
- Affective (thalamic) - one can subjectively describe level of suffer due to pain
Referred Pain
- Explained by [] rule, convergence and facilitation
- Each [] nerve innervates a segmental area of [] called a dermatone
- By testing and mapping for deficits in skin [], it is possibel to determine at which level oof the spinal cord injuries have occured.
- Each spinal nerve innervates a segmental area of skin called a dermatone
- By testing and mapping for deficits in skin sensations, it is possible to determine at which level of the spinal cord injuries have occured.
Referred Pain
- Pain from a [] organ may be referred to a patch of skinthat is innervated by tehs ame [] segment as the organ (different from phantom limb)
- In the sensory cortex the [] is mapped, but the [] are not mapped. Therefore, the pain is identified as originating in the []
- Pain from a visceral organ may be referred to a patch of skin that is innervated by the same spinal segment as the organ (different from phantom limb)
- In the sensory cortex the skin is mapped, but the viscera are not mapped. Therefore, the pain is identified as originating in the skin
Referred Pain: 2 Mechanisms
- Convergence
- There are more [] fibers in []nerves than there are axons in the lateral spinothalamic tract
- Somatic and visceral afferents converge on the same [] neuron
- Pain generated in viscera is referred to a [] area
- Facilitation
- Incoming impulses from visceral structures [] the threshold of spinothalamic neurons
- [] activity, which would normally die out in the spinal cord, [] to the brain.
- Convergence
- There are more sensory fibers in peripheral nerves than there are axons in the lateral spinothalamic tract
- Somatic and visceral afferents converge on the same spinothalamic neuron
- Pain generated in viscera is referred to a somatic area
- Facilitation
- Incoming impulses from visceral structures lower the threshold of spinothalamic neurons
- Minor activity, which would normally die out in the spinal cord, passes to the brain.
What are the 2 mechanisms of referred pain?
CNS Analgesic System
The brain is capable of controlling the degree of input from [] to the nervous system via areas inthe [], [], and [] connections in the [] cord.
CNS Analgesic System
The brain is capable of controlling the degree of input from nociceptors to the nervous system via areas in the pons, medulla, and inhibitory connections in the spinal cord.
CNS Analgesic System:
- Pain activates a path beginning inthe [] grey matter of the []-brain and [] pons
- This area synapses in the lower [] and upper []
- These fibers then descend in the spinal cord in the [] columns
- They synapse with neurons in the [] tract, releasing [] that modulate transmissions from nociceptors
CNS Analgesic System:
- Pain activates a path beginning in the periaquaductal grey matter of the mid-brain and upper pons
- This area synapses in the lower pons and upper medulla
- These fibers then descend in the spinal cord in the dorsolateral columns
- They synapse with neurons in the spinothalamic tract, releasing peptides that modulate transmissions from nociceptors
CNS Analgesic System:
- Peptides ([] and []) activate opiate receptors that [] pain signals at the level of the [] []
- Pain signals are inhbited where they synapse at the [] []
- ([] is an example of a narcotic antagonist and would block pathways where opiates act)
CNS Analgesic System:
- Peptides (enkephalins, endorphins) activate opiate receptors that suppress pain signals at the level of the spinal cord
- Pain signals are inhbited where they synapse at the dorsal horn
- (Naloxone is an example of a narcotic antagonist and would block pathways where opiates act)