Endocrine - Pt 2 Thyroid/Growth Hormone Flashcards
One of the main goals of the endocrine system is to properly maintain [] []
energy metabolism
The main sites of hormonal action, in regards to maintaining energy metabolism, are the [], [] [], and []
The main sites of hormonal action, in regards to maintaining energy metabolism, are the liver, adipose tissue, and muscle
- The goal of hormonal energy metabolism maintenance is to keep a constant supply of [] to the tissues
- Blood glucose is closely monitored and maintained between [] - [] mg/dL under normal conditions
- This is important for the tissues that rely heavily on glucose: [], [] [], and []
- The goal of hormonal energy metabolism maintenance is to keep a constant supply of glucose to the tissues
- Blood glucose is closely monitored and maintained between 90 - 120 mg/dL under normal conditions
- This is important for the tissues that rely heavily on glucose: brain, nervous tissue, and RBCs.
The majority of energy stored in the body is stored as glucose/glucose derivatives.
The majority of energy is stored in the form of fat (76%) or protein (23%)
- Glycogenesis = …
- Glycogenolysis = …
- Gluconeogenesis = …
- Lipogenesis = …
- Lipolysis = …
- Proteolysis = …
- Glycogenesis = glycogen formation
- Glycogenolysis = glycogen breakdown
- Gluconeogenesis = Formation of new glucose
- Lipogenesis = Synthesis of lipids
- Lipolysis = lipid breakdown
- Proteolysis = protein breakdown
You expect to see glycogenesis, lipogenesis, and protein Syntheis during fasting state.
You expect to see those things in a fed state when you have “energy” to spare.
You would expect to see gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, proteolysis, and glycogenolysis during a fasting state.
While fasting you are starved of glucose. So you run all these processes to hopefully fuel your body with glucose.
During starvations:
Rank, sequentially, which energy source is used during a starved state, from last to first: Lipid, protein, carbohydrate.
Proteins –> Lipids –> Carbohydrates
- While “starved” your body produces [] [] as an alternative energy source for hte brain
- This is common in [] [] - which causes a metabolic acidosis called []
- One way for a dentist to see this is through the patients [] [] due to acetone.
- While “starved” your body produces ketone bodies as an alternative energy source for hte brain
- This is common in Diabetes Mellitus - which causes a metabolic acidosis called ketoacidosis
- One way for a dentist to see this is through the patients bad breath due to acetone.
Thryoid Hormones:
- Synthesized by [] cells of hte thyroid gland
- Requires [] in diet
- T3 - []
- T4 - [] or []
- Which thyroid hormone is more active and which is greater in number?
- Synthesized by follicular epithelial cells of hte thyroid gland
- Requires iodine in diet
- T3 - triiodothyronine
- T4 - tetraiodothyronine, or thyroxine
- T3 - more active and there is more T4
Thyroid Hormones:
- [] => enzyme that synthesizes T4 –> T3 at [] tissues.
- This is required because [] is more active but [] is more abundant.
Monoiodinase => enzyme that synthesizes T4 –> T3 at target tissues.
- This is required because T3 is more active but T4 is more abundant.
Thyroid Hormone Actions:
- Acts on virtually every [] system in the human body
- Acts synergistically with [] and [] to increase bone formation
- Increases [] metabolic rate = induces synthesis and activity of [] pumps
- Increases [] - positive inotrope ( []) and chronotrope ([])
- Increases [] Rate
- In perinatal period - essential for normal maturation of []…deficiency can lead to []
- Acts on virtually every organ system in the human body
- Acts synergistically with GH and somatomedins to increase bone formation
- Increases basal metabolic rate = induces synthesis and activity of Na+/K+ pumps
- Increases CO - positive inotrope (contractility) and chronotrope (Rate)
- Increases Respiratory Rate
- In perinatal period - essential for normal maturation of CNS…deficiency can lead to cretinism
Do the symptoms show hypo- or hyper-thyroidism?
- Hypoventilation -
- Exophthalmos -
- Increased cardiac Output -
- Myxedema -
- Goiter -
- Hypoventilation - hypothyroidism
- Exophthalmos - - Hyperthyroidism
- Increased cardiac Output - Hyperthyroidism
- Myxedema - Hypothroidism
- Goiter - Both!
Origin of thyroid hormone disturbance helps classify the disorder…
- 1° - origin is the [] []
- 2° - origin is the [] []
- 3° - Origin is the []
- []-[] - disturbance is at a site other than the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis
- 1° - origin is the thyroid gland
- 2° - origin is the anterior pituitary
- 3° - Origin is the hypothalamus
- Ectopic-Origin - disturbance is at a site other than the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis
[] deficiencies often lead to hypothyroidism, and are one of the major causes of [] development.
Iodine deficiencies often lead to hypothyroidism, and are one of the major causes of goiter development.
[] [] is an autoimmune disease in which antithyroid antibodes are produces. This is a common example of [] hypothyroidism
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which antithyroid antibodes are produces. This is a common example of primary hypothyroidism
- Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces [] [] [] (TSI) which are similar in structure to [].
- TSI stimulates the thyroid gland and results in an [] of the thyroid hormones.
- Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) which are similar in structure to TSH.
- TSI stimulates the thyroid gland and results in an overproduction of the thyroid hormones.
Thyroid Hormone Production:
- 1st Step - Iodide []. Iodide is brought into follicular cells from the diet by [] transporters located on the [] membrane.
- These transporters use [] [] transport with Na+ to push I- [] its concentration gradient
- 2nd Step - within the follicular cell, Iodide is oxidized into [] via the enzyme [] []
- 1st Step - Iodide trapping. Iodide is brought into follicular cells from the diet by symport transporters located on the basolateral membrane.
- These transporters use secondary active transport with Na+ to push I- against its concentration gradient
- 2nd Step - within the follicular cell, Iodide is oxidized into Iodine via the enzyme thyroid peroxidase
Thyroid Hormone Production:
- Thyroglobulin is produced in the [] cells and released into the colloid
- Thyroglobulin can now become [] at [] residues.
- Each residue can have either 1 or 2 Iodines added. For T1 ([]) or T2 ([])
- Now the T1 and T2 can join to form either [] or [] which are still attached to [] at this time.
- Thyroglobulin is produced in the follicular cells and released into the colloid
- Thyroglobulin can now become iodinated at tyrosine residues.
- Each residue can have either 1 or 2 Iodines added. For T1 (MIT) or T2 (DIT)
- Now the T1 and T2 can join to form either T3 or T<strong>4</strong> which are still attached to thyroglobulin at this time.
Thyroid Hormone Production:
- Once the thyroglobulin is endocytosed into the follicle cell, it fuses with a [] creating and [].
- Theses enzymes break down the thyroglobulin and release [] and [].
- Thyroid hormones then diffuse into capillaries where they bind to transporter proteins, like []-[] [].
- [] of thyroid hormones are bound to transporter proteins.
- Once the thyroglobulin is endocytosed into the follicle cell, it fuses with a lysosome creating and endolysosome.
- Theses enzymes break down the thyroglobulin and release T3 and T4.
- Thyroid hormones then diffuse into capillaries where they bind to transporter proteins, like thyroxine-binding globulins.
- 99% of thyroid hormones are bound to transporter proteins.
- At the tissues…T4 diffuses into the [] and is converted into T3 via [].
- T3 then diffuses into the [] and binds to a [] [] receptor.
- This complex binds to the [] [] [] [], on DNA, and initiates transcription/translation…ultimaley making the protein that can initiate the hormone []
- At the tissues…T4 diffuses into the cytosol and is converted into T3 via monodeiodinase.
- T3 then diffuses into the nucleus and binds to a thyroid hormone receptor.
- This complex binds to the thyroid hormone response element, on DNA, and initiates transcription/translation…ultimaley making the protein that can initiate the hormone response
An abnormal increase in TSH levels, is usually a sign of a [] disorder
- Growth hormone can act directly on target tissues such as skeletal [], [], [] []
- It can also indirectly through []
- Growth hormone can act directly on target tissues such as skeletal muscle, liver, adipose tissue
- It can also indirectly through IGFs
- Growth hormone acts to mobilize energy stores by
- decreasing [] uptake and use by muscle and adipose tissue
- Increase []
- Growth hormone acts to mobilize energy stores by
- decreasing glucose uptake and use by muscle and adipose tissue
- Increase lipolysis
- There are growth hormone receptors in the liver, which lead to the production of []-[] [] [], or IGFs.
- These are produced in []-[] organs like the liver, kidney, and muscle
- IGFs mediate growth of [] [] and [] by increasing the uptake of [] [] and stimulating [] of DNA, RNA, and proteins.
- There are growth hormone receptors in the liver, which lead to the production of Insulin-like growth factors, or IGFs.
- These are produced in non-endocrine organs like the liver, kidney, and muscle
- IGFs mediate growth of soft tissues and bone by increasing the uptake of amino acids and stimulating synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins.
The general theme of factors which stimulate/inhibit growth hormone release:
- Stimulate - when our nutrient levels are [], and at night, 1-2 hours after [] onset
- Inhibit - when we have an [] in nutrients.
- Stimulate - when our nutrient levels are low, and at night, 1-2 hours after sleep onset
- Inhibit - when we have an excess in nutrients.
During pregnancy, high levels of estrogen inhibit the breakdown of TBG by the liver, and TBG levels []. What are the other effects…
- Total T3 and T4 (bound/unbound) - []
- Free, physiologically active T3 and T4 - []
- Thyroid disorder? - []
During pregnancy, high levels of estrogen inhibit the breakdown of TBG by the liver, and TBG levels rise. What are the other effects…
- Total T3 and T4 (bound/unbound) - increase
- Free, physiologically active T3 and T4 - unchanged
- Thyroid disorder? - euthyroidism
The visible epiphysial line is a defining characteristic of adolescent bone growth.
An adolescent bone will have a visible epiphysial plate
Adults afflicted with Hypersecretion GH will exhibit signs…
- Usually due to GH-secreting pituitary []
- [] bone growth
- [] hand and foot size, and organ size
- [] of tongue,
- [] of facial feature
- insulin []
- glucose []
- Usually due to GH-secreting pituitary adenoma
- Periosteal bone growth
- Increased hand and foot size, and organ size
- enlargement of tongue,
- coarsening of facial feature
- insulin resistance
- glucose intolerance
Hyposecretion of GH –>
- Childhood
- leads to []
- Adulst
- Leads to a mild []
- Childhood
- leads to dwarfism
- Adulst
- Leads to a mild hypoglycemia