Neuro lll Flashcards
Brown Sequard Syndrome
spinal cord split
- at level of lesion, LOS
- below lesion, ips Dorsal Column stuff
- below lesion, contral STT
Pineal Gland is located where and secretes what?
dorsal side of brainstem
- melatonin
Superior vs Inferior Colliculi located where and involved in what?
located dorsal brainstem
superior- visual
inferior - hearing
What is the 1st branch of the internal carotid A.?
JC virus can cause
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, PML
- inflam of white matter at various places
- polyomavirus
Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome
eti: acute gonn or chlamydia
- salpingitis
if AST:ALT ratio is 2:1 think…
Amyloidosis SSx
thickening of tongue
spontaneous ocular ecchymosis
Marfan’s Syndrome is cause by abN of what protein?
Fibrillin 1 Protein
MM - SSx
punched out bone lesion
KD failure
UMN lesion of face causes paralysis of what part of face?
Contralateral of LOWER face
LMN lesion can cause paralysis of what part of body?
ips upper and lower
Bell’s Palsy
Lesion of FACIAL NERVE so upper and lower IPSILATERAL facial paralysis w inability to close eye
(remember CN lll opens the eye)
Cavernous Sinus Syndrome
ophthalmoplegia, loss of corneal and maxillary sensation
CN Vl affected usu
w normal visual acuity
eye too long - near sighted - is called what? vs?
myopia vs hyperopia
abN curvature of cornea is?
sclerosis of eye so bad at accomodation
assoc w systemic inflam. disorder
uvea inflam.
often w viral infx.
assoc w immunosuppression
atrophy of optic disc
CN lV damaged causes what?
eye to move up
CN lll damaged causes what?
eye moves “down and out”
dilation - SNS
Pupillary light reflect: afferent and efferent CN’s?
CN ll - optic for afferent
CN lll - oculomotor for efferent
Marcus Gunn Pupil - test how? damage to?
afferent defect CN ll - damaged
test with “swinging flashlight”
Distortion and Loss of Central Vision is called? seen in what dz?
Scotoma - Macular Degeneration
lesion in MLF, medial longitudinal fasciculus, causes what?
“right INO” means? seen in what Dz?
INO - Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
when CN 3 & 6 can’t work together for eye movements
- problems w horizontal eye movements
- Right INO means lesion in right MLF and right eye paralyzed
- MS
Phenylalanine is a precursor for?
what enzyme?
Tyrosine —>-> catecholamines
- phenyl-hydroxylase
Tyrosine fxns:
- base for synthesis of thyroid hormone
- TCA cycle
- melanin
- catecholamine
What enzyme deficiency is involved in PKU?
What is PKU known for?
phenyl-hydroxylase, so can’t make tyrosine
see in children - #1 cause of mental retardation
Tyrosine is a precursor for?
Dopamine -> NE -> Epi
these are catecholamines
An increase in VMA in urine indicates?
an increase in catecholamine production as VMA is an intermediate in metabolism
Important enzymes to metabolize catecholamines, NE and EPI
What Dz results in an abN increase in catecholamines?
Amino acid precursor of NO?
enzyme in order to make it?
Arginine –> Citrulline
- think “arrrgh” when at the dentist
- NO synthase
What is the precursor for Histamine? What is the enzyme?
- B-1 and Histadine Decarboxylase
What is the precursor for GABA?
Glutamine (primary excitatory neurotransmitter in brain)
Vestibulocerebellum is responsible for?
- think Romberg test
- balance, eye movement
Pontocerebellum is responsible for?
planning and initiating movement
Spinocerebellum is responsible for?
decides how much E to put into a movement
Basal Ganglia/Nucei neurotransmitters are?
this part of the brain is responsible for?
- GABA & Dopa
- smooth movement
What disorders are assoc w the Basal Nuclei?
Parkinsons and Huntingtons Dz
Dz: progressive that results in death. loss of GABA containing neurons usu dt AI (think basal nuclei). see CHOREA
Huntington’s Dz
Dz: damage to substantia nigra (of basal nuclei), see cogwheel rigidity, pill-rolling, resting tremor. IDIOPATHIC
Parkinson’s Dz
MC cause of dementia is?
Characteristic signs of Alzheimer’s Dz
cortical atrophy
neurofibrillary tangles
plaques in cortex
loss of intellectual fx
Tay Sachs: deficiency of what enzyme? child dies at age?
Hexosaminidase A
- lysosomal storage disorder -> deterioration of nerve cells of brain
- 4yo
Hurler Syndrome: xu of what enzyme
mucopolysaccharide overdose - can’t degrade
death at 6-10 yo
- lysosomal alpha-L-iduronidase
Pompe’s: xu of what enzyme?
alpha-glucosidase - glycogen can’t be broken down and causes probs in muscles
Wilson’s Dz: what is it? characteristic lesion?
can’t get rid of copper
- Kaiser Fleisher Ring